Only in America

The ONLY reason why Hagel got the hate he did was because Obama picked him.

Really? You like Wikipedia don't you Jeff? Didn't you read the part on "Criticisms of the nomination"? Do you think any of those reasons might be a cause for concern?

He wants to negotiate with Hamas who's slogan is "we love death as much as [the jews] love life". How do you propose we negotiate with that? This is also where a lot of his anti-Israel suspicions originate because negotiations with groups like Hamas would require Israel to make huge sacrifices...
Don't give me this laser crap, jeff. You lasered in on the St. Lucie count tally because you wanted to deflect from the much larger issue of fraud by the democrats.

"I had written that I am a liberal in support of Allen West getting a fair deal. I said that the Democrats appeared to be engaged in election fraud. I believed that the handling of this election eroded the efforts of voter right advocates to spotlight the voter suppression efforts of Republican Governor Rick Scott. I still feel that way. In fact I believe that the actions of the Democratic Party in St. Lucie, Florida will become the case study for Scott and others to implement even more suppressive and repressive voter rights legislation. And they will have the justification for doing so. Unfortunately, it will be aimed at the voters when all election fraud as this sorry episode proves is committed by election officials. Thanks St. Lucie, Florida. Election fraud does exist and the Democrats in Florida are up to their eyes and elbows in it." Frank Hagler, self proclaimed Florida liberal, and witness to this fraud.
Florida Election Results 2012: Allen West Was Robbed, Why Democrats, Too, Cheated in Florida

And one of the reasons they got away with it, besides redistricting it into a raving liberal district is that the RINO contingency of the republican party doesn't want Conservatives in the party, and refused to support West. THAT is the reason Conservatives don't like Hagel and the rest of the RINOs in the Republican Party.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Allen West won the first time because they did not really know him.

He lost the second time because it had become obvious to all that he is bat shit crazy!
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Hagel is part of the RINO contingency that is blocking funding for Conservative Republican candidates. THAT is why he is disliked. THAT is why the Republican party will be doomed to failure until they convince these RINOs to join the democratic party.

It can't be simpler. Hagel hasn't been liked by Conservatives for a very long time. B.O. has nothing to do with it except hammering in the last nail.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Well, I guess "intermission" is over.

The ONLY reason why Hagel got the hate he did was because Obama picked him.

Of course that's the only reason - "HATE". It has nothing at all to do with statements like: "containing a nuke Iran"..."Jewish lobby intimidating people in Washington"...Israel keeping "Palestinians caged up like animals"...America being "the world's bully"..."the systematic destruction of an American friend" (referring to anti-Hezbollah strikes in Lebanon), nor his reversals on sanctions against Iran. It has nothing to do with the fact he's on the board at Global Zero and yet he's "committed to maintaining a modern, strong, safe, ready, and effective nuclear arsenal.” It has nothing to do with the fact that he needed someone to hand him a note in order to figure out he needed to go from "Obama strongly favors containment" to "he doesn't have a position at all on containment" to "he opposes containment"...neither is it because he's said the Pentagon "needs to be pared down"(which I agree with in principle, BTW) but he hasn't said where/how. (IOW, is he talking about things like $900 toilet seats and $150 hammers [which is what's always ticked me off], or missile systems??? Nope, it's none of that. It's just "hate"...and if Sen. Hagel were black it'd be because of RACISM too.

As to Mr. Young's assertion that the "world's bully" comment was taken out of context:
Senator Cruz Questions Hagel's Assertion That America is "World's Bully" - YouTube

Now I'm going out to grab a late lunch...


In the confirmation hearing, Mr. Hagel gave the impression that (at best) he was not on top of his facts, was having a bad day or was completely ill prepared. It was a job interview and he did remarkably poorly. At worst he is not fully in control of his faculties. To watch the hearing was painful and does not give one confidence in his abilities. While some want to once again make this a "you must me a racist because you oppose a nomination from the black guy" thing. That certainly wasn't the case with the nomination of Mr. Kerry. The "other" rich white guy from Massachusetts. Ironically he received none of the vitriol heaped on the former presidential candidate who actually earned his money versus marrying it. I wonder if Mr. Kerry still parks his $7 million yacht in neighboring Rhode Island, allowing him to avoid paying roughly $500,000 in home state taxes. (Must be a pay your fair share thing...)


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Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Well, I guess "intermission" is over.

Of course that's the only reason - "HATE". It has nothing at all to do with statements like: "containing a nuke Iran"..."Jewish lobby intimidating people in Washington"...Israel keeping "Palestinians caged up like animals"...America being "the world's bully"..."the systematic destruction of an American friend" (referring to anti-Hezbollah strikes in Lebanon), nor his reversals on sanctions against Iran. It has nothing to do with the fact he's on the board at Global Zero and yet he's "committed to maintaining a modern, strong, safe, ready, and effective nuclear arsenal.” It has nothing to do with the fact that he needed someone to hand him a note in order to figure out he needed to go from "Obama strongly favors containment" to "he doesn't have a position at all on containment" to "he opposes containment"...neither is it because he's said the Pentagon "needs to be pared down"(which I agree with in principle, BTW) but he hasn't said where/how. (IOW, is he talking about things like $900 toilet seats and $150 hammers [which is what's always ticked me off], or missile systems??? Nope, it's none of that. It's just "hate"...and if Sen. Hagel were black it'd be because of RACISM too.

As to Mr. Young's assertion that the "world's bully" comment was taken out of context:
Senator Cruz Questions Hagel's Assertion That America is "World's Bully" - YouTube

Now I'm going out to grab a late lunch...

You are propagating a right wing blogospheric nonsequitur. And you played the misquote.

Here's the whole exchange (with the caller, not Senator Cruz):

Hagel and U.S. as 'world's bully' -- in context - First Read

Have your late lunch, come back and apologize to us all for posting idiotic stuff.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Yo! Larry Lala! Here's a conservative who thinks the election was stolen!

Yo! Lonesome! You were (idiotically) wrong about Port St. Lucie and ranted about it for several days without ever admitting you were wrong. You made a bet with me and then reneged on it.

The "much larger" issue is that you and a whole horde of folks are dupes for right wing internet crap. That's the issue. You suck it up like it is manna from heaven when in actuality all it is is a bunch of tripe that poisons your mind.

Don't give me this laser crap, jeff. You lasered in on the St. Lucie count tally because you wanted to deflect from the much larger issue of fraud by the democrats.

"I had written that I am a liberal in support of Allen West getting a fair deal. I said that the Democrats appeared to be engaged in election fraud. I believed that the handling of this election eroded the efforts of voter right advocates to spotlight the voter suppression efforts of Republican Governor Rick Scott. I still feel that way. In fact I believe that the actions of the Democratic Party in St. Lucie, Florida will become the case study for Scott and others to implement even more suppressive and repressive voter rights legislation. And they will have the justification for doing so. Unfortunately, it will be aimed at the voters when all election fraud as this sorry episode proves is committed by election officials. Thanks St. Lucie, Florida. Election fraud does exist and the Democrats in Florida are up to their eyes and elbows in it." Frank Hagler, self proclaimed Florida liberal, and witness to this fraud.
Florida Election Results 2012: Allen West Was Robbed, Why Democrats, Too, Cheated in Florida

And one of the reasons they got away with it, besides redistricting it into a raving liberal district is that the RINO contingency of the republican party doesn't want Conservatives in the party, and refused to support West. THAT is the reason Conservatives don't like Hagel and the rest of the RINOs in the Republican Party.


Lifetime Supporter
Only in America can we have no will power in the oval office and pick the least capable department of defense potential candidate who has no love for the defense dept. HHS is the darling and getting the money, guns and ammo to what, wage war on its own citizens. The HHS (SS) is getting the budget that the DOD should have. But really Hagel. Seriously. Thats a bone for partisanship. More like the tip of a baby back rib.
The world is moving towards a bad ending, We threaten nothing for peace, we are packing up and going home. Iran and Al Quaida and real extremists like North Korea are positioning themselves to make moves because golf basketball and parties prevail at the WH.
Israel is the problem. they are in the wrong place and the wrong time and will be exterminated on our watch. Genocide here it comes. Thank you my government for all you do for peace on earth (sarcasm). I think more change is coming and it is not the change real Americans want.
Firsters are coming out of the wood work with their Utopian Elitist ideals and we are not included. Media is controlled to give use what we need to learn to survive in the new world and it makes me sick. Thankfully I will probably be dead, when the realization the Obama, Woodrow Wilson, and Jimmy Carter did not have a clue on human nature. When are we going to wake up and see that Islam is in the WH!

Time to midnight on the doomsday clock is moving again. Nuclear war is so close at hand you can feel the radiation.

I just hope I can finish my car and drive it before its over.
I tend to believe that Colin Powell has some idea of who would be a good Secretary of Defense.

Colin Powell: Chuck Hagel ‘superbly qualified’ to be defense secretary

'Powell endorsed Hagel the day President Obama announced that he had nominated the former Nebraska senator.

“Chuck displays his courage in many ways,” Powell said. “You can always count on him to analyze a difficult situation and take a position that reflects his best judgment. I believe that more than ever we need that kind of independent and bold leader who thinks in and out of the box."

From the link you posted, and the link to Powell's endorsement in that link; Powell doesn't give any real reasons. So I ask again: why is Hagel qualified for the position?

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Heavily armed paranoids hiding in panic rooms, nuclear war so close they can smell the folks are FUCKING CRAZY!!!!!!

Jeff, the people on this site are living in a world that does not exist. Who do they think combatants in this nuclear war will be?

This paranoia would be funny if it was not so destructive and sad.

Please stop listening to whoever is feeding you this crap, you will live a longer happier life!

The world is not unravaling, Obama is not a Socialist, a Comunist or a Natzi, he is not taking away your fucking guns, our counrty has never been stronger, our economy has never been stronger, in recorded history, the chances of war have never been smaller...........

The person chosen to be Sec Def will do virtually the same things at the same time, regardless of who gets picked.

You are letting paranoia and anger ruin your life!

Good God, what is wrong with you people
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Every point he made is 100% valid (especially #1, #5, #6, and #7...they b-u-r-n me to no end)...and, as danimal said, both parties had a hand in/are guilty of some or all of them.

Still, your point has merit, Jim.

No! This is not correct! Most of those points happen here in South Afica as well!
which is something we all have contributed to. You as well.

Interesting you only tend to call out certain folks for overboard posting. Why do you think that is?

Yes I have at times.

As for your second point, let me think. Why do I only pull up some folk? Well, let's not forget that I called us all out when I said, "This is why both sides sound like f***ing children all the time"

If I had to pick sides, in the main, I would stand on the side that is not yours. I can admit that sometimes your 'side' makes valid comment. However, in the main, your side is too smug, too self-righteous and too fanatical and extreme for my taste and therefore those that I pull up the most, tend to be on your side of the fence.

Let us admit here, that those I disagree with most often are just you and Jim C. I admit that I tend toward ridicule far too often and should try to restrain myself more.

But NEVER have I asked to be thanked! That is just plain creepy Jeff!

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
'Powell endorsed Hagel the day President Obama announced that he had nominated the former Nebraska senator.

“Chuck displays his courage in many ways,” Powell said. “You can always count on him to analyze a difficult situation and take a position that reflects his best judgment. I believe that more than ever we need that kind of independent and bold leader who thinks in and out of the box."

From the link you posted, and the link to Powell's endorsement in that link; Powell doesn't give any real reasons. So I ask again: why is Hagel qualified for the position?

Because a well-respected military man who ran perhaps the most succesful American military operation since WWII, was the US's National Security Advisor, was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and was Secretary of State during another war, says he is qualified.

Your turn. Why do you believe that General Powell is lying to us?

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Yes I have at times.

As for your second point, let me think. Why do I only pull up some folk? Well, let's not forget that I called us all out when I said, "This is why both sides sound like f***ing children all the time"

If I had to pick sides, in the main, I would stand on the side that is not yours. I can admit that sometimes your 'side' makes valid comment. However, in the main, your side is too smug, too self-righteous and too fanatical and extreme for my taste and therefore those that I pull up the most, tend to be on your side of the fence.

Let us admit here, that those I disagree with most often are just you and Jim C. I admit that I tend toward ridicule far too often and should try to restrain myself more.

But NEVER have I asked to be thanked! That is just plain creepy Jeff!

Lonesome Bob and Danimal and Larry and Craig and many others say just as offensive things from the right and I've never seen you call them out. Why? Because while the way they are saying things may bother you some, what they say doesn't. At it is core, and there is nothing wrong with this, you tend to agree with them more politically than you do with "the other side" (whatever that is, I certainly have no clue what "my side" is). So you let their crap slide.

Piece of advice. If you want to wade into the much, and have ANY credibility, you then need to call out both sides, not just the one you disagree with.

Trust me that the Larrys and Als and Danimals and Bobs and whoevers can sound just as "smug" "self-righteous" "fanatical" and "extreme" to those who don't agree with them. You're blind to that but that is human.

My asking to be thanked was facetious and a joke.

I love Brits and the UK, have many friends from there. But a weird trait that pops up almost exclusively here amongst you all is this strange desire to insult while trying to sound like you aren't insulting. Weird. Passive aggressive or something. It's creepy.

So in any event, the next time you want to come in here and call folks out for using language you don't like, take a look at Danimal or Larry or Lonesome Nutjob's posts accusing other folks of fraud or being unAmerican or traitorous or communist or child abusers or whatever, and at the very least engage in equal opportunity self-righteousness.
You are incorrect. I have outright called Bob names and ridiculed him beyond compare. The difference is, He can take it and we remain freinds, who share SOME views.

I often call out both sides. Do you simply get word blind? "This is why both sides sound like f***ing children all the time"

Sledge hammer wrapped in a velvet glove? Perhaps. On the other hand, may be we are simply taking the piss because you guys over there take everything to such extremes that virtually none of you can ever debate anything reasonably. You ALL come across as believing 100%, the sh1t you are spoon fed by whichever scientist, politician or movie star you happen to be in love with. At least that is how I interpret most of what is written on here.

Get rid of the paddock? I hope not, it is the best way I know of to remind myself every day, that I am not the only f*cked up whiner on the planet.

In closing, I suspe ct that the main reason any of us on either side of any 'debate' get all hissy and throw insults around, is due to the utter frustration that is caused when the other side simpy drones on regardless of the incoming argument or introduction of new information to consider.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
You'l have to go back and find your "claling out" of Bob. I don't recall it when he was on his run of 2-3 posts a day accusing people he disagreed with politically of being communists, terrorists, socialists, treasonous, destroying the country, etc.

You do make good points about the nature of debate in the US. It's fucked up. It started with old white guy (sorry, it's true) talk radio (Rush Limbaugh) and then took hold of both sides of the debate like a virus. Now everything in the US is politicized. We don't have news anymore, we have advocacy journalism. We don't have car forums, we have forums about politics with some discussion about intake manifolds on the side.

I'm no saint, but go back and look. Where did I ever start a thread with some of the vitriol, hate and divisiveness that you see here from Bob, Al, Larry, Craig, Scott, others DAILY. They use scorn and sarcasm and derision to make their political points and you and others sit slient but when the other side is presented with some of the same traits, you start trying to play parent.

Yeah, the situation in the US is fucked up. But so is your response to it.
I accept the challenge to go back and find an example for you Jeff. Please accept that may take a while. There is a ton of crap to trawl through in here as well we all know!

I dislike the tendency from anyone (i this case you), to generalise my (or others) postings. Some folk on here deliberately and repeatedly, mis-quote and at times actually edit my posts to suit their own purposes. Dastardly little twerps that they are. Just look at your line above, "the situation in the US is fucked up. But so is your response to it", apparently pointing out that it is fucked up, is fucked up? Bring on the merry-go-around.