Goodwood Revival - 2021


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Anybody else attending this year ?
It will be an excellent run up to the Members Meeting later this year.


Peter Barnes

Not this year James, hope to next year. Good to see your car progressing now.
Mel and I , 2019

goodwood 2019.jpg
I have postponed tickets for the members meet, so if I am alowed to travel overseas, I will be at the members meet.

Without a GT as the painter takes his time at the moment doing other things than my GT..

Glenn M

We had a wonderful time at Goodwood Revival, even managed to blag our way into the Rolex Drivers Club.... which was surprisingly small, barely room for the two of us! ;)


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    Rolex Club.jpg
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Lifetime Supporter
That's unfortunate. Did you notice the 3rd car spinning before the turn? And both involved cars sliding into the grass at the turn exit. I'm guessing someone lost some fluid onto the track...

I think to remember that during the race on Saturday they said something about an oil leak on friday.....
Did anyone see practise on Friday?

Yes but we saw this incident from the other view, behind. Just before this clip starts the GT40 had a moment (brake snatch ?) there was a puff of what looked like tyre smoke. The driver went wide & seemed to regain control at which point the Lola hits.

The Lanzante mechanics popped out the roof dents, touched up the paint, replaced the windscreen & opening panels and the car started the race the following day, as did the Lola too.
Sadly their work came to nothing as the GT retired immediately, reported to me as a gearshift issue ?