Look whats in my driveway.

1. I guess you could call this an upgrade.


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Hey Joe,

I thought you sold me your old CAV because you said you had a kid in college. That looks more like a kid in a candy store.

Looking good!

I know lots of people on this forum would rather keep their GT40's than have a new Ford GT. I am not one of them (incidentally, I don't even own any sort of Ford GT so I would actually take anything at this point. And for the record, I absolutely LOVE the GT40's. It is kind of like choosing between Cindy Crawford and Eva Longoria. One old, one new, both awesome). Anyway, I am very jealous. That particular color Ford GT is absolutely awesome. You are one very lucky man.


Look how high the new GT is. Looks about the same as the CAV.


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Lifetime Supporter

Congratulations Joe. Great car. Be sure to visit the Ford GT Forum. We just had our first rally in Dearborn last week. Spectacular event. Read all about it on the Forum. By the way - there are several Atlanta area memebrs. Looks like you'll have quite a group to hang out with.

I just moved to Alpharetta and may have spotted you a couple of days ago. I saw a GT just like yours on Buford Dam Rd

Hi, you look most delighted, and you should be, the Ford GT is a Super car.
I am lucky enough to have a GT40 and Ford GT and they are both super.
The Ford GT is 3-1/2" higher. It only gets better.

John Place


They're both absolutely beautiful cars no doubt. I could afford a Ford GT but I way prefer the simplicity and rawness of the older GT40. Of course, if I could simply pick one I'd pick the Ford GT because I could sell it and buy a GT40 replica and put $90K in the bank. In other words, on a price-dependent basis I'll go for the older replica every time for the bang-for-the-buck factor. There's something really cool about running over to Napa for a $5 rotor and a $11 distrib cap....slapping those in there with a new fuel, oil and air filter and some oil and plugs all for less than $100.

Ultimately, I'm hoping the used Ford GT prices come down to the sub-$100K range at some point and then the newer car starts looking more like a bargain than an overpriced hyper exotic so I can put one next to the other in my garage. In the meantime I'll be putting a lot of miles on my CAV.
Cliff do you happen to be the guy with a dark/navy blue GT40 running around west seattle and the like?


StiggF99 said:
Cliff do you happen to be the guy with a dark/navy blue GT40 running around west seattle and the like?

Stigg, yup, that'd be moi. You a west Seattlite too? Give me a hollar if you want to come by and check out the GT40. I'm just off Spokane St. in Admiral.