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  • I'm in Asheville, so not too far. I built an SLC and drove it for 7 years before I sold it last year, so still have some residual knowledge! :) Happy to talk shop and SLCs, or answer questions. Also, have you seen the SLC Wiki? It has a wealth of info. slc-wiki.squarespace.com is the link.
    Hi Pnut,
    Thank you for the info. Why did you sell after so many years? What are you driving now?
    Yes I know about the wiki, read it all, many build trend on the forum... just need to see one now lol.
    What was your configuration in your SLC?
    Did you have a lot of issue after the build (I see that in many trends)
    Thank you for sharing
    Hi Alex, I sold my car when I was building a new house during Covid- but I see it's for sale right now by the current owner, not far from me in Hickory NC! Mine was a mild LS7 with a Ricardo 6-speed from a Ford GT. It had a fantastic interior, and was quite fast. These are all project cars, but mine was pretty reliable. Search for Superlite SLC on Facebook Marketplace and you'll see it.
    You can call me to chat if you want- my cell is 703 303 6803.
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