Law Enforcement Attention

Currently dreaming, did go as far as setting up an investment account to start saving, time will tell if it will ever happen. With the searching and reading I've done, never came across anyone mentioning this. Have any of you with completed cars found yourself pulled over by law enforcement when you shouldn't have been, they just want to check out the car?
If the officer is a car nut and he's bored doing traffic duty, I would pretty much plan on being pulled over for lots of questioning. There is a youtube on a European trackday open wheel car showing the amount of times he gets pulled over for a "what is it" questioning.

Howard Jones

I got pulled over on the freeway by a Calif Highway Patrolman because he had just ordered his Super Performance GT and wanted to look at mine and ask about it. We pulled off the freeway and talked for awhile in a gas station, show him my car and I went on my way. Nice Guy, I gave him my address and told him I would buy him a beer if he dropped by in his GT wearing his uniform. I haven't hear from him yet.

I have been pulled over and asked "Is this thing legal, what is it?" Mostly nicely but once a local young new cop was saying that he was going to call in and check with the DMV. I told him to call his sergeant instead, and hurry up, I have things to do. He backed off and said " Just make sure you drive carefully in that thing".

The cops like to look at these cars. They drive by when you get together with other hot rod guys. I always say " pull over and have a look, I know you want to" I give them the tour. It's good for hotrod/cop relations.
None for me yet, 370 miles on it. Im sure my time is coming tho. It will pass a saftey check but no emmisions check by far. Three rotor Mazda


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The first time out with my Razor, I was pulled over about 7 miles from my house. The officer came up while I was fumbling with my paperwork.

"Don't worry," he said, waving his hands. "I just wanted to see this thing up close."

He had a few questions that I happily answered and then he let me go. I pulled back onto the freeway and continued my way to work.

No less than two miles down the road, the officer hiding behind the median pulls out as I'm driving by. Sure is shit, the lights start flashing. I pull over immediately and wait for the officer. He walks up with a big smile on his face.

"You're ok," he said. "My buddy up the road told me I had to see this car."

At least I had a story why I was late to work...
Beautiful paintwork

The first time out with my Razor, I was pulled over about 7 miles from my house. The officer came up while I was fumbling with my paperwork.

"Don't worry," he said, waving his hands. "I just wanted to see this thing up close."

He had a few questions that I happily answered and then he let me go. I pulled back onto the freeway and continued my way to work.

No less than two miles down the road, the officer hiding behind the median pulls out as I'm driving by. Sure is shit, the lights start flashing. I pull over immediately and wait for the officer. He walks up with a big smile on his face.

"You're ok," he said. "My buddy up the road told me I had to see this car."

At least I had a story why I was late to work...

prothct - Agreed!:thumbsup:

ViperJustin - I'm jealous; I wish I had a set of lights and a siren so I too could get an up close and personal look at every cool car (and/or babe) I've seen on the road!

My police experience started in the delivery room. Patient I was tending to her epidural was a county cop married to a cop and both were Mustang nuts. A month after the delivery, they came by my house and had a look at the build and signed off on the requirement for interpol search of registration. Need to get in touch with them again after I finish my paint job.
