Slide type drivers window

Hi all.

I currently have the swing out open window on the drivers side. I was considering changing this to a slide type window.

Has anyone done this?

What are the advantages or problems if any encountered?

Is there a link to photos of this type of slide window?

I have accessed the various forums but detail is not good.

Any photo links of photos would be appreciated.

In anticipation


like this one you mean?


I also dropt a line to a member on our forum who is a dealer in special Lexaan windows...

you never know :D but most are for more comon cars ofcorse.
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Ron Earp

Now I understand the PM.

Bernie, I write that sort of post or PM at least once a week to remind individuals to put technical threads into the right subforum, not "All GT40". That way future forum users can easily find them. The forum stays much better organized if users will attempt to post threads in the correct subforums. I'm sorry that you feel the need to leave the forum over the matter.

Bernie, you will find that these slider type rails are commonly used in gliders (full size) best nip to a local gliding club for a look.


Lifetime Supporter

If you are still around.... this is what my KVA was wearing when I purchased the car.


  • Sliding Window.jpg
    Sliding Window.jpg
    48 KB · Views: 379

Howard Jones

Lexan can be glued so effectively that a "rail" can be made by layering three strips together. 3/4 inch then 1/2 inch the 3/4 inch all 1/8" thick will leave you with a "rail" 1/8 inch deep and 1/4 inch wide.

Then line them all up with a common edge and drill through to secure to window. A frame can be made by cutting the ends at 45 degrees and gluing it all together. I can think of many variation son this type of design at I type this.

Have a look at Tap Plastics for a lot of information on Lexan fabrication.

TAP Plastics
I actually go there every day. I tend to see the same people answer there as here. There are a few more GT40 enthusiasts the frequent here, no?

Not sure why he went off in a huff.
Whilst I previously said I will not be on here again, I think Forum users need to be aware what is going on - behind the scenes.

My relevant Thread here to GT40, opened up a whole new attack on me via email. Attacks by a person that has been banned from this Forum a number of times. One or two of his associates are also attacking me as well.

Then again, he may be emailing under different email addresses and names.

This person has previously attacked me on this Forum. This person has also attacked others including the Forum Moderator. This person has been removed time and time again and appears to come back on the Forum under different names etc.

You only need to look at previous Threads on this Forum relating to a failed GT40 business in Australia.

I had nothing to do with the GT40 business or the Principal, but defended those involved that were being attacked personally - questions of integrity etc. These people are friends.

So I am on this idiots radar and he picked me up again after this Thread was Posted and subsequently moved to the correct section by the Moderator. I had placed the Thread in the area that had the largest numbers of viewers.

You guessed it, the idiots attacka started via email. This idiot has the memory of an elephant and the brains of a peanut. He just started the attacks all over again on everyone again. All via email.

Like the other business owners and sales people who have not been back on the Forum. I have decided to do the same and just get off.

I terminated my access here. My decision not a knee jerk or dummy spit, huff etc. Just a smart decision to get away from one or two idiots, who have little to do, but sit in commercial laundries attacking from behind a keyboard.

I am not faced with abusive emails and rants from people who do not know me from Adam.

Rest assured all emails have been saved and threats, libel etc will be handed accordingly.

I wish you all the best. Stay safe and enjoy the drive.

Again thanks to those who constructively answered my questions. I have responded personally via PM.


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Sorry to see you leave also.

As an Australian distributor of another company I hope you have not been hit by the emails also.

I will ring.


Ron Earp

Whilst I previously said I will not be on here again, I think Forum users need to be aware what is going on - behind the scenes.

My relevant Thread here to GT40, opened up a whole new attack on me via email. By a person that has been banned from this Forum a number of times. Including one or two of his associates.

Then again he may be emailing under different email addresses.

This person has attacked me on this Forum. This person has attacked others including the Forum Moderator. This person has been removed time and time again and appears to come back on under different names etc.

You only need to look at previous Threads on this Forum relating to a failed GT40 business in Australia.

I had nothing to do with the GT40 business or the Principal, but defended those involved that were being attacked personally - questions of integrity etc.

So I am on this idiots radar and he picked me up again after this Thread was Posted and subsequently moved to the correct section by the Moderator. I had placed the Thread in the area that had the largest numbers of viewers.

You guesses it, the attack started via email. This idiot has the memory of an elephant and the brains of a peanut. He just started the attacks all over again on everyone. All via email.

Like the other business owners and sales people who have not been back on the Forum. I have decided to do the same and just get off.

I terminated my access here. My decision not a knee jerk or dummy spit, huff etc. Just a smart decision to get away from one or two idiots, who have little to do, but sit in commercial laundries attacking from behind a keyboard.

I am not faced with abusive emails and rants from people who do not know me from Adam.

Rest assured all emails have been saved and threats, libel etc will be handed accordingly.

I wish you all the best. Stay safe and enjoy the drive.

Again thanks to those who constructively answered my questions. I have responded personally via PM.



Thanks for the post Bernie but the post is sort of cryptic and I don't think folks still know what is going on. I can make a guess though and I would like to know if I am correct - John aka Dogface, Oliver, is using the system to PM you?

I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know if I am correct. Although I don't know how "leaving the forum" is going to save you from getting emails from individuals that have your email address already or from being found on ClubCobra.

Thanks spot on.

Yes all emails are now being reported. Both as Spam through service provider and Stat Authorities.

Additionally, email addresses have been removed, but this person seems to be pretty computer savvy. Mmmm if only skills were directed in that direction constructively.

Unfortunately, some of the content has been opened by family - I have the 'Forums' in 'Favourites' and the sites are always active.

Yes blocking has been done.

In the interim I have someone about to call and talk with him.


Ron Earp


It is not through the PM section of the Forum but through emails.

I am yet to prove origin 100% but we are currently investigating.

Obviously we have full email copies etc.

If it is the named individual I thought he had gone off - cold.