U.N. AGREES WITH lonesomebob!!!!!!!!!!!



Sometimes it's difficult to figure out what you have been :smoking: , LB!

...never saw anyone so tied up in knots with hatred...give it up, man, it'll poison your soul :idea:


Doug, what exactly was said in that quote that made you arrive at "hatred"?
Doug, what exactly was said in that quote that made you arrive at "hatred"?

Thanks, Tom. I'm wondering too. Keith, I'm not trying to tie you to anything. You're a force of nature to be reckoned with, and no man made hydrocarbons are going to change you! ;~)

I'm just warning one and all that when the democrats lose power, they become caustic. You know, they're concerned that the old white guys are gonna put ya'll back in chains.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
I'm just warning one and all that when the democrats lose power, they become caustic. You know, they're concerned that the old white guys are gonna put ya'll back in chains.

Lose power? Can't happen!

Thats the beauty of the new Republican party, all this hard right consevative talk, then they nominated a health care loving New England Liberal!

I'll be happy with Obama, I'll be happy with Romney. If you think about it, you have already lost:)

You spent a long time fighting againt Romney, you said you didn't want Romney................................well, you got him!

Liberals can't lose, you already have:)

Ha Ha Ha Ha!
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Yes, Jim, "loose" power is a dangerous thing for liberals to have, that's why they will "lose" power. Ask yourself why Romney chose Tea Party darling Ryan.

"You better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone."

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Yes, Jim, "loose" power is a dangerous thing for liberals to have, that's why they will "lose" power. Ask yourself why Romney chose Tea Party darling Ryan.

He chose Ryan to try and keep angry, unhappy, consevatives like you from staying home in droves, come election day! But unfortunaly that move will probably cost him many, many more moderate votes.

Like I said, either way, you have already lost:) Ha Ha Ha!!!