Ronnie Spain's Book


I would appreciate being added to the list of signed copies.

May you bask in the knowledge that your endeavours have resulted in a large number of grown men hanging off your every published word.

Hi Steve, Frank 3, Clive, FrankBarba, Tim, Mark and Jonathan,

Signed copies of the tome will come your way. Thanks for the requests.

And jlimo/gtjoey, I would dearly love to get to Le Mans, but as you will understand there are other considerations. Writer's (or rather, typer's) cramp being the main one! But if I do make it over, I will certainly find you and will be happy to sign the car. Best of luck with the project, irrespective.

Best to all,

Ronnie Spain
I must apologize I have never read your book, but I would love the opportunity and a signed copy would be very much appreciated.

Sorry not to acknowledge your book request for so long. Enough hours in the day at this time, I do not have. But as the saying goes, books don't write themselves. Oh, if only........!

How will I celebrate when the new book is finally out? Sleep!

All the best,

Ronnie Spain
Mr. Spain,
I just purchased my like long dream of a GT40. I would be honored to have a copy of your book to go with the 40.
Mike Murphy
Hello Ronnie
Please can you add me to the book list also.

I am back from LMC in one piece and realised why we buy these cars.....10.30pm Friday night in the dark, 160mph plus down the Mulsanne straight.
My passenger said he would have paid £1000 for that experience. I took him for free of course.

Keep up the good work

Robert S.

GT40s Supporter
Mr. Ronnie Spain,

I would be honored if you would please add me to your list of signed copies.
Thank you in advance.

Robert p2285
Since I'm logged in for a posting I just made elsewhere, couldn't sign out again without acknowledging the new requests for scrawled (sorry, signed) copies of my new book.

So to Jim, Mike, Michael, Donovan, Adrian and Robert, all of you are noted, and thanked for your requests.

Jim, an RML? A rare beast indeed. I saw the original maroon car at Silverstone in 1991, and I think that's the same one Tiff Needell later raced on TV. Found a few good shots of the yellow and white car too, but I've found no photos of your car. How about posting a shot of it in this thread for me? Love to see it.

Mike, I'll be delighted to send you your signed copy of the book to go with your just purchased 40. Now, if only I can get me a 40 to go with my new book!! But short of surgical redistribution of the lengths of my various body parts, I couldn't fit in one even if I had one. Curses!

Adrian, must have been quite something to drive your 40 down Mulsanne. I'm rather a strange fish, in that I don't really have a desire to drive on race circuits under normal circumstances. But Le Mans is not normal circumstances. Back in 1994, my only ever visit so far to Le Mans, when I had finished at the ACO archives and was about to head back to Paris, some uncontrollable force took control of me, and I headed off - the wrong way - round the roads of the Le Mans circuit. Reaching the end of the open circuit roads, I turned the car round to drive back round that open part of the circuit in the correct direction, and despite the fact that I was driving a battered Volvo 760 GLE, all the way back round to the start, I was Bruce McLaren in GT40 P/1046! Back where I had started, it was all I could do to drag myself past the back of the stands and force myself towards Paris. Until that day, I had thought myself immune to race circuits. Apparently not!

All the best, guys, and thanks again,

Ronnie Spain

Thanks for your contributions here and to the GT40 community at large (both real, replica, and fake). I always enjoy reading your posts about the history of the cars that may not be 100% what the owner / seller represents them to be, although sometimes I need to read them a few times (I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer!) to fully sort it out.

I would be honored if you could add me to the list of folks that would like to purchase a signed copy of the new version of your book.

Thanks, Bill


Lifetime Supporter

If you could add me to your ever growing list for signed copies I would be most honored.


Brian Stewart
Ronnie, I sympathise with your height dilemma re fitting into a GT40. I'm 6'4" and am having my original style monocoque fabricated by Dave Brown at Classic Car Developments here in NZ. Dave and I are working together to try and have me fit in without resorting to surgery. As I recall, you shade me by an inch or two, but if I end up fitting, you wont be far off. Anyway, long story short, once my car is finished, if you ever find yourself in this part of the wold, and you fit in my car, you would be most welcome to take it for a drive.

Jim Pearson

Lifetime Supporter
Hi Ronnie,

Very many thanks for adding me to the list.

Here's a shot of my RML as requested.

It's chassis #01, registered in January 1991 and originally painted mid-blue.

It was built to road spec but the original owner soon had it modified by RML for racing. After a brief spell of competition he retired it to storage in RML's workshop, where it languished for some years.

I was fortunate to be able to purchase in 2006 and had RML convert it back to road spec [!] and to repaint in the pale blue/white scheme shown here.

Best wishes,



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