Over 92 million Americans out of work force

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
"Sean, I hope people aren’t mad at me about it… I spoke about what I believed and I think that there was a period of time when the Romney campaign was falling apart, people were not optimistic, nobody thought there was a chance of victory and I felt that it was my duty at that point to go out and say what I said. And at the time that I said it, I believe I was right."

So, he said he spoke about what he believed...he said he believed he was right. That equates to him admitting he "lied"? Oooooookay...

Now, if FOX News knew Morris's predictions were intentional 'bull' that he just made up with no basis in statistical fact whatsoever...that they weren't just simply lousy predictions based on creative, rosy, "pie-in-the-sky" partisan interpretations of the polls - then that's quite another matter. If that was the case there'd be no excuse for it and I'd be completely disgusted with 'em for having done it.

But, with that said...would you care to add up the number "lies" FOX has passed off as fact and compare their total to that of, say, the Obama Administration?...The NY Times?...Dan Rather?...CNN?...Dailykos?...Moveon?...Mediamatters?

Just FYI, I haven't listed to Morris at all since he blew the election analysis as bad as he did. I don't have any confidence at all in a darned thing he has to say about anything as a result....just like I don't believe anything the entire Obama Admin says for much the same reason. The only diff there is Obama and his minions have been proven to be serial liars.
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That wasn't a lie...it was an opinion about an event that hadn't even taken place, for God's sake, can't you get off this subject?

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Employment Situation Summary

Transmission of material in this release is embargoed USDL-14-0701until 8:30 a.m. (EDT) Friday, May 2, 2014 THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION -- APRIL 2014

Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 288,000, and the unemployment rate fell by 0.4 percentage point to 6.3 percent in April, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

Employment gains were widespread, led by job growth in professional and business services, retail trade, food services and drinking places, and construction. Household Survey DataIn April, the unemployment rate fell from 6.7 percent to 6.3 percent, and the number of unemployed persons, at 9.8 million, decreased by 733,000.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
While that kind of progress will never be felt by conservatives to be acceptable unless it occurs during the administration of a conservative POTUS, it seems to me to be cause for cautious celebration, Jim.

Of course, "their" opinions may differ, and usually do (never let it be said that there is no place for humorous understatement...right ?).

Cheers for the Obama administration's progress on this serious issue :thumbsup:

All very rosy, in a new-age twenty-first century sort of way, until you remember that 806,000 dropped out of the work force.

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Employment Situation Summary

Transmission of material in this release is embargoed USDL-14-0701until 8:30 a.m. (EDT) Friday, May 2, 2014 THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION -- APRIL 2014

Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 288,000, and the unemployment rate fell by 0.4 percentage point to 6.3 percent in April, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

Employment gains were widespread, led by job growth in professional and business services, retail trade, food services and drinking places, and construction. Household Survey DataIn April, the unemployment rate fell from 6.7 percent to 6.3 percent, and the number of unemployed persons, at 9.8 million, decreased by 733,000.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
All very rosy, in a new-age twenty-first century sort of way, until you remember that 806,000 dropped out of the work force.

Well that's incredible, just a few days ago when you started this thread it was 92 million!

Thats something like a 90%+ decline in Americans outside the work force just since May 2 2014!:)

Thank you President Obama!
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All very rosy, in a new-age twenty-first century sort of way, until you remember that 806,000 dropped out of the work force.

From a site called FOX News :eek: 2 May 2014

WASHINGTON – The U.S. unemployment rate plunged in April to its lowest level since September 2008 as employers added 288,000 jobs, the most in two years.

The figures are a clear sign that the economy is picking up after a brutal winter slowed growth.

Job creation is accelerating: Employers added an average of 238,000 jobs the past three months. That's up from 167,000 in the previous three

As my dear old dad used to say "There are none so deaf as those who will not hear. None so blind as those who will not see". It may well change, but at the moment things look better for the US rejoice in that, and be happy for those that have found work,
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Today has really been a "RED LETTER" day!

Today really shows how things have been progressing here in the USA!

Today we have the lowest "unemployment" rate since Sep 2008.

Today the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq both hit "ALL TIME RECORDS"!

Additionally, I can't speak for Nationwide, but here in Nancy Pilosi's district, home values are also at an ALL TIME HIGH, way above 2007-8 values!

Another bonus, we now have approximately 10% fewer Americans without health insurance.

Thank you President Obama!
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A total of 92 million Americans out of work force. 806,000 added this last period against the government's claimed rise of 288,000 non farm jobs added.

Its easy to twist, just follow the governments lead. Every employment report has been revised downward a week after the original report since B.O. has been President.
Baloney with a capital B.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Today has really been a "RED LETTER" day!

Today really shows how things have been progressing here in the USA!

Today we have the lowest "unemployment" rate since Sep 2008.

Today the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq both hit "ALL TIME RECORDS"!

Additionally, I can't speak for Nationwide, but here in Nancy Pilosi's district, home values are also at an ALL TIME HIGH, way above 2007-8 values!

Another bonus, we now have approximately 10% fewer Americans without health insurance.

Thank you President Obama!
And here's a fine little chart for those of you who are visualizes;


  • latest_numbers_LNS12300000_2004_2014_all_period_M04_data.gif
    5.2 KB · Views: 169

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Yes Mr Fechter, the gains are incredable!

But there is even better news, our IRA accounts cleared seven figures today!

Party Time!

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
I have included a chart that shows the "unemployment rate back through the Great Ronald Reagan.

Data extracted on: May 12, 2014 (6:39:13 PM)

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

US Unemployment Rate

Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Unemployment Rate
Labor force status: Unemployment rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over

Its informative to take a careful look at the peaks and valleys of the US unemployment rate since 1980.

Republican Reagan became President Jan 1981, by Jan 1983 Reagan had run the "unemployment" rate to the highest in my lifetime! (That was when Reagan changed how we "count the unemployed") I bought my first house in 1983 paid 18% interest!

Republican BushI took office Jan 1989 the unemployment rate had been declining, but no more...

(After BushI and 12 straight years of Republican Presidents the unemployment rate was as high or higher than when they started)

Democrat Bill Clinton took office Jan 1993, almost immediately the unemployment rate started dropping....it dropped and dropped to the lowest point right around Jan 2001

Republican BushII took office Jan 2001, almost to the exact date, the unemployment rate shot up, then declined for a few years before shooting way, way up, very close to the record REAGAN unemployment numbers!

Democrat Obama took office Jan 2009.............
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Seven figures won't go too far in Obama Dollars. Tough break, kid.
Posted by Mr fechter

Do you even think about what you post?

This shows inflation.........remember with the exception of the four Carter years, from 1968 until 1993 we had all Republican Presidents

Bob, here's a quiz:

Where will your retirement dollars last the longest.......

(A) With Reagan dollars and 10%+- inflation?

(B) With Obama dollars and 2%+- inflation?
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President Reagan didn't have the printing presses devaluing the US dollar like B.O. is doing through quantitative easing and is devouring the value of the US dollar. Ever notice those big numerals on the back of the new bills? Google "Weimar Mark" and see if there's a resemblance there.

10% inflation is a gift to those who have money to invest. Carter's 20% was the chance of a lifetime to lock in a high interest rate return, but crippling to those who needed to borrow money.