The Pot Party!

Bass players unite! We have to stick together because no-one else tends to notice we're there! ;) Of course they all notice when we're not!!!

Jane doesn't remember the Hullabaloo Bob. That means nothing though!

Jethro Tull Eh chaps? I doesn't get much better than that :)

Right, now that we've dispensed with the mutual BS, back to politics...

and you can all ^$^$&%&(^(((^)&)&) right off!

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Bass players unite! We have to stick together because no-one else tends to notice we're there! ;) Of course they all notice when we're not!!!

Jane doesn't remember the Hullabaloo Bob. That means nothing though!

Jethro Tull Eh chaps? I doesn't get much better than that :)

Right, now that we've dispensed with the mutual BS, back to politics...

and you can all ^$^$&%&(^(((^)&)&) right off!

Someone mention Jethro Tull and my name is?

Bob & Mark now you guys are talking my language, I use a 4003 ric through a SWR basic red 350 with a SWR henry the 8th..:)View attachment 55760

Back in the seventies, we were based out of Minnesota! One time we left a gig in Wisconsin, and barely made it back home to St Paul because of a huge blizzard. The next morning we noticed our equipment truck wasn't back. They left three hours later and got stuck in a six foot snow drift. God you've got the most beautiful area out there, but the winters are BRUTAL!

If you're ever in LA, be sure to let me know too!
Ah but first, a tribute to all the Ric players, Yes - Heart Of The Sunrise - YouTube Did you guys used to boil your Rotosounds to get a few more days out of them?

Back in the day we used to cover the above in revenge for constant requests to play jim croce bad bad leroy brown - YouTube No one danced :~(

Bob's theory of evolution, "The further East you travel from LA, the more you have to precisely cover the hit tunes of the day.

1. Chris Squire. Genious.
2. Geddy Lee my first choice though.
2. Always boiled my strings Bob, in water with a good dose of vinegar.
3. Minor correction to your theory Bob. If you must cover something, it must be precisely perfect, BUT don't cover anything SHOULD be the rule.
Someone mention Jethro Tull and my name is?


Yeah, I held myself back, thinking it was too obvious. Isn't there also a Chris Wright on this forum too, or am I confusing this with another one? Chris Wright was Terry Ellis' partner in Chrysalis. That's 2 Jethro Tull references in one forum - spooooooky.

What a great band by the way.

And you bass players - some of us do notice you and enjoy your part just as much. But you're right - even the John Entwistles of the music world generally don't get the same level of recognition. Too bad...
And then there's the old joke;

The great white hunter is encamped in the depths of Africa. He notices that there are drums playing constantly. He asked his lead hunter, "what's up with the drums, and what would it cost to make them stop?"

Hunter says, "Oh, Bwana drums must never stop."

Days go by and the drums are driving the great white hunter nuts. He says to the lead hunter, "Get these people to stop drumming. I'll give them $1,000."

"Oh not Bwana, drums must never stop."

"Why, why won't they stop?"

"No Bwana, drums stop, bass solo begins."

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Bob & Chris
Yes I jest but hey if I was that Ian Anderson i'd have an original not a Dax!

I played the clarinet through school and dabble with a keyboard but I am really rusty at present - must make some time over this winter

Bob & Chris
Yes I jest but hey if I was that Ian Anderson i'd have an original not a Dax!

I played the clarinet through school and dabble with a keyboard but I am really rusty at present - must make some time over this winter


I wonder if the other Ian ever turns a wrench.

One time, I was walking towards my favorite news stand, and saw a gorgeous "Bird" in a red and white knit mini dress with matching cowboy boots. Wow. I noticed she was with a guy. I only got a profile of a scruffy chin and schnoz in the motorhead section. I thought I could equal that. Anyway, after I got my magazines I saw a 32 highboy in poppy red up the street. Sitting inside was the red and white mini! Some skinny bloke was pumping the left front frame horn with his foot, probably checking the condition of the shock. Oh, my! It was Jeff Beck!
In summation, the Democrats embraced the Pot Party as their Tea Party with glee in their eyes.

The Hippy Spawn were finally ejected, sanitation crews came in, and they'll be buying tickets to the OWS Ten Year Anniversary Celebration with their American Express Cards because they finally had to get a job and a Republican Administration got out of the way of the greatest economy the world has ever seen, so that jobs would be available.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Gee Bob, even Fox viewers agree with the "pot party"

Fox News Poll Backfires: 70 Percent Support Occupy Wall Street | Fox News is running a poll on their website asking readers if the 99 Percent movement represents their views on the economy. In a move that likely surprised the network — which has consistently belittled, smeared, distorted, and otherwise dismissed the protests — the vast majority of respondents, many of whom are likely Fox viewers, said they agree with the movement: