Is the right to bear arms outdated.


Lifetime Supporter
Mark, come on, you brits haven't got it right yet and you're couple hundred years older. BTW Hows that free healthcare going and what is it now 17% sales tax.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
What fun would that be Larry?

My point has nothing to do with choosing, or not choosing to view it. More to do with, what's the bloody point!? It's not like anyone is adding anything new here, now is it?

+1000. Fanatics from either side of the fence cannot it seems have a sensible and respectful debate.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Regarding gun registration and background checks...a little history lesson:

"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"
~Adolph Hitler, 1935, on The Weapons Act of Nazi Germany

We all know what followed.

You get an F in history. That quote -- which you gun nuts have all adopted as troof -- is most likely false. More importantly, Hitler actually loosened government regulation of firearms versus the regulation that preceded his government under the Weimar Republic.

The Hitler gun control lie -

I agree this thread is worthless at this point but at least don't go manufacturing history.


Mark, come on, you brits haven't got it right yet and you're couple hundred years older. BTW Hows that free healthcare going and what is it now 17% sales tax.

Try a couple of thousand years Marc. Yes, it takes a lot of experience to screw things up as badly as we do.... :wiseguy:

The Value Added Tax is 20% and is a component of the EEC economic system. We abandoned Sales Tax when we joined the system in the early '70's.

I have always believed the American system of Sales Tax is a very fair one, when revenue generated benefits the locality (City, County and State) in which it is generated and only a small proportion goes to the Feds.

To this date (although I have no real interest in discovering more as I am a zombie with numbers) I have no idea why, what is VAT and how this iniquitous tax is used, save the the burden of this taxation falls mainly on the consumer as businesses can claim their output back (less the input - may have that wrong I stand to be corrected).

Jeff is correct, we do tend to defend the NHS quite blindly. We are knee deep in trivial horseshit at the moment when we should be getting angry with the management deficiencies at the NHS.

Personally, I owe my life to the system and the dedication of the NHS Healthcare Professionals who just may be the last true human beings left in our society.
You are wrong!

Felons can now buy guns at gun shows without a background check.
Felons can now buy a gun from you without a background check.

Manditory background checks for ***ALL*** gun sales would help keep guns from felons.

You do want to keep guns from felons don't you?

OK, time to catch up. Sorry been working on the car for a while. :rifle:

Seriously? "Felons can now buy guns at gun shows without a background check. Felons can now buy a gun from you without a background check."
Like they somehow could not before but now magically they can? It would be more accurate to state; "Felons can buy guns from non-FFL parties (you and me and any other private party in the universe) without a background check - they always have been able to and always will be able to".
No amount of legislation in the world will keep guns out of the hands of bad guys - and "mandatory" checks will not help this one bit. Why? Because bad guys won't comply. Why is this not reasonable to understand?

Back to car stuff.
Well, I tried to read this whole thread, but just got too aggrevated and had to add a few comments...

-I am amazed at how some on this thread think they can decide who had a right to own what. It would be very easy for someone to say that a GT40 was clearly built to drive in an illegal way. Surely it was not intended to drive within the posted speed limits. So there is really NO good reason for the average person to own one! Right?

-And the statistic that keep being posted comparing the #of guns and the # of gun deaths.... This is very misleading. Do you understand the difference between correlation and causation? It is a very small percentage of the guns in the US that are causing those shootings. So even if you could remove 95% of the guns in the US, would would probably not impact the actual guns that are invloved the murders you are showing in your statistics.

-The 'assault' weapon argument is just a political flare to evoke emotion and to sway those that do not posess critical thinking skills. The fact is, that the CT killings could have been performed with just about any semi-automatic weapon. Even a revolver. In fact, an AR-15 platform weapon could have made it easier to disarm this attacker if anyone had been able to get near him.

-Magazine capacity. Whatever... How long does it take to drap an empy mag and reload? <2 seconds. Also, how hard would it be to make your own high cap mag. Not that hard.

-Why is nobody talking about the fact that the CT shooter had est 25-30 minutes to walk around that school killing with impunity? The report of a .223 round carrys quite a distance. So there was nobody within hearing distance that was capable of comming to the aid of these kids?

-Somebody already brought up the LA riots. I will add that the local authorities were ordered to stand down and not try to contain the violence for fear of making it worse. A political decision that caused more defenseless citezens to be harmed and victimized. You cant count on the government to protect you.

With all this generated hysteria over gun control, I haven't seen a single plan to take guns away from criminals and all those the government schools have put on Ritalin, just law abiding people, but then, when's the last crisis the left has wasted?

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Im rather glad I live in a country where not even our police carry guns (as a course of normal duty). We dont allow automatic weapons and have strict conditions on ownership. Of course the bad guys have guns, and are few and far between, and fight amoungst themselves as a rule. As said above, all the 'laws' of the land wont stop them stealing and using them.

In New Zealand youre more likely to be knifed than shot with a gun. In fact, if youre even seen with a gun, you'd better have a bloody good excuse to have it or face some time in the pokey.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Yes Bruce, you are very lucky to be living in such an enlightened country.........

2010 murder using guns:

New Zeland..................10

And yes we know the USA has a much larger population.

Gun Murders per 100,000 pf population..........

New Zeland.......................0.17

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
The statistics are overwhelming, lots of guns= lots of deaths.

May I suggest you do the People of the United States a favor and turn in your guns.
Okay, I'll play although it's pointless...

Gun Control is NOT about preventing another Sandy Hook or Columbine. Gun Control is about disarming the populace to shift the balance of power into an ever expanding, freedom stealing government run by liars, whores and thieves!
History has proven time and time again that it is dangerous to believe laws to restrict law-abiding citizens from having semi-automatic weapons will reduce violent crime. Just the opposite occurs when you disarm the law abiding. Sandy Hook is another perfect example of the fallacy of gun control. Here is what happened...
Another psych drug failure steals guns, WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW.
Under the influence of the psych drugs, he shoots and kills his own mother, WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW,
He transports these guns loaded, WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW.
He brings guns onto school property, WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW,
He breaks into the school, WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW.
He discharges the weapons within city limits, WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW.
He murders 26 people WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW.
He commits suicide, WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW.

And the power hungry leaders of our country somehow think passing ANOTHER law banning guns will protect us from monsters the psychiatric drug companies and their drug pushing psychiatrists started creating ever since these mind altering drugs were introduced to our youth!
If you haven't noticed, these psych drug monsters are not concerned about breaking laws - they only care about fulfilling their own drug induced, mind altering agenda.
The only people that a gun ban law would impact are the LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, which will only serve to shift the balance of power into the hands of these psych drugged murderers and into the hands of our rapidly expanding, freedom stripping government.
Remember, Gun Control is PEOPLE CONTROL. Do you want to be controlled?

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Now Jack,

We had gone two days without a post here on this pointless thread................

Until today, when you posted your Aristotle quote.

So you stir this thread up and then say.................."Okay, I'll play although it's pointless..."

Sir, if it is "pointless" as you say then I suggest you let it die!

But don't start the argument up again and then pretend you need to "play".

If you folks stop posting, I promise I will stop as well.

Additionally, posting quotes by a person who did not speak english and died long before guns were invented does not really add much, does it?
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Fair enough,

Now Jack, I enjoy a good debate, and there is no one I'd rather debate with than you!

But as you know, this type of talk seems to upset the good folks of this wonderful site...................

Meanwhile Americans die in the thousands..................wink, wink!
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