B.O. Supports Mosque near ground zero.


Whole different scenario, in my opinion one of the few justified wars, the war to end all wars.

The initial post was about Obama possibly supporting the building of a Mosque, my appeasement was to let them do it and build something better. I do not believe the building of a Mosque would lead to a third world war.

Nick, I agree that WWI was justified - it was truly a case of good vs evil. Things were much simpler then in many ways compared to today. I did not mean to imply anything about starting a war or nuking anyone, I simply wanted to point out the historical precedent that appeasement of a ruthless, fanatical enemy will give him the tactical and strategic upper hand, if not the moral high ground. And that's where I think you err...Islamofascists are convinced they have Allah on their side and they don't care one iota about public perception here in the US. They want to build this mosque as a victory symbol. As I posted before, if they were the least bit sensitive they would have backed off by now given the public outrage. They haven't...they will press forward until the mosque is complete. Our accommodations will be viewed by Islamists as weakness, and rightly so. The politically correct elements of our society are playing right into their hands.

That's not to say we should ignore our Bill of Rights and deny them the opportunity to peacefully practice their religion as they see fit. Our First Amendment is being artfully used against us; we can't bypass the First Amendment "just this once" because that's a slippery and dangerous slope nobody should want to tread. If we roll over on this we may retain the moral high ground, we embolden our enemies and we gravely insult the memories of those innocent victims who perished in the horrific acts of September 11. I don't know what the solution is.

Also, given the tone of a lot of posts in this thread, we should probably be explicit about who our enemies are. There are something like 1,400,000,000 muslims on this world and certainly many of them are good, decent people. I'm equally certain that a lot of them (who knows how many?) are rotten, vile, barbarous thugs, miscreants and scumbags who would like nothing more than to humiliate the west in general, and the United States in particular. The latter are our enemies, and I submit that those who are in power and working behind the scenes to fund and construct this mosque are our enemies. Unfortunately, unlike the days of WWII, our enemies don't wear uniforms and many of them give the appearance of blending in with us and of being reasonable people. The one thing that drives them and unites them is their religion and their conviction that their heinous acts would meet the approval of their warrior prophet. Like it or not, Islam is not going away, nor are the muslims who practice it. Therefore, the only rationale long-term solution is to facilitate the reform of Islam from within. What better way to start this process than to encourage Islam's moderate elements to recognize the grave insult this mosque represents and to simply back down?


Lifetime Supporter
To me, It is not just the property location. THIS spot is part of Ground Zero(as it is wrongly deemed.), for parts of the plane ended up in THIS spot. The building of the "cultural center" shows all the intention of the peaceful existence now. But it will become a place of "Holy irreverance" with the duplicity that the Muslim world has been taught.

I have to work with people of all religions, I don't get to choose. I have to be PC to keep my job and keep my mouth shut about my feelings and beliefs. I deal with the unscrupulous persons all the time. Only in here can some of what is inside will leak out.

This "can't we all get along" stuff does not work when the other party has no intention to. EVER. As much as we are taught peace and harmony, Muslims are taught that lying to a person of other race or religion is not lying, and that dying in a holy war will assure them a place in "heaven" with all the yada yada yada. Our "superior intellect" pacifists and diplomats need to recalculate how to deal with weeds of worldwide culture and to recognize their failures.
We have a media that has become sympathetic the Muslim faith by the infiltration by Muslims. We have a President, who is not currently a Muslim, but has been and is very sympathetic towards them. We are watching a madman in Iran handed the keys to Nuke Pandora's Box and think he is not going to start WWIII. The drugs that come from their countries kill our children. The hatred of others religions is unmatched (I call BS on any who retort with History, as well as a bunch of other stuff that would change the subject)

F all of them, F your sympathy for people who do evil unto others. F anyone who is in a belief that harbors such hatred for fellow man.

Yes I have a problem, I have too many of my relatives that were tortured and killed or lived with the horrors that none should have endured. Those that survived had tattoos of numbers on arms and stories for grand and great grand children to learn and make sure that this does not happen again. Pathetic as it seems I see my family and others who did survive the Holocaust become the complacent, pacifist, and show weakness.

Here in the US 1200 religous hate crimes per year easily, they make a big stink about 1 muslim hate crime, want to guess the highest percentage is?

Thanks for the freedom of speech, the freedom of the forum and god given common sense.


Lifetime Supporter
2010 Hughes/Don Davis Super Gas Corvette C5
Shafiroff 555 (950 HP) alcohol, (we have a intake with 3 stages of NOx) for 1700hp.
full delay box set up but will probably be in the high 6s if we put it all to it.
3-4 foot wheel stand on launch
certifying car now will probably run the SW swing of the NHRA, but will see.....


Lifetime Supporter
not my car but this is the body style


  • LE5N4132.jpg
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It's gone way over my head now as I didn't realise that Muslims rode rails..
Are they having lessons to drive them in the US?

What's the target?
It's gone way over my head now as I didn't realise that Muslims rode rails..
Are they having lessons to drive them in the US?

What's the target?

There seems to be little worry about the mosque, so we detoured to cars for a bit! How about building a mosque right next to the pentagon, and in that field in PA. Hell why not?


That's an interesting thought Al! Perhaps the Pentagon 'Hawks' and the Fundamental Immams will find a lot in common - after all, both camps are set quite a bit further to the right than even Genghis Khan was bless him...

(The French stopped him - best thing they ever did otherwise we'd all be eating spit roasted sheep and spicy rice now..

Hold on a minute waaait.......:huh:

He must have snuck past them! :laugh:
See Keith, its further along than you thought???

Not long and they WILL be running Britan.

As I said its nice at the botom of the world, only 4.000.000 people and more land than the whole of the Britan (just how we like it) and lots of spit roasts, with out the spicey rice. LOL leonmac.
See Keith, its further along than you thought???

Not long and they WILL be running Britan.

As I said its nice at the botom of the world, only 4.000.000 people and more land than the whole of the Britan (just how we like it) and lots of spit roasts, with out the spicey rice. LOL leonmac.

What are the imigration regulations like in NZ? Sounds like a mosque free environment.


See Keith, its further along than you thought???

Not long and they WILL be running Britan.

As I said its nice at the botom of the world, only 4.000.000 people and more land than the whole of the Britan (just how we like it) and lots of spit roasts, with out the spicey rice. LOL leonmac.

Ah, but have you looked under your bed recently Leon?

Al, you wouldn't like it - they are a very conservative liberal lot down there.. :)

Besides, the blood will rush to your head and then the natives will put you in a fire pit, cover you with hot rocks, banana leaves & Manuka honey coated nuts and then spend the rest of the weekend picking bits of you out of their teeth.....long pig barbie mate.

Not nice, not nice at all...:uneasy:
That's an interesting thought Al! Perhaps the Pentagon 'Hawks' and the Fundamental Immams will find a lot in common - after all, both camps are set quite a bit further to the right than even Genghis Khan was bless him...

(The French stopped him - best thing they ever did otherwise we'd all be eating spit roasted sheep and spicy rice now..

Hold on a minute waaait.......:huh:

He must have snuck past them! :laugh:

Keith think you may be onto something here imagine if they infiltrated the US.

They would want to slap both sides of the face of anyone who turned the other cheek and be totally intolerant of anyone who expressed a different opinion to theirs. They would want to let their fists do the educating. They would get pissed off every time the president opened his mouth and would want to resolve the matter with a war. Then they would probably then want to Nuke the war zone.

Hold on a minute waaait.......:huh:

Some of them must have snuck past already :OJ LOL!
Keith think you may be onto something here imagine if they infiltrated the US.

They would want to slap both sides of the face of anyone who turned the other cheek and be totally intolerant of anyone who expressed a different opinion to theirs. They would want to let their fists do the educating. They would get pissed off every time the president opened his mouth and would want to resolve the matter with a war. Then they would probably then want to Nuke the war zone.

Hold on a minute waaait.......:huh:

Some of them must have snuck past already :OJ LOL!

Oh Nick.... You are on FIRE :):):)
Al, the whole in the net is letting the odd one through but we have a lot of water around us and those boats they tend to use aint that robust, they get to the top of Aussie and their Navy keeps em back, there's a lot to be said for that Sheilla thats running the West Island mate. Leonmac
Al, the whole in the net is letting the odd one through but we have a lot of water around us and those boats they tend to use aint that robust, they get to the top of Aussie and their Navy keeps em back, there's a lot to be said for that Sheilla thats running the West Island mate. Leonmac

No, I want to go there!
No, I want to go there!


If you are planning to emigrate to New Zealand you may find it difficult. I think in a post you mentioned you were over 60 so you would not get in on the graduate skilled worker scheme as you have to be under 55.

I believe in order to retire you have to show you can make a significant financial contribution.

You could go on a temporary 2 year stay for that you need the following

• be aged 66 years or over

• invest NZ$0.75 million in New Zealand for two years, in an acceptable investment

• demonstrate ownership of NZ$0.5 million of maintenance funds and an annual income of NZ$60,000 at the time you apply

• meet standard health and character requirements

• hold and maintain comprehensive travel and/or health insurance for the duration of your stay

Of course you may be planning to do it illegally.
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