Watch this space!

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
I have read everything that you have posted and think, on the face of it, the "Welsh Witch" has got something to answer.

One I am no lawyer but merely an accountant! In accounting terms there is a prescription period of 3 years in the UK after which debts can be written off.

Is there a similar prescription period for investigating illegal transactions and/ or fraudulent transactions?

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
I have read everything that you have posted and think, on the face of it, the "Welsh Witch" has got something to answer.

One I am no lawyer but merely an accountant! In accounting terms there is a prescription period of 3 years in the UK after which debts can be written off.

Is there a similar prescription period for investigating illegal transactions and/ or fraudulent transactions?
Ian,the simple answer is I don't know, however, I don't think allegedly setting up an illegal trust fund for the purposes of fraud and money laundering is treated the same way as someone who has got into debt.
The real question is IMHO is this person a fit and proper person to hold the highest Office in the land?

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Well, it seems that our Julia has successfully gagged the mainstream media.
She calls her accusers misogynists and hides behind "I was young and naive"
She was 38 years old at the time and a practicing lawyer.
Our Australian press are a bunch of limp wristed Nancy boys. The Press of twenty years ago would not have stood for her prevarication.
Misogynist, I think not, Australians don't care that the Prime Minister is a woman
they do care that the office of Prime Minister is being sullied.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Former Federal President of the ALP, Michael Williamson, will no doubt become a guest of her majesty in due course. The trouble is that “due course” will take years and buckets more full of stolen HSU members’ funds. Union members’ $20 million in hard sweat is lost forever with the assistance of Craig Thomson.

Dozens of union bosses are running their shredders white hot, scissoring credit cards and phoning mates to get stories straight. Wives are being told not to believe stuff about brothels and bath houses.

The ALP, in its current form, is about to become an obsolescence that will take a generation to rebuild.

It is riding an invisible tsunami at sea, in denial of the damage onshore. The Gillard Government has decimated the Union movement, destroyed Labor’s voter base and polarised an entire nation.

The ACTU has been noticeable only by its silence as its union movement begins to crumble under the weight of endemic corruption. The union movement and the ALP are one and the same. They are chained to each other in a sordid game of mob-style politics that decent Aussie folk cannot begin to comprehend.

Phase two of the regime’s demise is to attempt to shut down criticism and demonise opponents. Jones was an opportunity not to be lost. This site is under constant attack, Abbott has been vilified in the filthiest possible personal way. Foreign professional attack dogs have been engaged to indecently defame any who oppose.

Unions bosses are about to sing like canaries in a desperate attempt to self-preserve. But it’s too late for them. Their culture of criminality is slowly being exposed and Gillard’s expensive attempts to gag honest union bosses are faltering.

She will soon be without executive power and the ability to fund the payola and bribery necessary to keep a lid on the simmering scum pot.

Soon, blind supporters in the media who once professed objectivity will be left standing naked, exposed for their bias, rendered valueless as future independent commentators.

The bevy of vicious females who have over promoted each other into the Cabinet, supported by grovelling union hacks posing as Ministers, is degrading the feminist movement into future political oblivion.

Union worms are out of the can, exposed and crawling for cover, leaving mucous trails in all directions... and all trails lead to the ALP.

Quite sad really.
Pickering Post.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Now it seems that if you disagree with Juliar you are a sexist misogynist

[ame=]Julia Gillard Accuses Tony Abbott Of Sexism - YouTube[/ame]

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
LARRY PICKERING • 10/10/2012 12:09 (1 DAY AGO) • 285 COMMENTS
0 12

It’s a very odd development. The Age today had tucked away on Page one, a story on the Gillard/Wilson scandal. This is ominous in more ways than one.

For a start The Age has been very much a Left leaning broadsheet ever since I worked there over a half century ago, under David Syme. It has consistently been an unabashed supporter of Gillard and her Government.

It has also, quite predictably, avoided the Wilson scandal, choosing to either completely ignore it, vilify those who mention it, or to say there isn't much to it.

What is interesting is that The Age gave it half-hearted prominence today knowing it would be swamped by the Slipper story. Why? The story was basically a cut and paste from material already disclosed right here. Not that that matters but there is definitely something afoot.

While we have been waiting for confirmation of new material via FOI applications, The Age suddenly decides it needs to register with readers that it has actually covered this story at all.

Something stirs in the grey halls of the Aussie Rules capital. I suggest something is about to be disclosed through the efforts of many.

It appears The Age has got wind of further damaging disclosures and has acted: “Let’s shove this story on Page one, single column, down the side there. Slipper’s resignation will drown it. When all hell breaks loose and they say we have never really covered this scandal, we can say we gave the story Page one coverage. We can simply extrapolate on our Page one story today. We can pretend we were right on top of it.” Beautiful!

Is there another reason a major daily would, for no apparent reason, place an old story it has previously consistently ignored (or poo pooed) on Page one... and without one new piece of evidence contained in it? Me smells a rat.

Hang on to your hats boys. (er, and girls
I tell you what Pete, i for one cannot beleive that what is transpiring in the halls of parliment at the moment, and the fact that there is a lot of underground talk, but nobody it seems has the balls to stand up and say enough is enough, I truely beleive if something isnt done soon we will wind up a third world country, thanks to this tart.


Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
OUR PRIME MINISTER IS A CROOK Part IX ...and now it's time to go


Larry Pickering• 11/10/2012 20:59 (4 days ago)• 345 COMMENTS 140The Opposition is finally asking questions of Gillard in Parliament regarding Slater & Gordon and Wilson.
“Why didn’t you go to the police when you discovered Bruce Wilson had misappropriated union funds?”, asked Julie Bishop. “This matter has been covered exhaustively in my recent press conference,” replied Gillard.
Julie Bishop in a supplementary question asked essentially the same again. Gillard again replied in exactly the same way.
Bishop’s question is ominous and a precursor to what will be later questions regarding Gillard’s recent statement that, “Not one dollar of union funds must go unaccounted for...”.
Ralph Blewitt is speaking to Michael Smith on tape about Gillard’s involvement in the AWU fraud.
It is apparent that Gillard witnessed Ralph Blewitt’s signature when Blewitt was 3,000 miles away in Perth. Gillard can never practise as a solicitor again nor should she be practising as a Prime Minister now.
Gillard can waste her breath calling me a misogynistic, sexist nutjob all she likes it does not resolve the issues she and a delinquent media will sooner or later need to face.
Massive fraud involves Wilson, Gillard, and Thiess Contractors. Gillard and Wilson conspired to steal almost $1 million from the AWU’s "Goldfields Fatal Accident and Death Fund". This money was donated from union members to financially assist bereaved families of union members killed in the course of employment. No-one knows where this money went.
The scam wasn’t discovered until the incoming AWU boss, Tim Daly, noticed payments made to purchase two holiday units. Tim Daly called in the police but no-one was prepared to testify.
Wilson “extorted” hundreds of thousands from Thiess Contractors in WA and Vic. Thiess WA informed police by letter that they would not cooperate in the investigation and would not lay a complaint. [When the FOI letter was posted on Facebook it promptly disappeared.]
Thiess’ WA Manager, Joe Trio, is Wilson’s brother-in-law. Listed as a director of Thiess is the ALP’s feminist stalwart, Ros Kelly, former wife of News Ltd’s Paul Kelly. It starts to smell.
The odour becomes stronger when Bill Shorten and his lover Nicola Roxon enter stage Left. The money Wilson and Gillard defrauded from the Vic AWU sent union bosses Kernohan, joint national secretary, Ian Cambridge, and even Qld’s Bill Ludwig into a frenzy. They wanted the money back.
Shorten (later to become AWU national secretary) was adamant that the Union should not prefer charges. He demanded the whole affair be buried for the sake of the AWU and all involved. At the time he wrote a letter to that effect to Ludwig [we do not have a copy].
The AWU and Slater & Gordon have since refused to cooperate with police with Slater & Gordon claiming privilege.
Ian Cambridge demanded a Royal Commission and wrote a damning affidavit with the assistance of Rob McClelland. But Cambridge backed away from his claims after he was assured of future reward.
Kernohan stuck to his guns on behalf of his members and has been suffering ever since. He has been constantly threatened, mercilessly bashed and sent bullets in the mail. To this day he is still in hiding.
Co-conspirator in the fraud and equity partner in Slater & Gordon, Bernard Murphy, hurriedly departed the firm, at the same time as Gillard was sacked, and shifted to the other Left wing lawyers, Maurice Blackburn, taking Gillard’s file with him. The file was left in the safe care of Nicola Roxon. Roxon and Shorten were working at Maurice Blackburn at the same time.
Ralph Blewitt confirms Bernard Murphy’s complicity in the fraud.
Gillard remained unemployed for almost six months eventually allowing her practising certificate to lapse.
After many attempts, Gillard won pre-selection for the safe Labor seat of Lalor in 1998. In 2001 she was elevated to a shadow portfolio. She became deputy PM after Kevin Rudd’s victory in 2007. But Rudd was always on borrowed time. Gillard was of the socialist Left and backroom deals were done with the NSW Right faction well ahead of the hated Rudd’s knifing. Incredibly, she was now Australia’s first female PM in waiting.
In her excitement she made the fatal error of telling her staff what was about to happen. They promptly started on her acceptance speech which gave lie to her claim that she knew nothing of the coup until that fateful night.
Gillard now had a problem. Her dirty past needed burying and she needed to shore up her position with favours.
Bernard Murphy was promoted to a Judge of the Federal Court. Bill Shorten was promoted to Industrial Relations, Mark Abib and Stephen Conroy (both of whom arranged for her to shift from the socialist Left faction) were promoted to Cabinet. Bill Ludwig’s son, Joe Ludwig, was promoted in the Senate. Ian Cambridge was promoted, unqualified, to a judge on the Bench of FWA. So, all was in place...
Except for traitor Rob McClelland. Aha, he presented Gillard with the final solution. Attorney General, Rob McClelland, a Queen’s Council had to go to make way for the pedestrian and rather dimwitted lawyer, Nicola Roxon. Now, all the ducks were in order for Gillard’s tenure as PM.


As Robert Burns once said, “The best laid plans of mice and men oft’ go astray”.

Gillard’s brutal and bloody rise has gone astray for want of rewarding three people. Blewitt, Kernohan and McLelland. They weren’t on Gillard’s payroll... they refused to be.

All three have suffered and are ensuring Gillard also suffers in the final few moves of what is now an end game Gillard will not survive.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Peeling back the putrid layers..
Julia Gillard employs no fewer than 1,600 media advisers. (Spin doctors). The cost? $150,000,000 pa. There are more, but Ministers like Albanese won’t disclose details.
It appears much more of our taxes needs to be spent on spin doctors if our chief spinster Gillard’s involvement in massive union corruption is to remain undetected.
I would like to take you on a little trip to the WA Goldfields... to Kalgoorlie’s twin city, Boulder.
WA newspaper archives show Bruce Wilson travelled to Boulder/Kalgoorlie in 1992 to attempt to allay union members' concerns about his (Wilson’s) decision to transfer the management of large sums of union members’ money to a new AWU account in Northbridge, Perth.

The money resided at the time in a separate account called, “The Goldfields Fatal Accident and Death Fund”. This money, donated from union members themselves, was to financially assist bereaved families of deceased union members.
Wilson wanted management the account shifted to the AWU’s head office in Perth. Wilson was the then WA boss of the AWU. He and Ralph Blewitt were to be sole signatories on the account and union members were justifiably apprehensive.

They were wary of Wilson’s alleged fraudulent activities and demanded a meeting. It was set down for 8pm in the Boulder Town Hall.
Wilson knew he would never convince members of the legitimacy of the proposed move himself. So he introduced to the stage a person of high legal authority to assure union members there was no need for concern.
The person he introduced was Julia Gillard. Members were unaware Gillard was his lover. She was presented as an important Industrial Lawyer from Victoria and an official representative of the Labor stalwart law firm, Slater & Gordon.

Gillard addressed union members at length explaining why the money should be moved and that there was nothing to worry about. She insisted the members were in the good hands of Slater & Gordon and their best interests would at all times be protected.

Gillard must have done an excellent job because the account containing approximately $1 million was shifted to a private Northbridge, Perth account. The address for all correspondence was nominated as Northbridge Post Office, Box 253.
Three years later, police were asked by incoming AWU State Secretary, Tim Daly, to investigate one amount of $145,000 withdrawn from “The Goldfields Fatal Accident and Death Fund” to buy two holiday units in Kalbarri.

[I should say at this point that Ralph Blewitt never questioned what Wilson wanted. He simply signed whatever he was asked to. He was to sign fraudulent documents Gillard had drawn up for Wilson in the name of Workplace Reform Association Inc. Blewitt was also totally unaware of a mortgage, arranged in his name by Slater & Gordon, over another house Wilson bought from stolen AWU funds in Kerr Street, Fitzroy. Wilson, according to police files, used a stamp of Blewitt’s signature whenever he needed it.]
Despite the WA Major Fraud Squad’s Detective David McAlpine’s keenness to lay charges, it didn’t happen. The Kalbarri holiday units, were subsequently sold. Again the laundered money vanished. It was only the tip of a very large iceberg.
Wilson was also negotiating a “Workplace Reform Agreement” with Thiess at their Dawesville (Mandurah) site. He had invoiced Thiess himself for 220 hours worked per month, every month, at a rate of $36.00 per hour. But did not on any occasion even visit the site.
Thiess raised cheques on each of Wilson’s invoices. Each cheque was deposited in, and promptly withdrawn from, the sham Northbridge account. This is commonly known as a “secret commission”. It is highly illegal.
Thiess didn’t seem to care that Wilson was never seen.
Although the WA Police wanted Blewitt and Wilson charged they could not convince Thiess to co-operate.
From FOI material we have recently received from the WA Major Fraud Squad, it is clear that Thiess WA was reluctant to press charges of any kind. Thiess insisted they believed they were paying a branch of the AWU. Their reluctance to press charges may have been due to not wanting to rock the AWU boat, acquiescence in the deal or the interesting relationship between Wilson and Thiess’ CEO, Joe Trio; Trio is Wilson’s brother-in-law.

Another seven cheques totalling $112,000 found their way into the Northbridge, Perth account curiously from Melbourne Water, a Statutory Vic. Government Authority.
Now, you might ask, why the hell would a Victorian Government QUANGO be paying a Perth-based union for any damn thing?
The connection is this: Gillard was, and still is, a very close friend of a Robyn McLeod. McLeod was Gillard’s house-mate and she bought half of Gillard’s Abbottsford property.

Remember, Wilson was joint boss of WA and Vic AWU for this period and was drawing two wages
And guess who Wilson engaged to negotiate the Melbourne Water contract?
Yep, the $300,000 pa, SA Rann Govt Water Commissioner, Robyn McLeod. The plot thickens by the minute and we nut-jobs are supposed to stop asking questions?
The question that must be asked, and will soon be answered, is how could Gillard have been Wilson’s lover for over four years and not know what was going on? He carried a wad of notes that would choke a horse and was purchasing multiple properties for cash with extorted funds.
Gillard admits she was involved and indeed complicit in the fraud, but now claims she didn’t know what Wilson’s intentions were. Mmmm, didn’t know? Really? Convincing workers in Boulder to part with their hard-earned funeral savings to buy holiday units and she didn’t know? Where did she think the mouth of this river of money’s source was?
To say she didn’t know beggars belief. Either she is a simpleton (which she is not) or she is treating us as simpletons. The latest photo depicts her as definitely not blonde and she was an industrial lawyer and partner in the most notorious law firm in the land. She didn’t know what she, or he, was doing?
When Gillard acrimoniously broke-up with Wilson, she was more familiar with his scams than poor Blewitt. So, why didn’t she go to the police? After all, they were champing on the bit waiting to charge him. All they needed was some corroborative evidence. Could it be that she and others would be found guilty of aiding and abetting?
So, why are police never successful in prosecuting union fraud cases? Simply because union bosses and developers refuse to cooperate. They will neither supply nor give evidence to enable a successful prosecution for fear of retribution or incrimination.
The glacial HSU East branch investigation by the union-dominated FWA is testimony to the futility of expecting delinquent crooks to investigate delinquent crooks.

FWA Commissioner Ian Cambridge, when an AWU Boss, called for a Royal Commission into his union! He has since been silenced by Gillard appointing him as a judge to the Federal Court. Now he can’t discuss the matter.

We ‘nut-job, sexist misogynists’ are really not supposed to ask these questions? Not one has been answered.
As I have said repeatedly, Abbott refuses to be involved. I can’t blame him. But the only Honourable Member left in the Labor Party, Former Attorney General Rob McClelland, will not rest until these matters are resolved. Gillard sacked him.

Criminal elements, like small fish Craig Thomson, (who had Gillard’s “full confidence” until the bitter end) are deeply embedded in the ALP. They are protected by the ALP and their court costs are covered by the ALP via the unions. HSU’s Williamson has ripped $20 million from lowly paid workers.

The money these mobsters embezzle from innocent workers is tax exempt. It’s like taking prize candy from a kid and there are no penalties when caught.

It is the Labor system, it is the culture and it has become enmeshed in the sophisticated involvement of Left wing Law Firms like Slater & Gordon and Maurice Blackburn who have made an art form of ripping off needy claimants.

Abbott refrains from demanding an immediate Royal Commission because Gillard and her Union mobsters must never be allowed to set narrow terms of reference. My information is that Abbott will move on the unions as soon as he gains Office. His will be a Royal Commission with the widest possible terms of reference.
The main protector from union prosecution is Bill Shorten, another product of a Left wing law firm. He has successfully shut down the HSU investigation by sequestrating the union and is currently busy trying to bury the AWU/Gillard/Wilson investigation.

Isolated cases eh? Try keeping a lid on this one, Billy boy... we have much more on you.

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Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
I watched question time this morning Gillard is an outstanding politician and very adept at ducking and weaving. She certainly has an able assistant in the form of the Speaker.
She did not answer one question put to her by the leader of the opposition but continued to resort to accusing him of throwing mud and sleaze.
Below is Pickering's take on the matter.

Julia Gillard, with the assistance of the Speaker, will use her best vitriol in a vain attempt to defend herself in this the last Parliamentary sitting.

However, there are two serious points both she and the Opposition have forgotten.

1. When asked why she didn’t inform the AWU of the fraud, thereby allowing it to continue, she said it was already under investigation. It wasn’t, not until the following year, and only then because it was fortuitously discovered.

2. When asked why she didn’t send a copy of the required AWU Executive Resolution with her application to the WA Commission for Corporate Affairs she said she was already under the instructions of officials of the AWU. [Actually, there was no Executive Resolution because the AWU weren’t aware of any application.]

But in her subsequent letter of appeal to the Commission (after they had initially rejected the application because it it “sounded” like a union) Gillard said it was NOT a union. Using the name and bona fides of Slater & Gordon, she convinced the Commission to allow the illegal incorporation.

So, which way does Gillard want it?

“I was already acting for the AWU via Bruce Wilson and therefore I didn’t need to inform the AWU Executive” of the potential fraud or,

“It ought NOT be construed as a union” in order to convince the Commission to incorporate the slush fund?

It seems these two points cannot be easily explained. Neither the media nor the Opposition have broached this most serious case of misleading the Press and the Parliament.

Gillard’s position is now untenable simply because it is patently clear that she has lied and she has committed a crime.

She thought it was safe to lie because she believed the file with that letter she sent to the Commission had “disappeared”. She had no idea that Styant-Browne had a copy of her exit interview.

Also, why did Slater & Gordon find the matter so serious as to call Gillard in for an interview and subsequently dismiss her?

Gillard cannot now claim the matter is “just smear!” More damning evidence from the Victoria Police will emerge over Xmas and will keep dribbling out until her guilt becomes overwhelming.

The ALP can stem the effect of further crushing evidence and rid themselves of her now or keep her and suffer further electoral damage.

Caucus is already jumpy and felt confident enough to roll her on the Palestinian question because Islamic dominated seats out west were already at risk.

Sky journalists are now desperately trying to shore up Gillard’s defence but it won’t work. They simply don’t understand the gravity of Gillard’s actions.

To continue to suggest she did nothing illegal is a breach of their journalistic responsibilities.

Her suspension of standing orders was a neat trick to force Abbott to replace Bishop at the dispatch box. The evidence is now out there for all to see and no amount of Press gallery protection will be sufficient to save her.

The ALP has been rushing through legislation that an incoming government will need to deal with, including Pokie Machine Legislation.

This legislation, confined to Canberra only, is merely a blatant excuse to give the ALP-owned Canberra Clubs $40 million, which of course will find its way back to ALP election coffers.

Quite simply, our Prime Minister is an effusive crook. Those who still believe otherwise are in denial.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
The Opposition is calling on the Prime Minister to resign following new revelations about the AWU slush fund affair on today’s front pages from Hedley Thomas in The Australian and Mark Baker in The Age showing further the extent of the legal advice provided by the Prime Minister in the 1990s so her former boyfriend, AWU official Bruce Wilson, could incorporate an association which was to be used as a “slush fund” to elect union officials.

JULIA Gillard admitted during a secret internal probe to writing to a government department to help overcome its objections to the creation of an association for her then boyfriend and client, union official Bruce Wilson.
The revelation, contained in a document released today after 17 years, comes after days of stonewalling by the Prime Minister, including in parliament, on the question of whether she had personally vouched for the Australian Workers Union Workplace Reform Association.
The document, a record of interview between Ms Gillard and her law firm, Slater & Gordon, in September 1995, reveals the association was initially regarded as ineligible because of its “trade union” status.
Ms Gillard overcame the obstacle by writing to the Commissioner for Corporate Affairs in Western Australia in 1992 and arguing that the decision to bar it should be reversed.
Ms Gillard also wrote the association’s rules, which emphasised worker safety but made no mention of its true purpose of funding the elections of union officials.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
I'm told from an impeccable source that the Victorian Police are investigating a certain Person in high office. Allegedly there is ample evidence of wrong doing but the attorney general's department are resisting bringing charges.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
This has gone very quiet. I am told by the same source that prompted me starting this thread that the media have been requested by the Victorian Police
To not publish anything that may hinder a prosecution in the future.
Personally I don't think the media can be controlled that way anymore.
Something bigger is keeping them quiet.:lipsrsealed: