crash with 9 miles on odometer

plastic covering is still on the seats


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I am looking at the door up lockers in the roof as shown in the first picture.
Think I've never seen such solution on replicas, but that seems a good idea to fix better the upper door part

a few more


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Oh yaaaa. Thats exactly what I mean!:pepper:

(PS: Have a front shot of that?)

Anyone want to guess how many distraction pictures will end up here?

I hope mannnnnnnnnyyyyyyy!

Gary Kadrmas
this reminds me what happened to me soem years ago.
Was driving in Milano, and they use to fix posters about new sexy linegerie on the road.
To see the new suspender belt on the blond lady..I crashed completely an Alfa 164.

Yep - been there done that - AS AS PASSENGER I might add.

I was with a friend in a '63' Mk1 cortina - when after cresting a hill, he (the driver) spotted a rather attactive young lady jogging up the hill on the pavement towards us (nearside). After getting a good eyeful :D - he returned his gaze to the road ahead just in time to register a Triumph Herald (with towbar!) stationary ahead awaiting to turn right into a side road. The subsequent emergency stop almost prevented us from hitting the stationary car and we just 'kissed' the towbar with the bumper :eek:

Phew we thought! - until we heard a screech of tyres behind us, just before a then new Ford Orion, slammed into the back of us, well and truly impaling us onto the rear of the Herald!:eek: (YEP - he'd been getting an eyefull too!)

I'm not sure whether it was our exploding radiator (and steam), the smell of the now burst fuel tank (that we had filled about 10 minutes previously)
or the fact that the car had now had its doors jammed shut by movement of the crumpled body panels overlapping - but finding a jammed door sure focuses your attention! A quick turn on the seat and a 'two footed' BOOT - opens my passenger door and out we hopped....

Fortunately, no fire, but the tarmac did break up as it seemed to melt with all the fresh petrol on it....

As Dave Parker's T-shirt states - 'if its got tits (breasts) or a motor - sure thing its gonna get you into trouble!!' - amen to that...:lol:

Great story. No joke about what goes through your mind when gas is leaking after a car wreck. Glad to hear you were OK.

So did you get the girls autograph after the accident?

Gary Kadrmas
A friend at college was whistling at a very attractive girl as he rode his motorbike thorugh the high street. Unfortunately for him he didn't notice the parked car until he hit it :eek:
Yep, you guessed it, square on in the back at about 30mph !
He totally cleared the car and landed in the road the other side, trying to look as cool as one can in the circumstances as he lay in the road. :grinf:
When he tried to stand up he found he'd broken his ankle, and it was so bad he spent 4 months in traction in hospital.

Being the good mates we were, we didn't take the p!ss, much :D

Keep the distracting pics coming :chug:
At least you guys had a good reason to be "careless"...

Many years ago, my roommate at the time was a groundskeeper at a golf course. One of his co-workers (23 yrs old) did not drive, so he rode his mtn bike everwhere. After a long night of partying, he tried to go to work. At 5 am, while riding his bike, he fell asleep coasting down a hill and hit a parked car.

Damage to the Buick: $250.00
Broken collarboane and missed work: $????
Broken GT Zaskar alum mtn bike frame: $1200
Catching a bunch of sh-- for falling asleep riding a bike: Priceless
Gary Kadrmas said:

So did you get the girls autograph after the accident?

Gary Kadrmas

Nope, she was long gone - but the Triumph Herald owner who lived about 100yds away did invite us in for a coffee afterwards and his parents gave us a lift home too. (Had a 'hot' sister though as I recall :D )
We had a drunk guy in a borrowed Ferrari do the same thing here in Perth, Australia.

Story goes that he borrowed it from the Ferrari dealer, then went to a pub in South Perth for a few beers. Upon leaving, he was revving the shit out of it at the lights, then gestured to the crowd with the middle finger and then launched into a wheelspin frenzy. Problem was, the traction cotrol kicked him and only managed to launch him into the nearest traffic pole.

Then the crowd really cheered!

Police arrived and he blew something like 0.16 alcohol blood level. Arrested and charged.

No insurance either because of DUI charge.

What a tool...


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Damn Malcom..... I can't stop scrolling up and re-viewing your post...

What about that front shot anyway........:p:
Damn Malcom..... I can't stop scrolling up and re-viewing your post...

What about that front shot anyway........:p:

I doubt Malcolm ever managed to overtake her, sometimes it pays to hang back and study another persons lines, you can learn a lot that way especially if they are faster & better equipped !

Jac Mac