Baby seat in a 40?


Has anybody had any luck fitting a baby-seat into their 40? Tried to fit one in the RF but the dash board gets in the way of the baby-seat...or is that the baby-seat gets in the way of the dash...anyway, if you have found one that fits, who makes it?

Thanks, Jerry


Depends what age of child you are looking at. I fitted Rebecca's seat (aged 5.5 years) which is just a regular child seat from Halfords but I don't know the make at present as Wendy has taken her car out for the morning. Below is a picture.

However I did have some reservations on doing this and so waited a long time before going onto public highway with a child in a child seat in the car. Grace is not going out in the car for a good time yet.

I use harness straps. Our child seat has two slots above the shoulders that I was able to put the straps through to prevent Rebecca going between the straps in a shunt. Also I raised the seat up so that the shoulder straps were horizontal at the top end. This also made the lap belts work better. I couldn't get the crutch strap to work as the bar it is attached too was really digging in to Rebecca's legs. This is a weak point in the set up although reduced by making sure the lap strap is correctly positioned. But then Wendy and I also didn't go too fast driving with her in the car. In additon I also gave her ear defenders to wear. Rebecca loved it.

I guess things may be easier with a typical car seat belt arrangement and also with a standard seat and not the high sided race seats I use.


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Don't do it! My girls both turned into triple digit junkies, when I put my 40 on the road.

After their first rides (at 8 & 14 years old), they were never satisfied unless we passed the

100MPH mark at least once.

They were immediately informed that if Dad ever found out that they had accomplished this

feat with someone else (i.e., boyfriends), I would promptly strangle them both!

Eventually, one of them blabbed about their "100MPH+ habit", after which Mom informed me

that if we ever accomplished that feat again, I would be promptly neutered! :eek:


Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Bill - I hope that the blabbing stops for your sake... I knew of a fellow when I lived in Texas that did a trip north of 100mph on a lonely stretch of road with his 11 year old son in the car.

The next thing he knew he was defending himself (or attempting to) from a Child Endangerment charge...


I have a friend who went to Death Valley. Not been there myself but he described the stretch of road they were on as straight in both directions as far as you can see with nothing but desert all around. Hadn't seen anyone for hours. So he let his 14 year old son drive. Just the two of them. Where the police car was hiding he couldn't tell but instructing his son to drive as though he was allowed to do so seemed to work as they were not stopped as the patrol car went by! Sods law though!