can you believe this!

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
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The plush new headquarters of the Department of Climate Change in Canberra / The Daily Telegraph Source:

No climate staff to be axed despite U-turn. $12m a year salary bill for 408 public servants Rent for new offices $8m
TAXPAYERS will pay $90 million a year to keep 408 public servants employed in the Federal Climate Change Department - despite most of them now having nothing to do until 2013.

More than 60 of them are classified as senior executive staff on salaries between $168,000 and $298,000 a year. Their salary bill alone will cost an estimated $12 million every year. A further $8 million will also be paid in rent for plush offices at Canberra 's Constitution Place until 2012, where it is believed 500 new computers will be delivered this week. Despite Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's decision on Tuesday to suspend the failed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme until at least 2013, the department has ruled out plans to cut back staff.
A formal response by department secretary Martin Parkinson to a Senate estimates hearing on Tuesday - the same day as the scheme's suspension - claimed the department would not offer redundancies.

The formal response,
obtained by The Daily Telegraph, said there were no plans for "the immediate future" of any scaling back of staff.
According to official figures, the number of top-paid bureaucrats being paid up to $298,000 a year has almost doubled since January this year from 39 to 61. That was to gear up for establishment of the Australian Climate Change Regulatory Authority, which will also now have no function.
Since last year with climate change employees having risen from an initial 246 to 408.
Of the 61 senior agency officials, only nine have been inherited from the scrapped home insulation scheme. The majority, 38, were employed on the CPRS and a further 19 were employed on the renewable energy scheme which has also been axed.
But none of the 408 staff within the department will be shed even though the department's key function, the CPRS, has been axed.
Its own tender documents reveal a lease contract of $16 million for its offices which expires in 2012.


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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Watch out, Pete!

I fear Tom Delay and his Republican cohorts have escaped the U.S.A. and set up shop in your country........or, so we can hope down here in Texas--home to both Tom Delay and GeeDub!

One very happy......

Things are totally freaking out of control with a lot of governmental agencies.

Our local city government built a new city hall in 2008 with a darn river running through it for architectural effect....and an "art" budget of the most expensive part of downtown. All this while the city budgets were going into the red from falling tax revenues. Who are these governmental nut jobs in control that make these irresponsible decisions? It borders on criminal.
Seems all Goverments are the same. They will probably change the name to the "Dept Of Waste Management" and it will double in size after that.
i only received this today, seems rather appropriate


cheers John


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I guess the climate will just have to wait to be changed too! So how does one get a job on $289000 a year while having to do nothing for it? Perhaps with that amount of money and loads of time they can all buy GT40s and drive them around, they could then measure how much of an effect they are having on the climate, I bet it would still be less than all the hot air they would generate from all their meetings. Note, while the planes could not fly over the UK due to the volcanic ash we had beautiful blue skies and warm weather, now they are flying again it's cloudy and raining..Global warming Hmmmmm
Pete this is only half of the story. I would like ot see their travel budget disclosed for the period up to 2012. I bet there are a lot of flying around, both domestic and over seas. What a con job we have been sold and supporting. Communism comming to you under a recycled smug environmentalist cover.