Red Cross trains Taliban in first aid.

In a guerilla warfare environment, the distinction between civilian population and irregular combatant is often blurred, sometimes non-existent.

With a future outlook, it's probably safer for the Red Cross to treat everyone so that they have a level of trust once the fighting (eventually) stops.

Until somebody has the trust of the people, it's not going to end.
Interesting point of view. But I won't be funding an organisation who assists a group of people who are aiming guns at our diggers.
Bugger that!
nuf said.
hm, not good...there are people in the world who need help without being a terrorist or holy war sort of people...
you don't give the red cross money to take care of that sort off people me thinks.
The Red Cross is one of the biggest scams around. Does anyone remember the September 11th fiasco. You all do realize that they only have to report 5% of the money taken in. That's right 5%!!!!!! Most of the money is spent internaly so the president of said organization and his cohorts thank all of you for his mansion, and toys. Better donate to a local religious (or otherwise) organization where you will actually see your money at work.

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
I've thought about this

On one hand I think No way should we pay (through donations) for anyone to assist the opposition.

Then I thought
If the Red cross does not offer assistance then next time the opposition sees a Red Cross van in the battlefield it becomes a target.

In a way it's like assisting with self preservation of the Red Cross teams

Still not sure on this

My experience with the Red Cross ws in '74 as I was mustering out of the Army. A tornado hit an area in Florida near where we were stationed and they asked for 'volunteers' to assist. A group of us were trucked out to the area and we worked for 18 hours straight with first aid and rescue efforts digging out people from an area that looked like a bomb had gone off. The Red Cross finally showed up and they had a coach with hot coffee and donuts and we foolishly thought that it was for the volunteers. They proceeded to charge each of us for the coffee and snacks just like a 'roach coach'. Since that day, I have never given a dime to these guys.

If you want to give to the real heroes, give to the Salvation Army. None of their leaders are getting rich. In fact, they are paid such a pittance that its a wonder they can live on it. But these are simple folks that believe that every dime they can put toward the helpless is where their calling is. Look into what the SA is doing and I know that you will be convinced. By the way, the SA has coffee and snacks at these disasters along with blankets, water, etc, and they never charge a dime.

Indeed a the top gets bg money while all the people who visit people passing doors collect a dime here and there and work hard for it get a list of last year what the Dutch staff get from Red Cros and terres hommes and for ill people etc etc...its a big shame, say such man/woman gets 150.000,-euros and some people at the door collecting gave say 50cent...then they have to go passing 300.000 people who pay at the door (most won't ) and thats just for that one person...
ow, and our state mostly double that amount...its sad.

here the list in Dutch and euro's

Henk Franken (tot november 2008)
Jan Bouke Wijbrandi (huidige directeur)
€ 121.122,-
Rode Kruis
Cees Breederveld
Hans Stam
Paul Beerkens
Kerk in actie
Haaije Feenstra
KWF Kankerbestrijding
Ton Hanselaar
Artsen zonder Grenzen
Hans van de Weerd
Prins Bernard cult. fonds
Adriana Esmeijer
Jan Jaap de Graeff
Plan Nederland
Tjipke Bergsma
Wereld Natuur Fonds
Johan van de Gronden
René Grotenhuis
Liesbeth van Tongeren
Woord en Daad
Jan Lock
Astma fonds
Michael Rutgers
Marijke van Eck
Terres des Hommes
Ron van Huizen
Eduard Nazarski
Farah Karimi
SOS Kinderdorp
Albert Jaap van Santbrink
Cliniclowns Nederland
Hans Geels
Liliane fonds
Kees van den Broek
War Child
Mark Vogt

its a shame.