Marmite just got better

I didnt think it was possible! I was brought up on crusts with butter and marmite - the joys of unsliced fresh bread!
So, Marmite is trying to replicate the full bodied tast of Vegemite..... I think we need to tell Carrol about this!!! I can feel a law suit coming on......

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
There is no comparison. Marmite is a much stronger taste than Vegemite, much the same as British beers compared with Australian beers.


There is no comparison. Marmite is a much stronger taste than Vegemite, much the same as British beers compared with Australian beers.

I agree David (re Marmite) but I reckon they have "watered" the flavour down over the years as I distinctly remember that fierce stinging sensation when you bit into the hot toast. But perhaps taste buds dulled later in life by overdoses of Scotch Bonnet?

Perhaps the "new" recipe is just a return to the original?

PS I have had a jar of Vegemite here for 10 years. The jar has only been opened once and there is only a fraction missing. By comparison, I "do" a large jar of Marmite every two weeks.

PPS I used to tease my US friends in AL mercilessly with Marmite. Their reaction was always hilarious and it will never ever find it's way into American kitchens. :)
During my time as an exchange student in London I have tried both Marmite and Vegemite in a direct taste comparison.
The Marmite is certainly saltier, and also much more intensely flavoured and clearly preferable to Vegemite. Sorry Australia, the UK wins hands down.

My 2c...

Errr...Keith...if you really want to know:

Best experience during my time in London was "Strongbow", worst experience was some sort of horse pee called "Foster´s"

Sorry Mate I am with the rest of your family. My wife does have a couple jars in the cupboard. I am concerned I may some day mistake it for bearing grease.:laugh:

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Marcus ,
Some of the Sheilas in Redcliffe Gardens /Little Boltons /Earls Court area used to be really good sports though...........:thumbsup:.:pepper:

Dave P - It would probably do the job quite well....


Errr...Keith...if you really want to know:

Best experience during my time in London was "Strongbow", worst experience was some sort of horse pee called "Foster´s"

That DEFINITELY qualifies you for a free pint or two when you're next over mate! :thumbsup:

PS Just mind the arrows... :laugh:

I am considered a damn yankee (That is one who will not go home after six months) Really not a fan of hush puppies or sweet tea.

I think this would be a good cottage industry for you. Just travel around the UK and the world and buy up all the brewing leftovers. Do up your own special blend. Put it back in the crockery and sell in high scale places like Harrods. At four quid a jar sound like some money to be made. Your's could be XOX.
That DEFINITELY qualifies you for a free pint or two when you're next over mate! :thumbsup:

PS Just mind the arrows... :laugh:

In the early '90's we did a bareboat sailing trip out of the British Virgin Islands. There were 3 couples on a 50 footer and I was the designated captain. When we were provisioning we bought many different kinds of beer (and very little food...but that's another story), and at the end of the trip the only beer that was left was Fosters....
Preferring Marmite to Vegemite (maybe because I grew up eating Marmite - you can find it here in the States at any "Olde English" store - I have some in the pantry) I don't understand the need for XO. Is the regular stuff not strong enough as is? Seems people even used to add boiling water to make "beef tea"...or is that no longer done?
Re. Foster's beer, I prefer Johnnie Walker "Green Label", meself :eek:)

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Foster's is not a true Australian beer, it is a watered down brew to be sold offshore to the English and others who enjoy warm flat tasteless piss that is reminiscent of sex on the beach.

True Australian beers are xxxx (four x) Carlton Draught, Crown Lager, Tooheys new and others that we do not export because we drink the world supply here and there is none left over. Crown Lager particularly has been known to rot the elastic in visiting Pommie Sheilas nickers, and make them much prettier than when they first arrived at the Pub. So be warned.
I have never tasted Marmite, but if it is anything like other English cuisine it will be bland overcooked and tasteless!


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Trevor Booth

Lifetime Supporter
All the good beer is kept in australia, they export the not so good like Fosters

The do gooders have campaigned to reduce the salt in vegemite


Kelvin McKenzie (one of the guys that sucks Murdoch's tiny dick), always maintained that you had to give the gullible something to deny and that's what makes headlines....

It's an Australian philosophy I believe..

Excuse me guys but I thought Fosters was kind of Austrilian (sic) although I always preferred Carlton myself.

PS This is the best thread on GT40's. Bring it on... :thumbsup: