Dear Guru

Russ Noble

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
Looks like all the self employed have to hold up the banner and wave the flag for swearing in the work place and sending emails of poor taste.

It is out of control , I am going to crawl back under my rock.



You may be right. I think self employed people have a different outlook and philosophy on life. We are self employed because we want to do our own thing. To be totally responsible for our own success/failure. Not being dictated to by petty/stupid people further up the ladder. Not to be out of a job because someone higher up decides you're redundant/incompetent/not PC/etc etc

We try and circumvent beaurocratic nonsense, government regulations, PC drivel. We tell it like it is, we ignore speed limits, we enjoy life, we believe in everything in moderation. We appreciate the female form and beautiful women. We love fast cars and noisy motors. We believe people are responsible for their own actions. We don't look to the government to protect us from our own stupidity. We learn the hard way, we injure ourselves, life is colourful and varied. There is pain and there is joy. There is hard work and hard play. WE LOVE LIFE! WE HATE BLAND! We hate social engineering.

We like to get on with our own lives and do what we like when we like, provided it has no detrimental effect on anyone else. We are not interested in influencing what anyone else is doing so long as it does not affect us. Foolishly we tend to expect the same courtesy to be returned by individuals and society.

Before I was born, my father went to war to protect his and his future childrens freedoms. He came back alive, many of his mates didn't. Now, the freedoms and lifestyle that many died to uphold are being eroded by a fifth column from within.....

Got ot go now, there is a knock on the door. I think it's a visit from the Thought Police......Thank god I've got my cyanide tablet handy....


Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Well said Russ, summed up the way a lot of us feel.:pepper:

If you don't mind I'll copy your post and send it to some of my less than PC mates.

P.S. Don't feed the thought Police cyanide they aren't worth it.

Peter Delaney

GT40s Supporter
Back in the days when I was self-employed, I had 2 guys & 3 girls working for me - absolutely no PC - we just had fun !

When the dreaded PC BS started, one of the girls put up a big poster on the wall, which read :


Russ, that was one of the best philosophical statements I've read. If you ever form a party (political) you've got my vote. (We're currently having a Federal Election here, and the choices are depressingly limited). I absolutely agree with you. As with Pete, if you don't mind I'll forward and endorse your thoughts to a few of my friends also.

I have lost a number of friends via illness and accident over the years, and realise that life is too valuable to waste it on the small and petty. Seize the day, life is beautiful!

My girlfriend in just leggings and high heels

Well, I guess she gets lanolin all over your leather seats. Probably good for them.

A very good looking sheep, Bill. I'm sure the two of you are very happy.


Russ Noble

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
Russ, that was one of the best philosophical statements I've read. If you ever form a party (political) you've got my vote. (We're currently having a Federal Election here, and the choices are depressingly limited).


Sorry Dalton,

They say that

People who can, do.
People that can't, teach.
People that can't teach, become politicians

Just to brighten your day!!

Sorry if I've offended any teachers on here! As for any politicians feelings? Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!

However I do like the idea of a party. We can have it at my place. Who's bringing the booze and the naked women?;)

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Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Hey Russ if you invite me I'll jump on a Virgin and fly over. Booze is no problem, but naked ladies..Well, Dalton might be able to supply them.:D

And Bill D might want to bring his friend in the net stockings, do you think she would get through quarantine?;)
Hey Russ if you invite me I'll jump on a Virgin and fly over

"That would be Virgin Blue, or perhaps in your case a 'Blue Virgin'- and how did they choose that name--- apparently it gets bloody cold when your naked @ 30,000 ft--- can affect your performance too, a case of Willy or Wont He!!! Might pay to bring your Woolies with you.

Jac Mac

Russ Noble

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
Hey Russ if you invite me I'll jump on a Virgin and fly over. Booze is no problem, but naked ladies..Well, Dalton might be able to supply them.:D

And Bill D might want to bring his friend in the net stockings, do you think she would get through quarantine?;)

Hey Pete, you don't need an invite. You're welcome at any time, particularly if you're bringing some Virgins and booze.

Dalton better come too then.....

Bill D won't won't have a problem, the guys in quarantine are soft on sheep. They would let her through in exchange for her 'favours'. As you pointed out, we've got another 20 million here so Fran might as well fly in too..... :)

I think we've got ourselves a party:pepper:


Lifetime Supporter
As you pointed out, we've got another 20 million here so Fran might as well fly in too..... :)

With the holidays fast approaching, Fran is going to need plenty of advance notice because he has to bring his Rabbi. Must make sure he gets a "Virgin"
personally, i'd keep the footprints, handprints, and cheek prints on the car so everytime I got into it I'd be reminded of the scene. I'm not a religious guy, but thank god for the differences between martians and venutians.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Hey Dalton my new car detailer will help you get rid of those sticky print marks.


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Dimi Terleckyj

Lifetime Supporter
Trouble is Pete
She may get rid of the old sticky marks and prints but what happens to the new ones she leaves behind.

Or are you cleaning up after her??????????????
