More controversy.


I too am standing applauding what you have tried to explain, but I am afraid that it will not be well recieved. UNFORTUNATELY


You my friend, are the exception NOT the rule.

In my opinion the thing that has/is destroyed(ing) this is the absence of morality. Personal responsibility is being "legislated out" of our daily lives.

Everyone is being told/ taught to do what you feel, NOT do what is right. The unfortunate truth is that in this country all you have to do is "Match the Description" and your entire existance could be stolen from you.
....and for the record I also believe that you should pull yourself up by your bootstraps, but that is really hard to do when you cant evan get the boots to begin with!

Ron Earp

BTW: Only one of the facts about myself listed above is false, and I’m not telling.

I'm not sure I understand your actions. First off, if you listed facts they cannot, by definition, be false. Now, assuming you made statements, not stated facts, why would you make statements about yourself and intentionally lie about one of them? Gosh, I suppose we should count ourselves lucky "only" one statement is false.


People are allowed free speech and Rush Limbaugh has as much right to spew nonsense as does Reverend Wright. That's why we have a Bill of Rights. While I think your characterizations of the events are inflammatory and inaccurate, there were apparently no laws broken, as disagreeable as you may "imagine" them to be. If there would have been any material threat on the president, you can bet the source would have been immediately apprehended. However, intimidation of voters at the polls is illegal and we are supposed to be a nation of laws. It is said these transgressions are ignored because the victims are white. Look at the You Tube video. If you are (as apparently is the Justice Department) condoning voter intimidation because you want to right real or imagined wrongs of the past, present or future it seems that you are more interested in self determined vigilante justice than citizenship in a constitutional republic. When I read your piece it sounded like something out of Mein Kampf . It is also amazing that your fear of some little old lady at a tea party rally requires you to paint them as vitriolic hate mongers. The hate that seem to be so personally directed seems comes from the left. Obama has certainly had no more a hard time with criticism than Bush and if anything BH enjoys a far more compliant mainstream media. I'm not aware of any venom directed at the president’s children if it happened, it's reprehensible. But I've seen nothing like the hate spewed on Chrystal Palin. I wonder if you are OK with that. Get a grip and try to imagine a nation where laws were applied equally and individuals were judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin or political affiliation.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Obviously, if those guys were breaking the law, they should be prosecuted. However a black guy dressed in Black Panther attire isn't enough to break the law. They have just as much right, if legal, to stand outside the polling place as the guy with the pistol strapped to his waist who shows up at a speech by the President.

Plus, I watched those videos. I didn't see any intimidation. I saw two black guys standing outside a polling place. THey had a polite conversation with a couple of college kids with a camera who were there to provoke them I am sure. The Panthers claim they were there to STOP intimidation of black voters, which, you know, only occurred regularly in this country for 250 years. But it doesn't matter why they were there, only that they were there legally.

Al, and others, your point seems to be that this was some sort of mass conspiracy to steal the election by preventing whites from voting. You really believe that? Seriously?

Ron (from LA), I tend to agree with you that race matters far less now in terms of advancement than even say 20 years ago. But that wasn't the point of my post, nor was it that it is "all about race". The point of my post was to show the hypocrisy of white folks who think they can show up and march in DC armed to the hilt and yell about "revolution" and "reloading" and "lynching Congressmen" crying like babies about two black guys standing in front of a polling booth with a stick. C'mon! That's ridiculous (and yes, Al, unfortunately, that is directed at you).

But every time I start to think our racial problem is subsiding, I get reminded that it still is there. Did you happen to see the comments to that video? Pretty enlightening stuff:

2 minutes ago Negros make nice bullet stops. Thatk God they shoot each other in record numbers.
tommytucker110 2 minutes ago tommytucker110
3 minutes ago Negros are filthy Apes.
tommytucker110 3 minutes ago doomsdaypreacher
8 minutes ago Don't you know the white man is the enemy? There is a reason America was intended to be a white European; to protect the white race and our posterity from the colored hordes from around the world that inherently hate western culture and the white race. Obama would never have been elected if not for ignorant white people who voted for an anti-American "BLACK" communist enemy who hates white people and sides with the black panthers that would kill them in a second without thinking twice. WAKE UP!
doomsdaypreacher 8 minutes ago mmfiore
9 minutes ago @perfectson Your statistics are completely bogus. The prisions are over flowing with blacks. Most of which commited extremely violent acts upon themselve and whites. We now see who the racists of the 21 century are and they are black. We are on to you know and we will vote you out and keep you out of power. It is interesting to see a liberal argue by simply pointing the finger at people in the past or a few unsubstantiated incidents and claims of racism. You are the racists not us.
mmfiore 9 minutes ago boz6969123
10 minutes ago FUCK these OBAMA_BOTS!!! (cant WAIT to meet you at MY voting poll!!),CANT WAIT!!
boz6969123 10 minutes ago Jmw5283
15 minutes ago "Sorry I ruined your black panther party...I'll go back to my college now."
Jmw5283 15 minutes ago bassbusta94
24 minutes ago You know this pisses me off just as much as you guys, but when we call them "dumb niggers" and other racial slurs, that makes us no better than them. If you are really angry then don't call them names, show them that we will not stand up for this crap that they are trying to do.
bassbusta94 24 minutes ago bigcock49
29 minutes ago Haha, niggers are so funny. Those two monkeys know deep down that they are indeed worthless and try to mask such feelings by being apart of a "militant black power" group. It's pathetic yet also funny.
bigcock49 29 minutes ago fondue72
30 minutes ago What is interesting is the camera guy never attempts to go inside the polling place. So who is to say the NBP guy would have prevented him?
fondue72 30 minutes ago bigwill32211
34 minutes ago omg this is sooo sad..kill cracker babies? ive been killing cracker todlers lol my bad where can i find a cracker baby...o i kno cracker barrell, white people love that place
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Plus, I watched those videos. I didn't see any intimidation. I saw two black guys standing outside a polling place. THey had a polite conversation with a couple of college kids with a camera who were there to provoke them I am sure. The Panthers claim they were there to STOP intimidation of black voters, which, you know, only occurred regularly in this country for 250 years. But it doesn't matter why they were there, only that they were there legally.

Wow you've got some blinders on. I guess you missed the night sticks there Jeff. There are also some affidavits describing specific threats made at the polling place.
If I need vitriol, I can go on to any number of blogs on Bush, Cheney, Palin, it is the free speech of idiots. You don't have the market cornered on that one. Tolerating stupidity is one thing, tolerating voter intimidation is another. It's not illegal to be an ass.
Weapons at a polling place wielded by thugs dressed as storm troopers are threats. It's a violation of law and that doesn't change or can justified as retaliation for wrongs elsewhere. Follow that logic and you'll justify the Klan intimidating voters in the next election.
If there were two white guys using the N word that I find just as offensive as cracker or honkie, dressed in militant garb with nightsticks 15 feet from polling place doors, they would have been on every news station and facing charges. And they would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, as they should be.
Hey Ron,

I am guessing that the first statement is false.


  • RowberryRon.jpg
    13.4 KB · Views: 194
Well said Ron and Al.

Even in BBC's global coverage of elections, we don't see anyone outside polling places dressed and armed as these two.

Beck makes some good points on the issue around minute 5:30. For those of you who don't want to see Beck's rant on the liberal media and why it doesn't cover real stories, go directly to 5:30 and then after he finishes, you can turn it off. Make sure you watch the second video calling for the killing of cracker and cracker babies.

But the real kicker is why would the DOJ drop the case at the last minute, and the responsible resign? What would they have done had they discovered voter intimidation?
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This is why I loathe the political pile that our country operates on. Both sides have the same complaints about the other. Both sides have the hate spewing talking heads that get national attention, not to mention international attention. (Although the right does have more than the left.) All this does is make people think that it's alright to say how stupid someone else is all because they have a different viewpoint. Once that happens, all possibilities for debate are out the window. If you can't listen to others, than there will be no debate. Many here seem willing to listen to others, but there are some whose thoughts couldn't be swayed short of a brain reprogramming.

I personally have seen great restraint lately in these forums which to me makes for healthy debate. I wish that if any us meet in the future we can have a relaxed, friendly conversation. I am left leaning, but by no means a hard left liberal. The problem is, anyone far on the right will see me as a far left liberal. They will also see someone in the middle (which I feel I actually am very close to) as a "wishy-washy" middle person. Basically, no one is worth listening to except someone like them. That's a bigot's attitude now that I think about...:sad:

I haven't seen this video, but it sounds like some intimidation going on whether or not they had night sticks. The problem is, IMO, no one stood up for them in Florida in 2000 at the polls. Put yourself in their shoes, what would you do? Write to your congressman and sit back, waiting for something to be done? Or would you get up yourself and do something like the various governers and mayors on the SE coast trying to deal with the oil? OK - the real point of this thread is not what these black guys were doing, but the response of the administration. But then again, what should they be responding to? It goes back to the examples Jeff gave. I only hope the people raising a stink now were raising the same stink in 2000.

For the record, I am appalled that a country that is supposed to be ahead of the rest world in free, open speech and thought and a democratic process of electing a government still has things like this going on. What exactly are we supporting as Americans?
For the record, I am appalled that a country that is supposed to be ahead of the rest world in free, open speech and thought and a democratic process of electing a government still has things like this going on. What exactly are we supporting as Americans?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

Chris +1! There is no excuse for intimidation at any voting booth, period. That smacks of Hitler and his goons. Regardless of which side of the political spectrum that one resides in, there is no excuse to let these types of behaviors go on.
By the way, the 2000 election is over and it's time to move on. By my calculations, it's 2010 and the Democratic Party won the election. Now, let's see some results.
2000 elections: What about the Democrats trying to block the counting of the overseas armed forces vote? They are both black and white. They work together as one and are worldly experienced and educated individuals. They laytheir lives on the line but the dems were hot to stop the counting of their absente ballots.
Lets come to present. You really think they politicans give a rats rear about immigrants? They only want their votes. We have a path to legal immigration. Why not enforce it? Votes. Why is our govt wanting to protect illegal immigrants and not our citizens? VOTES. The big thing is what gives them the right to spend our tax dollars to file a suit against something that the polls show they public does not want them to do? They dont care, they want the votes.
Yes both sides need to be voted out. People that actually work for the US citizens need to be in place. The govt needs to have its powers reduced. Term limits, Retirement same as other citizens, same healthcare and must answer to the same laws as all other citizens. These people that want to tax us more have millions. Why aren't they giving up their cash if they are so concirned about people? Why is it a judge can overturn the decision of an election voted by the people? Isn't that a king?

Quote of the Day: "It would be a healthy exercise for every politician to look in the mirror every morning and remind himself that he holds office only because, in a two-man race against another mediocrity, a modest majority of those half-informed people who imagined that their votes mattered reckoned that he was the lesser evil. And they weren't too sure about that." -- Joseph Sobran
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