Republicans, what is wrong with you?

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Mr Limbaugh's fair and balanced look at the protesters!

Mr Limbaugh, you being addicted to Oxycontin is ok, but not smoking dope?

As humorous as Mr. Limbaugh's on air antics are (even my 12 year old daughter laughed at him), he has a way to go before he can match the literal achievements of yet another (in)famous Republican, Richard Nixon's Veep Spiro T. Agnew, with his protestations over the "nattering nabobs of negativism".

Look at who is the "party of NO" now, in essence, the new generation of "nattering nabobs of negativism".

Gotta wonder what Mr. Agnew was smoking, too, eh, Jim?

Cheers from Doug!!

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Spiro Agnew,

Now there is someone that I have not thought of in years. As I recall, Agnew was to Nixon as Cheney was to Bush.

Their job was to verbally attack the left while their boss could "remain above the fray".

Quite frankly Agnew was way out of Cheneys league. Agnew had a style and flair about his vicious attacks that Cheney could never match.
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The Republican lobby is quiet in this thread...

Usually they are shouting from the rooftops :shifty:

Maybe they're warming up their (lack of) defence....but I doubt it.

Double standards anyone?

This Huckabee story is all over the news tonight. You remember, Huckabee said that Obamas beliefs were shaped by his growing up in Kenya with his father and paternal grandfather. Huckabee went on to say that's why he hates the Brits.

He then went on to say that Obama rudely returned a bust of Churchill that the Brits had given to the US as a gift. Greatly insulting the Brits! That is not true!!!

The bust was a loan, Bush had said he was a great admirer of Churchill and after 9/11 he put it in the oval office.

When Obama became president, and Bush was moving out, the bust was returned a to those who lent it and Obama had a bust of Lincoln and Dr King ( (two folks he admired) put in the Oval office.

Why would Huckabee lie about this, why would any American try and cause trouble between our countries? WHY?

(Can you imagine what the Limbaugh, Beck nuts would say if Obama had removal Lincoln and replaced it with a European leader)


Now today everyone is calling Huckabee on his lies, his excuse, I meant to say he grew up in Indonesia.

That's all crap! If Huckabee had meant Indonesia why did he bring up raised by his father and the Brit thing?

This man Huckabee is an outright lier, he will say anything, to forward himself, even willing to cause trouble between the US and the Brits, what an ass!

I believe Huckabee acknowledged that he had made a mistake and meant to say Indonesia, it must be great living mistake free Jim. Who was the person that said he had traveled to 57 states? Did he ever acknowledge his mistake? Oh, we don't talk about his screwups. You must take a bottle of Tums a day to keep all that acid at bay, mellow out Jim, you're going to have a heart attack.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
The Haircut

One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, 'I cannot accept money from you, I'm doing community service this week.' The florist was pleased and left the shop. When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.

Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replied, 'I cannot accept money from you , I'm doing community service this week.' The cop was happy and left the shop.. The next morning when the barber went to open up, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.

Then a Member of Parliament came in for a haircut, and when he went to pay his bill, the barber again replied, 'I can not accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The Member of Parliament was very happy and left the shop. The next morning, when the barber went to open up, there were a dozen other Members of Parliament lined up waiting for a free haircut.

And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of our country and the politicians who run it.


If you don't laugh at this you have no sense of humor. Nothing bad will happen, however, you must live with yourself knowing that laughter is not in your future.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
So the Brits are insulted by Bush returing a loaned bust. TOUGH! TAKE IT UP WITH BUSH!

Domtoni, honestly, what would you, Limbaugh and Beck say if Obama had removed a bust of Lincolin and replaced it with the bust of a European leader?

I believe Huckabee acknowledged that he had made a mistake and meant to say Indonesia, it must be great living mistake free Jim.
Part of a post by TomP

Tom, I see you are going with stupid.

Huckabee was fully involved during the last election when this was discussed and discussed and discussed. Huckabee knows very well that Obama was not raised in Kenya!

Now Tom, if this was just an honest mistake, saying Kenya when he really meant Indonisia, then his further comment would have been about Obamas early education in Indonisia RIGHT?

But this is not what happened. After that, he said that Obama's early years were shaped by his growing up in Kenya, raised by his father and grandfather. Huckabee went on to talk about the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya and that his father and grandfather taught him to hate the Brits.

Now Tom, Obama never met his grandfather, and from what I hear he only met his father once at the age of 10! Additionally he first visited Kenya in his late 20's.

That my friend is not an honest mistake, Huckabee knew very well what he was saying. He was lieing for short term personal gain.

Todays Republicans are willing to say anything to get ahead!

Tom whats worse is that he was aiming his lies at that small group of "birther/Bircher" folks who really believe this crap! Does America really need leaders like that?

What a bunch of Liers!!! A fare and balanced look at the Right!
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Here is some new info about Huckabee's statements:

He failed to note that Obama replaced the Oval Office fixture with a bust of one of his American heroes, President Abraham Lincoln, and moved the Churchill bust to the White House residence.
"The bust of Winston Churchill, a great insult to the British," Huckabee said. "But then if you think about it, his perspective as growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather . he probably grew up hearing that the British were a bunch of imperialists who persecuted his grandfather." QUOTE]From Fact Chech.COM

I guess Huckabee is wrong about more than just Kenya.

When the bust of Churchill was returned, my British friends felt insulted.
posted by Domtoni​

Domtoni, it appears that Obama moved the bust to his private residence.

Domtoni, if this is true, and the bust was not "rudly returned", how could your friends be insulted?

Perhaps your friends made the same mistake I did, and believed what they heard from concevatives?

Big Mistake!

Domtoni, I trust you will let your British friends know that it was a lie! We would hate to let these selfish concervative lies sour or relationship with them.​
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Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Here's what I'm pretty sure happened with Huckabee.

Huckabee, unlike Sarah Palin, is smart (not to take away from Sarah's strengths which are shrewdness and some political acumen, and certainly a way of connecting with her base...more on that in a minute).

Huckabee knew exactly what he is doing. He knows that his creationism and fundamentalist religious believes are too extreme for even most Republicans outside of the deep south. So he's walking a fine line. He has to appeal to the birther/tea party/religious nutjob crowd, and he does it by hemming and hawing about Obama's place of birth (he "respects" the position of the birthers, etc), and throwing out "gotchas" like Obama was raised in "Kenya" and comes from a different background where folks attended Muslim schools (which he full well knows Obama did not do).

That allows him to just say these were "aw shucks" mistakes and look passably reasonable to the dwindling moderate wing of the Republican party, and still appeal to the crazies.

I hope it bites him in the ass. It's dangerous and he should know better.

I'll give McCain some credit. At least he stood up and said what is 100% the truth - Obama was born in Hawaii and is a christian family man.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Jeff, I think Obama did attend a Musum Grammar school in Indonisia.
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

I was wondering, as it appears that the bust of Chirchill was not rudely returned and in fact has stayed in the White House.

Why did your British friends feel insulted?

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Actually no, he did not:

Kindergarten 1966–1967 Noelani Elementary School Honolulu, Hawaii
1st -3rd grade 1967–1970 St. Francis Assisi Catholic Jakarta, Indonesia
Fourth grade 1970–1971 State Elementary School Menteng 01 Jakarta, Indonesia
5th-12th grade 1971–1979 Punahou School Honolulu, Hawaii


Jeff, I think Obama did attend a Musum Grammar school in Indonisia.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
I wish more of it would sink in with my Republican friends:

A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll in July found that 71% of Americans believed Obama definitely or probably was born in the United States, while 27% said he definitely or probably was not. The sampling error was plus or minus 3 percentage points.

The largest support for the idea he was definitely or probably not born in the United States was among Republicans, at 41%, compared with Independents, at 29%, and Democrats, at 15%. The sampling error for that breakdown was plus or minus 5.5 percentage points.
Huckabee knew exactly what he is doing. He knows that his creationism and fundamentalist religious believes are too extreme for even most Republicans outside of the deep south.

Jeff, I have to say this, and apologies if I offend anyone on this forum....


Phew, had to get that off my chest...
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I was wondering, as it appears that the bust of Chirchill was not rudely returned and in fact has stayed in the White House.

Why did your British friends feel insulted?

Actually I didn't know any of this and now I know (even if not true), I feel hugely insulted.


Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

I was wondering, as it appears that the bust of Chirchill was not rudely returned and in fact has stayed in the White House.

Why did your British friends feel insulted?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->



I was wondering, as it appears that the bust of Chirchill was not rudely returned and in fact has stayed in the White House.

Why did your British friends feel insulted?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

Jim, Winston Spencer Churchill was recently voted "The Most Important Person in the whole of British History" Please have the courtesy to at least spell the Great Man's name correctly or we will be incredibly insulted :evil:

I too would be interested to know this as I do not believe it possible to insult any Brit of a certain age who has benefitted from a reasonable education unless they were also a football fan:)

One of the reasons for this was that Debating Societies formed rather a large part of our extra curricular activities - where you had to be rather thick skinned to survive an unpopular motion.

Personally, I think Winnie would have loved being used as a doorstop to the Oval Orifice. Think of the upskirt opportunities :laugh:

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

I'm sorry to have insulted you:)

But, as the "Great Man" and I both share the "gift of Dyslexia", I'm not so sure that he would have been bothered by that at all. We as a group tend to be fairly forgiving when it comes to spelling.

By the way, didn't Mr Churchill have a title.........Sir, Lord, God.....