The Best Traffic Jams...........

Max Walter

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter

I too have video of the parade start, from the front of the pit exit, then from the stand above the pits when they all came round again.

Plus a few bits of people on their track laps as they went past the pits, from the stand above the pit again.

Probably a few photos as well (if they come out ok).

Was using all 'old technology' that day, so have to wait to get photos developed & transfer video.


Hi All -

Our main club videographer (Tim) was busy all day and has i'm told some excellent footage.

However - you can never have too much when editing, so if anyone would like to possibly have their footage included in either a club web clip or the season review DVD/Video, (with appropriate credit) then please let me know.

We prefer digital tapes but non-digital can be used also and all tapes will be returned by post in good order.

Many thanks........ now we just wait till 2004!
Hi All, The Track Day just gets better and better. It Is proving to be the highlight of the GT40 replica year for most. I appologise to those who where expecting James Race car in attendance, though due to supply problems from both the USA and UK based suppliers, we were unable to bring James MDA.

The whole event a good time to catch up with old faces both customers (who most of us regards as friends) and old work colleagues. It was good to see Mike & Paul Christopher, James Pearce and Lee Dawson from GTD old school. Ray and Graham as ever fully supportive of the GTD fraternity. Roy Smart as ever the stalwart of the Club, and even Frank for keeping his cool running up to the event, it takes a lot of organizing.

I have a unique position in that I have worked for GTD, am a GTD club member and Owned Three GTD's (two I still own)Having sold my silver car which is now owned by Chris Ford. This puts me in two camps. One foot in the GTD and one foot in the MDA. As a GT40 parts supplier, it was good for me to catch up with everyone. As MDA it was a little disappointing not to get some feedback from respective members of the Club on our MDA40. This will come in time im sure.

When GTD used to run the Goodwood tack day themselves, ANdy Bennett (Workshop manager) used to insist on safety first. To this end I am going to make a recommendation that in future events, the club has some Fire Extinguishers handy in the Pit, pit approach and paddock areas. Just the hand held type from the accessory shops would be helpful, or the customers may want to bring their own. Years ago a customer called Tony Haliwell's GTD came in on fire at the rear due to the unrealiable Webber spit back and set light to the exhaust. Because Andy Bennett had the area covered, I grabbed an Extinguisher and stuffed it up the cars vent and luckily put it out. A little mess to clean up, but nothing like a severely burnt back end or worse......

Apart from that, im sure the event will go from strength to strength. I really hope to have a few cars there next year (if allowed) and maybe the number of Forties will break the record. Great Job to those involved.

Very best regards

Mark Sibley