When THEY Run Everything.


I see. So you know better how someone else should decide their gender (not their DNA).

No Jeff, the Almighty decided it...

You may have missed it in biology class but a 1905 study of meiosis revealed the chromosomal basis of gender. Some guy named Mendel worked on it in the 19th century, not Mengle.

So if some aging hollywood star gets plastic surgery to look 25, they really are? If a woman tragically loses a breast to cancer, she is no longer a woman? If a GI is sexually mutlated by an IED they are no longer a man?? I think not.
With your logic, my childhood friend's crazy uncle who thought he was a dog, should be "surgically reassigned" by the vet, it's the only compassionate thing to do...

Paul McHugh, director of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, is a leading proponent of the notion that the cause for transgenderism is not biological, that transgender people have chosen this path.

He halted the university hospital's practice of performing gender reassignment surgeries in the late 1970s because, he says, a study indicated that postoperative transsexuals were no happier than they were before the operation. "You can live any way you want, but don't come to us and ask us to give medical resources to this proposal of yours, because we think it's a social construct and not a condition of nature," McHugh says.

But what does HE know??? He probably voted for Romney...

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
The Almighty? You mean the magical old white guy who lives in the sky and looks, thinks and acts like you? That's the basis for your opposition to someone wanting to make a personal decision to change gender?

Don't ever use the word "libertarian" to describe yourself again, because the The Almighty might strike you down with some form of blue bolt or something for the sin of Extreme Hypocrisism.
The Almighty? You mean the magical old white guy who lives in the sky and looks, thinks and acts like you? That's the basis for your opposition to someone wanting to make a personal decision to change gender?

Don't ever use the word "libertarian" to describe yourself again, because the The Almighty might strike you down with some form of blue bolt or something for the sin of Extreme Hypocrisism.

Some of us are trying the best we can to act and think like HIM. Only narcissistic fools would think HE acts like us.
Come on Jeff, when are you going to come and help me look for my balls? Since posting like a fool, you have since swallowed a dictionaru and appear to be hoping to bamboozle us all into forgetting how silly you can be, simply bbecause you know worsd like Hypocrisism.

Bob, the only problem with narcissism, is the affected deon't know they are affected by it. Here we have a prime example

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Well word on the street is Kalifornia will start taxing septic system owners per turd..

Just kidding, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Cuba on the Chesapeake is charging a rain tax for how much impermeable surface area you have (roof, driveway, patio...).

Wash. St. is, in effect, doing BOTH right now...big time.

Oh, and that "rain tax (Rain water run off tax) for how much impermeable surface area you have" you mentioned?...well, the text of said act here in Wa. St. says, '...for the purpose$ of thi$ act, GRAVEL $hall be con$idered a nonporu$ $urface'!!! $oooooo, friend$ and neighbor$ - GUE$$ WHAT THE REAL PURPO$E OF THE ACT I$? Hint: If you gue$$ed, "Environmental protection" - you're WRONG.
And this is why I don't trust any part of the government.... They lie, cheat and steal. They lie about everything to the reason, the funding, the motivation and where they spend OUR money. If they actually taxed responsibly and SPENT responsibly for what they are supposed to do and if they would get off of their high horses and stopped being egotistical spoiled asshats, then maybe I'd feel different.

I have a sticker on my back window that reads.... Tar.Feathers.Congress...some assembly required.

Too bad its not limited to Congress.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
And this is why I don't trust any part of the government.... They lie, cheat and steal. They lie about everything to the reason, the funding, the motivation and where they spend OUR money. If they actually taxed responsibly and SPENT responsibly for what they are supposed to do and if they would get off of their high horses and stopped being egotistical spoiled asshats, then maybe I'd feel different.

I have a sticker on my back window that reads.... Tar.Feathers.Congress...some assembly required.

Too bad its not limited to Congress.

I think it has spread world wide:evil:

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
And this is why I don't trust any part of the government.... They lie, cheat and steal.

I actually have a board game named "Lie, Cheat and Steal", bought back in the '70's when I was in grad school.

It is a political game. You garner votes, perks, etc by getting away with lying, cheating, and stealing.

The one who accumilates the most gets to be POTUS :grinf:


I just read this article on CNN which is basically a call to end the embargo with Cuba. Regardless of what you think about that, the interesting part of this are the comments at the bottom.

Opinion: Beyoncé, Jay-Z -- anyone -- should be free to visit Cuba - CNN.com

I believe these comments speak volumes about how liberals think in general. What caught my eye was how historically wrong the commenters are. They are either completely misinformed or simply don't care about the truth. They first say that Batista was actually worse than Castro, and that the Cuban situation is solely the fault of America. But then a person claiming to be a real Cuban gives his side of the story which shuts up the whole reply chain:

Yusseff 305 ob • an hour ago
"Batista was a dictator ,but he is a tity boy in comparsion to what Castro has done in cuba. The Batista dictatorship didn't even last 10 years as opposed to Castro's dictatorship which has lasted 53 years. Heck Che Guevara himself killed more people in La Cabana prison than Batista. Batista is no saint but Castro is the bearded devil. I agree the embargo must go and that is they way to get rid of Castro. I also agree that Rubio and his band stink......Joe Garcia is the way.......but to say that Castro is a saint in comparsion a to Batista is offensive to me and all the other cubans that have lost family to the castro regime......Cuba's oil is not in top 20% because it is not refinable yet sir......I love my family on the island and yes the people of cuba are beautiful people and friendly but they are enslaved by that gov't...............Every discovery in Cuba is great but that regime uses it as propaganda to keep those people enslaved......look at from the outside that regime chooses to help the outside world as propagands to spread the brand of gov't .......yet Cubans are struggling to makes ends meat and find the basic necesities that you and I as Cubans or cuban-americans have everyday........not because of the embargo we the people of miami travel to the island everyday and take tons of food and aid to our families everyday.......The problem in Cuba isn't the people it's the regime!!!!!"

Read some of the comments bashing Batista and supporting Castro. How does this happen?

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
I believe you are a complete misinformed dupe for that post, for these reasons:

1. Extrapolating a few comments as some sort of equivalent of "how liberals think." Dumb. Beyond dumb.

2. Not understanding the difference between Batista and Castro, both of whom were/are dictators who did terrible things to their country. The question was just to who. Batista was the puppet of the rich. Havanna in the 40s/50s was opulent wealth for a very small few, and abject poverty for everyone else. Castro changed that, targeting and killing many of the former moneyed classes, and many of whom high tailed it to Miama. Of course folks like that, who posted in that thread, are going to claim Batista wasn't so bad and Castro some other worldly evil. And you fell for it, showing a complete lack of understanding of Cuban history or facts. Nice job.

3. Castro did a lot of bad. He's also done a lot of good in terms of education and health care for the poorest (i.e. the majority) of Cubans. Would the country have been better off as a whole without him and with a democractically elected, market driven economy? Of course. Would the country as a whole have been better off with Batista? Absofuckinglutely not despite what some former member of the wealthy ruling class of Cuba now esconced in Miami says.
2. Not understanding the difference between Batista and Castro, both of whom were/are dictators who did terrible things to their country. The question was just to who. Batista was the puppet of the rich. Havanna in the 40s/50s was opulent wealth for a very small few, and abject poverty for everyone else. Castro changed that, targeting and killing many of the former moneyed classes, and many of whom high tailed it to Miama. Of course folks like that, who posted in that thread, are going to claim Batista wasn't so bad and Castro some other worldly evil. And you fell for it, showing a complete lack of understanding of Cuban history or facts. Nice job.

Jeff, You are exactly what I extrapolated to.

I forget that you actually supported Castro's purges and therefor do see him as a much better person than Batista. Lets not forget how the liberals in the states were completely in love with Castro when he came to power. How many Che Guevara t-shirts have you worn through?

I don't think its possible to convey any sort of logic to you since you have none, but I'll try anyway.

"Havanna in the 40s/50s was opulent wealth for a very small few, and abject poverty for everyone else."
And its better now? How? Average income in Cuba is $19 a month. You make my case for me.

"Castro changed that, targeting and killing many of the former moneyed classes,"
Are you supporting this? As long as its wealthy people being killed, its ok, right? "Let the proletariat rise up" and all that... When it comes to violence and death, Castro was way worse.

All of the Cubans that escape to america are from the old ruling class, huh? They sure are taking their time coming here as they are still sailing in on makeshift rafts.

No one ever said that Batista was good, he was indeed a very bad guy. But face it, he was only in power for less than 10 years while Castro's has spanned generations. We will most likely never know just how bad Castro's regime is and how many people he killed, but even now it continues.

Clearly no one knows as much about Cuba than you, even Cubans! You certainly have an education.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
That's hilarious. So you get called on not knowing a damn thing about Cuban history, not understanding the social and economic dynamics of the Batista (he first became president in 1940 by the way) and Castro regimes, you buy some anonymous commenting by a Cuban exile hook line and sinker, and your only response was I somehow "supported Castro's purges."

What a joke.

P.S. It was a liberal President who tried to invade Cuba and kick Castro to the curb. Seems you forgot that there above with "liberals in the States completely in love with Castro." More broad brush stupidity by the Fox News edumacated nutjobs.
P.S. It was a liberal President who tried to invade Cuba and kick Castro to the curb. Seems you forgot that there above with "liberals in the States completely in love with Castro." More broad brush stupidity by the Fox News edumacated nutjobs.

I realize that the facts of the Bay of Pigs betrayal have been whitewashed, but kennedy sent brave men into Cuba and then withdrew support for their mission, condemning them to capture or death.

50 Years Later: Learning From The Bay Of Pigs : NPR