P-51, 2 P-40s (and another fuselage), P-38...


No, the ME262 was the first (yes I know about the Gloster Meteor, it all comes down to the definition of operational) operational jet fighter of WWII and was powered by two Junkers Jumo 004 engines which were fairly horrible by modern standards. And standards then! As far as I know the T38 Talon is a jet trainer that dates from the early 60s with a GE engine that has no direct DNA with the Junkers Jumo.


I know this a really old thread but an interesting one.. Ron, the Gloster Meteor was operational in WWII from 1943, and never engaged in actual plane vs plane combat but what they did do rather well was to shoot down V1 flying bombs. I believe they accounted for several hundred before the launch sites were overrun in Holland..
Gloster Meteor:
First operation against V1`s was 27. july1944.
First (two) "kills" 04. august 1944.
Total 14 V1 bomb "kills" in WW2
Gloster wasn`t use in foreign countries in WW2 - "top secret stuff"

Info from two WW2 / aviation book.
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Brian Hamilton

I'm on the verge of touching myself inappropriatel
LINK DOESN'T WORK!! I wanna seeeeeeeee!!!!!

The P-38 & P-51D are tied as my favorite planes of all time ever. The P-38 was the first plane to have a turbocharged engine if memory serves correctly. My dad actually made me paper models of a P-40 and F4U Corsair. They're really awesome and look just like plastic models, but he only has access to paper & cardboard. (He's in prison) Anyway, he was working on a P-38 when they transferred him to another facility and wouldn't let him take it with, so it was lost. I really REALLY wish I could have gotten that, he can't make stuff like that anymore since his health has deteriorated. Oh well, at least I have these 2 and all the pictures he's drawn for me. So, fix the link, or post the pictures on photobucket or something cuz I WANNA SEEEE!!!

