Liberals gone wild.

Thanks Veek,

I must say i debated with myself about re-posting that photo, not just because of its ugly message! But also because we have gone over that many times and I did not want to anger reasonable conservatives like you and Al.

I'm very glad you understand, that means a lot to me.

Jim by posting that picture and crediting it to a falsehood only illustrates my point on how the Left is always putting up bogus charges about racism and the Conservative movement.

I would vote for Congressman Allen West in a heartbeat because he holds my beliefs. I would never vote for President Obama because he doesn't hold my beliefs. Now, that seems to make me a racist.

I've read many derogatory statements about Mr. West from the Left. What does that make them?

I had one person tell me that only Liberals can choose an African American candidate because they have "excellent street cred."

I guess the case is closed.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Bob that is a real photo of a real tea party leader, (later discredited for stupidity). i posted it because almost everyone but you had seen it before. I was almost certin you would say something stupid, that's why I posted it!

You did not let me down!

Bob if you really want to play this game, there are many more photos............
Bob that is a real photo of a real tea party leader, (later discredited for stupidity). i posted it because almost everyone but you had seen it before. I was almost certin you would say something stupid, that's why I posted it!

You did not let me down!

Bob if you really want to play this game, there are many more photos............

The Tea Party scares he hell out of Liberals, and might I add RINOs. There is plenty of evidence that operatives were sent in to discredit the Tea Party. Its that simple Jim.
Post away, but give an honest account of who these people really are. And if you falsify the facts, it seems there are people here who have already been through this baloney with you.
Yes Bob, this is Dale Robertson, a founder/leader of the tea party.

You just automatically blame the left, you do not check, noooooo, just blame the left, blame the left for everything!!!

We are on to how you operate, just like your Longshoremen, blame the left for everything!!

We all can see that what you say cannot be believed.
I wonder what tv station that camera guy works for..I would love to see the actual footage of this incident....

You left out the part about him "curing" them.

He "cured" them and then sent them home.

The consevatives would have sent them home to die!

Not so. Conservatives want something better for everyone. What we have doesn't meet up to higher standards.


Well, here's a surprise....

"One in four people charged over the riots in England had committed more than 10 past offences, figures show.
Three-quarters had a previous caution or conviction, Ministry of Justice (MoJ) figures show, and those with a criminal record averaged 15 offences.
This showed "existing criminals were on the rampage", said Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke.
The justice system needed changes "to ensure both effective punishment and reform to tackle reoffending", he said.
"I am dismayed to see a hardcore of repeat offenders back in the system."
Mr Clarke added: "We are making our jails places of hard work, getting criminals off drugs and alcohol, toughening community sentences and making offenders pay back to victims and communities for their crimes."

No apologies for thread drift, it's a shite thread anyway.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset" class=alt2>Originally Posted by Jim Craik

You left out the part about him "curing" them.

He "cured" them and then sent them home.

The consevatives would have sent them home to die!

Not so. Conservatives want something better for everyone. What we have doesn't meet up to higher standards.

Domtoni, please explain, you say consevative want something better for everyone, "higher standards".

Better than Jesus curing the sick and sending them home?

You have higher standards than Jesus?

You care about the poor?

You care about those who can not care for themselfs?

Initially, Jesus didn't enter my thoughts when I wrote it. i just went back to the old Conservative vs Liberal discussion. The conservative standards are higher (or that's my theory), and the best way to care for the poor is to put them to work (that's why Jesus after feeding the 5000 two times sent them home and told them he wasn't going to feed them on a regular basis).

Those who cannot care for themselves are a far different discussion than those who can care for themselves but want a free lunch. Start the thread and I will join in !!

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Is this before or after you "KILL THEM ALL"

Give them a job, but no health care. Jesus cured the sick, your "higher standards"....... no health care, if they cant take care of themselfs "no free lunch", let them die!!!!!!!

I'm afraid the World can not survive your "higher standards"

You have a lot of nerve to call this crap "HIGHER STANDARDS"

Is this before or after you "KILL THEM ALL"

Give them a job, but no health care. Jesus cured the sick, your "higher standards"....... no health care, if they cant take care of themselfs "no free lunch", let them die!!!!!!!

I'm afraid the World can not survive your "higher standards"

You have a lot of nerve to call this crap "HIGHER STANDARDS"

Jim, be honest and look at the reality of socialized medicine.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
No Bob, you look at the reality of no health care................................sick people with no hope!


You are Ok with socialized Police?
You are OK with socialized Fire protection,
You are OK with socialized Military protection
You are OK with socialized road paving
You are OK with socialized Border patrol
You are OK with socialized air traffic control
You are OK with socialized Coast Guard
You are OK with socialized Homeland Security

But not health care! Why?
No Bob, you look at the reality of no health care................................sick people with no hope!


You are Ok with socialized Police?
You are OK with socialized Fire protection,
You are OK with socialized Military protection
You are OK with socialized road paving
You are OK with socialized Border patrol
You are OK with socialized air traffic control
You are OK with socialized Coast Guard
You are OK with socialized Homeland Security

But not health care! Why?

Because I don't want bureaucrats deciding what kind of health care I receive. There is nothing in the Constitution that even vaguely hints at that kind of power for the Federal government.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Because I don't want bureaucrats deciding what kind of health care I receive. There is nothing in the Constitution that even vaguely hints at that kind of power for the Federal government.

You prefer your "for profit" HMO deciding what kind of health care you receive?

Bob show me where the Constitution "vaguely hints" at what type of road you should have, what type of fire dept we should have?

Is this before or after you "KILL THEM ALL"

Give them a job, but no health care. Jesus cured the sick, your "higher standards"....... no health care, if they cant take care of themselfs "no free lunch", let them die!!!!!!!

I'm afraid the World can not survive your "higher standards"

You have a lot of nerve to call this crap "HIGHER STANDARDS"

Jim, the Pope said that people's rights include:
- food
- clothing
- housing
- education
- health care
and are you ready for this one???

I gotta keep you waiting.....

Are you ready yet?

Its called a job. Why?? Because it generates revenue to pay for the thing listed above. And with a job, you are actually using your wits, improving yourself and those around you.

We had a long discussion a few years back on health care, and I made my points as to why I think private health care is far better than government run health care. In fact, most of my UK brothers (as I am an adopted UKer) have private health insurance so they don't have to go through the NHS.