Republicans, what is wrong with you?

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
The Stupid Party makes it worse!

Here is a good look at Republicans in action, a very small (temporary) upside, Massive down side. The video only takes a few minutes.


Wisconsin GOP pushes through anti-union bill
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Life is great 2day here in Wisconsin...
Just like a team of Navy Seals my guys went in and rescued my democracy from the 14 thugs that were holding it hostage...

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
So Craig,

You really feel that giving tax breaks to Multi-National Corporations and then cutting the pay to teachers makes for a great day?

You must be so proud!



1. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.
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If I may join in briefly. Jim, you and I are usually on the same side of things, but I can't side with the Dems in this case. The tactic they used should never be used unless it really truly is a major event that is about to unfold that affects a large portion of the country. I think they should have returned right away (I'll buy the initial heart felt reaction of leaving the state because the issue itself IS a big issue, but does not warrant a protracted move such as this one - save it for something that really needs it.) and professionally and responsibly cast their votes and let our system play out the way it should. Our system will correct itself, but not without some suffering; that's the way it goes. Nothing horrific and absolutely tragic is going to come of this. I think what should come out of this is some dialogue for those of us not in the teaching profession that shows us what makes their profession different enough from mine and yours to warrant unions or at the least to have more empathy for their line of work. I do know that teachers don't simply show up at 8am and go home at 4 or 5. They put in a lot of extra effort and it can be draining. And the whole time they're dealing with pre-teens and teens. Imagine!

Anyway, if this tactic by the dems is to be accepted, then it's going to happen a lot more frequently and very little will get done. I understand the repubs were throwing their weight around and not working it through responsibly. Shame on them. But shame on the dems for drawing this tactic out so far.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
I think what should come out of this is some dialogue for those of us not in the teaching profession that shows us what makes their profession different enough from mine and yours to warrant unions or at the least to have more empathy for their line of work. I do know that teachers don't simply show up at 8am and go home at 4 or 5. They put in a lot of extra effort and it can be draining. And the whole time they're dealing with pre-teens and teens. Imagine!

Try this on for a start, Chris. Where else do you find a profession that has an entry level requirement of a Bachelor's degree, yet denies their employees any more than (about) 190 days of employment a year, and then also refuses to cover them with unemployment benefits for the other potential workdays that they refuse to employ them?

I've heard many people say "Yeah, but what about all the paid vacation teachers get?". Well, what they don't understand is that those days are not paid...the 190 (plus or minus) days per year that the teachers are paid for are all work days. The days that for most people are paid vacation days, such as the 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Martil Luther King Day, you get the idea, sure, they don't have school on those days, but those days are not in the 190 (+ or -) days that the teacher's contract covers. The same for the Thanksgiving "vacation", Christmas "vacation", Spring Break, summer "vacation". Teachers aren't paid for those days, either, b/c they aren't "contract" days. Some teachers are lucky enough to get picked up to teach summer school, but only a small percentage, probably less than 10%.

I never complained about my pay, I felt that I was adequately compensated (although, I must admit, with two M.S. degrees under my belt, I am probably as well educated as the average lawyer or engineer and am most certainly a specialist in at least two fields, I certainly wasn't paid as well as they are on a daily basis). I felt I was incredibly "underemployed", though.

I say if you want to hold teachers to the same financial constraints as you hold the general population, then offer them the same employment opportunities that you offer to the general population. Don't hold their feet to the fire on both ends of that candle, though......:thumbsdown:

Cheers from Doug!!

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Republicans may have awakened the sleeping giant:

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — With the labor movement heading to an epic defeat in Wisconsin and perhaps other states, union leaders plan to use the setback to fire up working people nationwide and mount a major counterattack against Republicans at the ballot box in 2012.

Wisconsin's measure stripping public employees of most bargaining rights swiftly advanced toward GOP Gov. Scott Walker's desk Thursday, and he promised to sign it as soon as possible. But labor leaders say the events in Wisconsin have helped galvanize support for unions across the country, and they hope to use the momentum to help fight off the attacks and grow their membership.

While several states seek to follow Wisconsin's lead, newly invigorated public unions are looking ahead to the next election, as Democrats press to recall Republican opponents of organized labor and turn the debate into a focal point of the 2012 campaign.

Labor organizations have already pledged to pour more than $30 million into efforts to stop legislation in dozens of states seeking to limit public workers' bargaining rights or otherwise curb union power. Union officials are helping to mobilize protesters in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana and other states to keep the pressure on.

Union officials say they will also help pursue recall campaigns against GOP officials who support curbing union rights.

[Republican Senator Alberta] Darling, who won her 2008 election by 1,007 votes, said she stands by her vote and will continue to defend the position if drawn into a recall election.

"The test is what the voters decide to do," Darling said. "I'm just going to keep going to work for the people, and I'm certainly going to defend this position because this is what I was sent here to do in the last election."

I say "Bull-Shirt" to what Ms. Darling had to say....this was clearly a move by the Republicans to crush the Democratic party in WI, it had nothing to do with what the public wanted. If it had to do with what the public wanted, the Republicans would have listened to those constituents of theirs who were demonstrating in the streets and sleeping in the capital rotunda.

The Republicans may well have cut off their nose to spite their face.

I say "Go get 'em, unions!!"

Cheers to the unions from Doug!!
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

I understand what you are saying and it makes a certain amount of sense.

But your comment about....I can understand their initial heart felt reaction to leave the state......

Chris, from what I can tell, once they left, the people of Wisconsin through polls and actions showed that they backed the Democrats.

It seems now that it is the Republicans who are not doing what the people want. Going against public opinion.

In the end, we shall see how the people react and vote. I'm sure the Republicans can count on votes from most of the richest 1% and from Multi National Corporations, but the ***PEOPLE***, not so much!
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

There is no doubt that the Republicans have energized working folks all across the country!

Typically, with very little up side, the Republicans have created a huge down side and they will pay the price!

THE STUPID PARTY strikes again!
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

You say that it's a wonderful day in Wisconsin!

Then this should really bring a dark cloud!

On my way home today, I stopped at the local Safeway and out in front were a group of teachers and students carrying signs and passing out papers, calling for a boycott of Wisconsin business.

The signs said among others not to buy from Kraft, Kohler, Lands End, Snap-On Tools, Wasau Insurance, Harley Davidson and of course Wisconsin Cheese! That's really too bad because I really like those Snap-Ons, but I for one will never again buy them!

It now appears that all the people of Wisconsin, and not just the Republicans will have to pay the price for their unfair action.

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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
On my way home today, I stopped at the local Safeway and out in front were a group of teachers and students carrying signs and passing out papers, calling for a boycott of Wisconsin business.

The signs said among others not to buy from Kraft, Kohler, Lands End, Snap-On Tools, Wasau Insurance, Harley Davidson and of course Wisconsin Cheese! That's really too bad because I really like those Snap-Ons, but I for one will never again buy them!

There are plenty of competing brands to those listed by the teachers and students. I'll not have any difficulty supporting businesses in states that have not cratered to the radical-right movement, although after being hit by the indignities inflicted upon them by the state government of WI, I do feel a bit reluctant to punish those very individuals who were already the victims of the Republican's vendetta against the Democrats.

Still, the idea is to keep the global concept in mind, not the picky, picky, picky details (as Pat Paulsen use to say).

A good example is the Exxon Valdez incident at Prince William's Sound. Exxon, a company with a history of making huge political contributions to the Republican party, decided on its own when it was done cleaning up the Prince Williams Sound, not when the scientists said it was clean. The Republican administration in Washington didn't even challenge Exxon on its decision, they just let them run roughshod over the rights and livelihoods of all those fishermen in Prince Williams Sound. They turned their backs on the citizens of Alaska as they watched Exxon cut their losses. I was incensed. I vowed then and there to NEVER again buy an Exxon product. I am quite disturbed to see their continuing profit statements, and when I see that Exxon has the lowest prices of all the company run stations, I cringe. However, a resolution is a resolution, and since that day I have not bought any Exxon product, nor have I ever purchased a non-Exxon product (such as a soda or a candy bar) at an Exxon station. I ran out of gas once, bought a gas can at a "Dollar Store" and then walked PAST an Exxon station that was 3 blocks closer than a Shell station.....never gave it a second thought, and I shall NEVER give my resolution to not spend another cent at an Exxon outlet a second thought.

Cheers from Doug!!
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You say that it's a wonderful day in Wisconsin!

Then this should really bring a dark cloud!

On my way home today, I stopped at the local Safeway and out in front were a group of teachers and students carrying signs and passing out papers, calling for a boycott of Wisconsin business.

The signs said among others not to buy from Kraft, Kohler, Lands End, Snap-On Tools, Wasau Insurance, Harley Davidson and of course Wisconsin Cheese! That's really too bad because I really like those Snap-Ons, but I for one will never again buy them!

It now appears that all the people of Wisconsin, and not just the Republicans will have to pay the price for their unfair action.

Well Jim I think if you open your eyes a little more you will have come full circle.....First off you have every right not to purchase products or whatever from any of the companies you listed, you have that right..
Just as I have the right not to have my tax dollar go into a bloated teachers union which in turn goes into some democrats reelection slush fund..which in turn goes into the pocket of the fricking clown sitting across the table during collective bargaining!!!
ya see Jim the Vail has been lifted and that's just the way it is..
Wisconsin is a front runner in what's going to be happening all around the country...
I know it pisses people like you off...but once you know this shit you can't just unknow it..
Before you come back with your usual stupidity, do a little research on why wisconsin has such a high tax rate....Hello
I ain't gonna get into a pissing match with they say never wrestle with a pig, you'll both get dirty and the pig likes it....
see ya in the voting booth:)
Well I guess seeing you in the voting booth would be kinda gay...I meant to say see you at the voting booth..
As you can see I like throwing gas on the fire also:laugh:
I am sure Gov. Walker knew what he did before going down that road and the Dems knew what they would attempt to try and recover.
I am sure Gov. Walker knew what he did before going down that road and the Dems knew what they would attempt to try and recover.

I don't think Gov. Walker expected the public response that occurred.

Currently, the WI Supreme Court is 4 - 3 Conservative vs. Liberal. However, one seat is up for election in April. Should the court swing the other way, and cases related to how this Bill was introduced and voted upon, as well as what amounts to a violation of the "Equal Protection" clause (if firefighters and police are public employees and are allowed to unionize, so should all public employees) gets pushed up the chain ...

I am pretty sure he was not expecting this.

The issue wasn't / isn't unionizing, it was the collective bargining feature of the contracts that was taken away from the teachers. If correct, one of the polsters said 61% were against Walker however 20% of those polled were from union families. Drop them and the number change.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
ya see Jim the Vail has been lifted and that's just the way it is..
Wisconsin is a front runner in what's going to be happening all around the country...

I'm glad you posted this, Craig, b/c it ties into what dawned on me last night as a simple answer to the question addressed on this thread, which is "Republicans, what is wrong with you?".

In an ironic situation, the Republicans have made the EXACT same mistake that the Democrats made when Bee-OH was elected POTUS. The Democrats believed that was a mandate from the American people to make a sudden turn to the far-left politically. The current situation with Republicans is exactly that, but in reverse. The Republicans believe that the mid-term election, in which the Democratic majority in the house and the super-majority in the senate were eliminated, was a mandate from the American people to make a sudden turn to the far-right politically.

IMHO, the majority of the American people are primarily centrist in political persuasion, it is only the "lunatic fringe" that is so far leaning. What has happened as a society is that we Americans have become enamored of anyone who is "outrageous" (look at Lady Gaga, who despite having a great musical talent, has had to resort to self-promoting stunts, like appearing at an event wrapped in bacon, to gain the popularity that she could not get with her musical talent. It's not a new phenomenon, Madonna has been doing it for a long time, and better than Lady Gaga, IMHO). In order to gain the attention that the far-right needs to forward their agenda, they feel it is necessary to be, for lack of a better term, outrageous in their approach. The Dems did it before the mid-term elections with their bullying tactics, the Repubs are now doing it with the same tactics.

At some point the pendulum will settle down and the centrists (moderates) will once again wrestle control from the extremists, but at this point our country is in such turmoil that it may take a while.

The Republicans are no better than the Democrats, they both made the same mistake following election victories, IMHO.

As for your belief that what is happening in WI is happening all around the country, I think it will be a very short-lived thing and that there will most likely be a backlash from voters to stop it at the next election. It's just the way of life in the political arena, the only thing that seems to be different about the last two years is the extremism exhibited by the party who thinks they are "in charge" b/c of a self-percieved "mandate".

The mania over the excesses of the WWF have subsided, the mania over the excesses of the politicians will, too, we just need to get over our societal fascination with extremism. It can't happen soon enough for me!

I ain't gonna get into a pissing match with they say never wrestle with a pig, you'll both get dirty and the pig likes it....

The words of a Bill Barwick song come to mind:

"Never argue with someone more stupid than you,
it'll just make 'em angry if you do.
Just leave 'em believin' what they know to be true,
never argue with someone more stupid than you."

Are you angry, Craig? I notice the coarse language you use in your posts...are you aware that cursing is a "primary" language like crying and body language and facial expressions. It is the adult "equivalent" of crying, and infants cry when they are angry, it is only after we have socialized the innate crying response out of them ("Don't cry") that they adopt cursing. In addition, geriatric stroke patients with whom I have worked have retained the ability to curse despite having lost the ability to form otherwise intentional speech. It is how they cry, which we teach people not to do as infants.

Don't let your infantile tendencies show so much,'s not pretty, nor is it persuasive. It's just coarse :thumbsdown: !

Cheers from Doug!!
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Just as I have the right not to have my tax dollar go into a bloated teachers union which in turn goes into some democrats reelection slush fund..which in turn goes into the pocket of the fricking clown sitting across the table during collective bargaining!!!
Posted by Craig


Craig has shown what this is all about!!!!!!!!!

This is what this whole thing is about. This whole thing in Wisconsin is not about their budget, this is totally *****POLITICAL*****

At first I could not figure out why The Walker guy was only going after the teachers union, (they all said they would take cuts in pay and benifits) if it was really about $ then why did he not go after all the Public unions? Now it becomes clear!

This is all about donations!!!!!! This Ass in Wisconsin is breaking this union because it donates to Democrats!!!!!!!

Pure and simple!!!!!!!

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
In an earlier post Craig called the Wisconsin Democratic Senators "UNION THUGS"
I thought that was strange, as there was no violence.

I remember back in the early 1900s' "thugs" were typically union breakers. Then I Googes the words UNION THUGS and guess whay poped up?


Craig is spouting the paryline!!!! Good pupy!

I then Googles the odd words BLOATED TEACHERS UNION, guess what I find?


Craig, try thinking for your self.

Craig, here is a hint, if your "propaganda source" always has the Democrats wrong and Republicans right, they are lying to you.

Graig, if we want radical Right propaganda, we will watch Fox, Do not come here and post their crap and pretend it is your idea!!!!!!!!!!!!
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