Who are the current GT40 replica manufacturers?


I am sure the long time members are tired of seeing this question. As I have read through many of the posts on this forum and done a bit of Internet searching I have compiled what I think are the current manufacturers of GT40 replicas.


I have found several other manufacturers, however, they don't appear to be in business any more, or are low profile. Of the above, it appears that CAV and Superformance only deal in assembled chassis and complete cars. RCR, Tornado, DRB, and ERA seem to offer kits, however, my impression is that ERA only offers an "all in" version of their kits. I can take the route of saving for the next two to three years and then buying something like one of the "all in" kits or completed rolling chassis. Or, I could buy the minimum kit now and pay as I go by buying the next "stage" or parts as I get to that stage. For this option it looks like RCR and Tornado are about my choices. Both look like solid options, but I tend to like the aluminum tub of the RCR more than the tube frame with paneling of the Tornado. I do see that Tornado now offers a monocoque in addition to the tube frame.

So, I am asking the builders that have gone down this road already for your opinions, the choice you made, and the reasons for that choice. There are no wrong answers to this question!

CAV does offer a self-build (assemble) "kit".

You are correct that Superformance does not, we offer only a "rolling chassis" due to the complexity and to ensure the build level. You may be perfectly capable, but some are not. And as SPF has the license to use the trade dress and name "GT40" the owners of the mark are concerned about protecting the image and IP.

Last I knew "Roaring 40s" in OZ were still trading as well as another Aussie outfit whose name escapes me right now. Also, you have Gelscoe and perhaps still GOX for original type tubs as well as some others who build a steel monocoque like FAV.

Without sounding like a dick, only a Superformance is legally a "GT40", all others are "GT40 replicas". Nothing wrong with that but there is a difference.

Andy Sheldon

Tornado Sports Cars
GT40s Sponsor

We started producing kits way back in 1989. 2011 is our 22nd year in the GT40 business.

We supply spaceframe based cars, aluminium monocoque based cars and even a carbon
fibre monocoque based version.

We can supply the complete kit in one hit or every part needed as a separate item.

You can email me direct at [email protected]


you are welcome to come by the shop in Michigan and see the quality of our class leading aluminum chassis anytime...

Give us a call with any questions...
"SPF has the license to use the trade dress"

Really, when did that happen?

When Safir GT40 Spares Ltd. granted a license to Hi-Tech/Superformance to use the trademark and trade dress. And yes, the trade dress issue may be "murky", but Safir has not chosen so far to enforce it. And I for one would encourage them not to. So while the issue of trade dress ownership may or may not be clearly defined, so long as they do not go after any other replicas, why would the license agreement concern you?

I see ALL of the replicas having a place in the market and I do not dis any. See my posts over the years, what works for you and what you can afford is the best GT40 replica for you. Some will be a Superformance GT40 and some will be your product. And I hope all of the buyers are happy and enjoy the crap out of their car!

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Bill -

I looked long and hard at all the offerings that were available at the time. I originally thought I could save money on buying and building in stages - but after doing the math and one of the mfgrs decided to no longer respond with component prices, I decided to purchase the Delux Plus from RCR.
The local support (local being US), Wilwood brakes, alloy chassis (rigid and safe) as well as billet suspension and business reputation of RCR were enough to push me over..
"why would the license agreement concern you?"

Umm... I doesn't.

It might be my bad, but I didn't know that the rights to Trade Dress were included in the trademark "GT40", thats all!
Bill, in Australia we have The New Roaring Forties as well as DRB. Both quality cars, but the strong Australian dollar would be making them expensive to import.

Jim Rosenthal

The difference between the Superformance cars on one hand and all the others on the other hand is that SPF/Hitech are the only group (AFAIK) that went to the trouble and expense of asking Safir GT40's owners to look at their cars and agree to give them serial numbers and status as official GT40s- they pay a fee per car. Safir DO own the trade dress. They have chosen not to enforce it- so far. This is a sleeping dog which I would let stay asleep.

Ron Earp

It might be my bad, but I didn't know that the rights to Trade Dress were included in the trademark "GT40", thats all!

Except for the original run of cars they're all GT40 replicas. All of them. The original run of cars was done long ago and now we all enjoy GT40 replicas, no matter what flavor we choose (well, not all of us, a select few have the real deal). You can make it a panel/rivet/weld/nut&bolt/label/NOS filled carbon copy but it is still a replica and the answer, when someone asks "is it an original" or "a GT40", must be "it's a replica".

Doesn't change the fun factor and in fact in my opinion increases it since you can flog it to death with no worries about losing beacoup money.
To be clear, this is from Superformance's own FAQ:

"The GT40 is licensed by SAFIR GT40 Spares LLC as a continuation GT40 and is registry eligible."

Just so things are clear ...

So, 'without sounding like a dick, only a Superformance is legally a "GT40 <B>continuation</B>", and, <B>like the rest, is a "GT40 replica"</B>. Nothing wrong with that but there is a difference.'

I'd also like to add, along these same lines, that CAV is the only manufacturer that legally can produce and sell GT40 replicas with official Gulf Oil colors and badging. Again, for whatever that's worth.

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To be clear, this is from Superformance's own FAQ:

"The GT40 is licensed by SAFIR GT40 Spares LLC as a continuation GT40 and is registry eligible."

Just so things are clear ...

So, 'without sounding like a dick, only a Superformance is legally a "GT40 <B>continuation</B>", and, <B>like the rest, is a "GT40 replica"</B>. Nothing wrong with that but there is a difference.'

I'd also like to add, along these same lines, that CAV is the only manufacturer that legally can produce and sell GT40 replicas with official Gulf Oil colors and badging. Again, for whatever that's worth.



You are correct, they are "Continuations" as only 1960s biult cars are FORD GT40s. And the Gulf point is correct, even Ford could not use the "Gulf" moniker on the 2006 Ford GTs, the had to be sold as "Heritage" livery! The Gulf colors are a matter of question as the colors used were existing BL colors and not original to JW or Gulf. I suppose the pattern and color combo could be trademarked, but I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV!

You are correct, they are "Continuations" as only 1960s biult cars are FORD GT40s. And the Gulf point is correct, even Ford could not use the "Gulf" moniker on the 2006 Ford GTs, the had to be sold as "Heritage" livery! The Gulf colors are a matter of question as the colors used were existing BL colors and not original to JW or Gulf. I suppose the pattern and color combo could be trademarked, but I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV!

NP Rick, and I hope you didn't take it personally.

Marketing is marketing, trademarks are trademarks, etc.

For those who want pretty close to authentic, and want to be able to have their vehicle on the SAAC registry, then obviously, Superformance is the only one that fits.

For those who want as close to authentic as possible, probably Gelscoe, Gox, and Holman Moody.

For those who want official Gulf livery, then CAV is the only choice.

For spaceframe based replicas that you assemble - in no particular order - Roaring Forties, Southern GT, Tornado, DRB, Bailey Edwards, Active Power.

For monocoques and semi-monocoques - in no particular order - ERA, RCR, Tornado, Superformance, CAV, Gox, Gelscoe, Holman Moody.

So, a complete(?) list in alphabetical order:

Active Power (spaceframe)
Bailey Edwards (spaceframe)
CAV (mono)
DRB (spaceframe)
ERA (mono)
Gelscoe (mono)
Gox (mono)
Holman Moody (mono)
RCR (mono)
Southern GT (spaceframe)
Superformance (mono)
Tornado (spaceframe and mono)

I think that covers it ...


No sweat, I didn't take it as a "slam"..you were making a valid point which I did not properly explain. I think you put the proper enlightenment on the definition.

And as I have said previously, there is no "wrong" choice. The GT you can buy, do buy and enjoy is the "right" one!