SPF MKII Ownership

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
I saw an extremely low profile jack in my local tyre bay today made by a Danish company called Compaq (spelled like the PC people) which had about a 3 inch profile. I've tried a web search to no avail, but the guys sorting out my wifes car's tyres reckoned it was the best thing they've used, i.e. you can pump it by hand while you are positioning it underneath. I thought it immensely well made as well.

If I had a monocoque (real[ish] replica) tub, I would rethink the quicklift
idea though I would still go for it. I actually have a GTD spaceframe look-a-like car and the quicklift system I have on the front has the attachments in triangulation on both sides with a lateral internal bar to prevent any movement between the two 'hooks'. the lifting bar has fences on either end to prevent lateral slip. The car is quite light at the front end anyway (even my battery installation is none GTD as it's to the left of the engine). From memory, I think it takes about 5 full strokes on the Weber trolley jack and the front wheels are in the air. One of the beauties of it as well is that the Weber trolley jack can revolve around underneath the lifting bar and the car moved almost sideways. The Weber jack also slides under the rear gearbox mounting frame (well, it did with the Renault gearbox - I hope I can do the same with the ZF when it's fitted) and on a smooth floor, once again the car can be moved at about a 45 degree angle horizontally. Sure I have 4 Go-Jacks as well which makes life very easy but the Go-Jacks have such low ground clearance they can foul very easily on rough concrete. I am toying with the idea of 3 on-board air jacks which will make life even easier in my advancing years. You have probably guessed it - I don't really give a fig for originality as it's only a look-a like and the look is totally on the outside. There are some really good 'modern' gismos around and some of these gismo's have found their way onto my car. One day I may get on with doing something akin to a replica with a monocoque tub but until then, I quite like playing with and designing things for GTD look-a-like.
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Mike Trusty

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
Here is a picture of my car on the quick jack that you can buy today from Olthoff. It works great and it is very high quality. He has them for both the Mark I and the Mark II.


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What were you charged for the quick lift, and did they have it in "stock", or have to order for fabrication?


Mike Trusty

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
He had several in stock when I picked mine up last Saturday. $650 It must go truck because of the size.

Mike Trusty

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter

Yes it would be easy but when you consider the machined axles, high quality wheels and bearings, chasing down the right metal, powder coating, etc. Then consider the time required to get the geometry worked out properly, fab the parts, weld it up, deliver to powder coat shop, on and on and on. It became a very good deal for me. It was sort of like Disneyland, very expensive and worth every penny. Plus the value of having it right now rather than waiting on me for six months to get a "round to it".
not saying it is not worth it at all, but some of the guys around here could knock one of those out in no time,it may not be as pretty but very functional none the less. I do love the concept, very slick

Steve C

GT40s Supporter
The new Olthoff design jack is universal....(usable for MK1 or MK2 jacking points)...all else stated by Mike Trusty above applies....Steve P2125 MK11 FE powered

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
I am toying with the idea of 3 on-board air jacks which will make life even easier in my advancing years.

Our Indy race cars use a similar system, with one air jack on each corner. The driver pulls into the pits, hits a switch, and viola, all 4 wheels are off the ground in a second! I've often thought that a great idea for a street car like the 40. However, I can see it being easier to accomplish with hydraulic jacks--here in the U.S. there is an automotive group that calls themselves "Low Riders" and they can get their car tires to jump completely off the ground with hydraulic jacks. The jack pump is electrically driven. The whole system fits easily into one corner of the trunk, although on a 40 there is little room left for a trunk, but a reasonably clever engineer could find a way, I surmise.


David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
At Le Mans - I can only relate to the Audi Joest team as I haven't seen in other garages - the air jack is operated by a q/r airline being inserted into the car. If the car is going into the garage instead of a routine pit stop the team have wheel cradles with four caster wheels which are positioned under each wheel, the air jack is retracted and the car is spun through 90 degrees and pushed in to it's bay. Then comes the next clever trick - there are three safety prop 'cones' with sockets on the top to accept the airjack and they are positioned under each air jack and the airline is inserted again and the car is now up at an intermediateand workable height. If they need to go higher they repeat the exercise with even higher 'cones' and the car is at waist level. I know this sounds quite time consuming but in reality it is anything but, and Joest get to the waist level height in approximately 10 seconds. I watched this during the now banned 'dressed gearbox' change during the race in 2001when Audi were running P1. (4mins 35 in the bay in the garage and 5mins 15 from engine off to restart. They rejoined the race on the same lap which was running under the safety car at the time and retained the lead). The rules were changed after this and the gearbox that is in use at the start of the race has to be serial numbered and is the only gearbox that can be used throughout the race, which I can understand as it stops the 'haves' running away with the race from the 'have nots'.

AP Racing's lightweight pneumatic air jacks. Avaialble in standard & telescopic versions. Exaust valve kits are also available Safety Props are available to suit the most common Air Jacks.
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I know the Cobra Coupes used an air jack system back in the 60's so I've been giving a lot of thought to putting them on my car but since I don't have it yet it's hard to tell where they migh be a placed. Any ideas? Also does anyone have any experance with the new spray and peel car bra's? I'm sure the front of our 40's will take a real betting on road trips so if there was a way to protect the paint that would be great.
Can some of this discussion move to another thread? I am trying to keep this to SPF Ownership please.

Richard, I had Olthoff put on the clear protective tape on the nose.

Here is a picture of the really nice VIN plates sent to me by a member here - thanks a million Lynn!



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Nice plates but be careful with them. Installation on the car could cause a DMV problem as they contradict the OE manufacturer (SPF/Hi Tech).

If found they could create a question as to the origin of the car. (put 'em under the carpet or something so they are not readily visible!)

My dealer called today to confirm my paint scheme as the car is going to paint any day now. That means I’ll have it much sooner than I thought. I had asked if they could take a few pictures each day of the build, don’t think it happened but it would sure be nice if they would offer it as an option! They could take one of those disposable cameras and throw it in the car as it goes out the door. They wouldn’t even have to develop the pictures. Does anyone have an idea how long it will be before it shows up on the west coast (Seattle) if it’s going to paint now? Mike can you post some pictures of how much of the car they covered with the clear film or is it one of the spray on coatings? Let me know when you might be up to PIR (Portland International Raceway) it would be great to meet you and see your car.

I would imagine you are at least three months out. Half of that will be on the boat I think. You should be able to contact SPF or your dealer and they should be able to tell you better, and tell you when it ships (cuz you will owe them mioney then!).

The clear film is what I have. You can make out the line of it on the very first picture of this thread. From the top outisde corner of the headlight. Then it goes between the headlights, but not on the hinged section that raises up (I don't think so anyway). I have one area where it is separating form the body and that is in the tight lower right corner of the radiator opening. I sliced it with a razor and tried to tack it back down.

I have yet to schedule my PIR visit, but my wife and I want to sign up for some driving lessons in the summer...I will let you know.

Just a quick update for those waiting for a ZF trans. Mine shipped today, only a mere 6 months from the date it was promised when I ordered it in September 06. Don't get discouraged, they show up eventually.