Original Parts and their next of kin.

Hi Guys, thought I would post some pic's of the stuff I have been collecting, as it seems to be a popular theme, hope you like.
I'm gonne be in Canada for a while but will try and get some more pic's up soon.

Chris, hope you are well, sorry to not be in touch been real busy, spoke to the guys and I think they have some parts for you soon. Say Hi for me to all back at the ranch, cheese Boris.

If the pic works here is Fuel Tap Selector plate, father and new born 40 years on.


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Hi Rick, Yes i hope James likes the pic's, its something this original quest thing, like a bug, and I think there are a few of us that have it, I'm not looking for a cure yet though!.
But as James points out on page five of his thread, it really is a very hard road and some do have dead ends, though every now and again you turn the bend to find a nice surprise, it just takes so much time.

Cheese, Boris.
Hi Boris

I have sent you an order for your parts, have a good time in Canada
and look out for the guy with the shotgun.




Lifetime Supporter
Excellent work, if I may say so.
I was getting lonseome for a while there with my posts and was wondering when you were going to join in.
Maybe Ron could advise whether we could transfer all of these pictures to a single reference point in the Gallery for us all ? - with your approval of course.
From the messages I get, I am sure some of the guys would appreciate this.

Ron Earp


you can always load the pictures into the Gallery instead of a thread. Each picture in the Gallery can have a description and comments.

If you fellows want a Gallery could be started for Original Parts/Cars for photos that you own. I cannot transfer these photos in this thread to the Gallery though, you'd have to upload them into the Gallery.

On the bright side, the Gallery accepts much larger photos than the forum does.



Lifetime Supporter
I am up for this if the guys want it.
If you would kindly open up a gallery for Original Specification Parts then I will contribute. Photos with original JW Automotive part numbers for reference would be good, however the US procured MkII parts will take a bit of studying but if it helps somebody ?
It may take me a wee while to get all of my photo stuff together but I will start as soon as I get some time. It would be better to manage them in some order this time with less posts if possible.
How about the rest of you ?
Give me a hand fellas.
All the best,
Wow, cool, am just flying round my flat at moment, leaving tomorrow Am for Canada, but will try and talk to the guys and may be they can post some stuff and get things rolling while I'm away, though their computing skills are a little bit off the pace, but I will try, although I don't know whether my power is down, is it still snowing over there? or have I got the wrong season, sure its either snow or mosquito's, I think I'm gonne find out.

All the best guy's, Boris.


I for one am really looking forward to this. It is a great idea.
I have really enjoyed the individual input so far, especially your thread James, it is great.
I hope that you find that rear clip soon Andy :eek: