The Pot Party!

Jim can you actually say that you are better of during this admins reign? Forget the national debt for a second. Are people on an individual level better off under BHO and an even better question is do you feel that there has been a precipitous decline in national pride ever since BHO went on his world wide apology tour. The people are FAR WORSE off under BHO. You could blame Bush and the republicans all you like but THIS PRESIDENT and HIS PARTY have single handedly CRUSHED the American spirit. this ought to make you guys laugh It's A Mexican! (Season 15, Episode 9) - Video Clips - South Park Studios
Just to be clear and add to my post above.

In the same area/populace/demographic, most people I know have 2+ cars for each house hold, virtually everyone has foreign holidays, some even have multiple foreign holidays each year.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Jim can you actually say that you are better of during this admins reign? Forget the national debt for a second. Are people on an individual level better off under BHO and an even better question is do you feel that there has been a precipitous decline in national pride ever since BHO went on his world wide apology tour. The people are FAR WORSE off under BHO. You could blame Bush and the republicans all you like but THIS PRESIDENT and HIS PARTY have single handedly CRUSHED the American spirit. this ought to make you guys laugh It's A Mexican! (Season 15, Episode 9) - Video Clips - South Park Studios


I personally am doing very, very well under this president. Bush2 put a real damper on real estate everywere, but its been coming back around here, I have made back all I lost under the consevatives.

As far as national pride goes, I think it is way up for everyone but the ones who hate having a black President! There were lots of people saying they would leave the union, wanted to impeach or just "take back" our country BEFORE HE EVEN TOOK OFFICE!!!!!

I was continually embarased by Bush2 and his evil Vice President. I was imbarassed by the stupid things he said and the poor image he gave to the rest of the world, they must have though: why would Americans elect and then re-elect such a stupid person!

Additionally, we have stopped tourturing folks, are getting out of Bush2's unnessisary wars (where 10s of thousands of people were killed) and Bin Ladin and several other terrorist leaders no longer breath my air!

Yes Damian, I am much better off and the world is much better off, now than under the conservative leaders.
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First Jim let me say God bless because you are one of the fortunate ones but an exception. Please tell me that you are not giving BHO credit for Osama becsue all he did was CONTINUE a Bush inniciative. I will give him credit for ramping up the drone attacks though. As far as your comment about the racist people in this country they are BY FAR the MINORITY (and lets not forget about black white racism which played a HUGE part in him winning the popular vote)!! The term TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY was a political comment about BIG GOVERNMENT NOT BHO's race. I know you know that and I'm having trouble understanding why you would so openly push an AGENDA that you know to be untrue. Either way I'm starting to get to involved in this so I'm out!!!

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02
"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,

3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

Damian, those are quotes by Bush2​

Now to his credit, Bush2 never clamed any credit, but Cheaney and the others did right away!​

Now Damian, answere this one qiestion:​

If the Seal raid into Pakistan had gone bad, if the other copter had crashed, or the guards better prepaired.​

If the seals had been captured or killed and Bin Laden got away, would Cheaney and the others jumped up to clame responsibility?​

Not a fucking chance!!!!!!!!!​

Obama would have taken *****ALL**** the responisiblity, because it was his order and it was his responsibility. Not only would Cheaney and the others not have taken credit, they would have attacked Obama as incompetent, you would have joined in and you know it!!​

Damian, you and those weasels cannot have it both ways, this was all Obama, be it failure or sucess it was all his!!!!​
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
The term TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY was a political comment about BIG GOVERNMENT NOT BHO's race.
Posted by Damian

Their quotes came BEFORE he even took office.............

Damian, If that comment was only about "big Govenment" where were the "take back our country" folks when Reagan and Bush2 grew the size of Govenment more than any other Presidents before or since?
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Funny thing is Jim, that over here too, the previous government grew the public sector to outrageous, unsustainable levels. Now that has been proven to be un-workable and they are no longer in power, they criticize the new lot for making cuts in government and the public sector.

Apparently (according to Cameron, so don't quote me) over half the jobs created in the last decade were associated with public spending. Government for governments' sake if you as me, which you didn't!

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Apparently (according to Cameron, so don't quote me) over half the jobs created in the last decade were associated with public spending. Government for governments' sake if you as me, which you didn't!

You know, Mark, I think that your comment is a very important one! I think with unemployment at such a high level, people just want jobs. I sincerely doubt that they would really care if the check came from a government entity or not as long as they could put food on the table and a roof over their heads.

The issues we in America are facing at this particular moment revolve in large part around sincere philosophical differences regarding where those jobs will come from. I, for one, have seen circumstances in which small businesses have done very well, but have not expanded their work force (for perhaps very good reason related to the costs of training and maintaining a good employee). The old "trickle down" philosophy obviously has not worked, that seems to be what the "Occupy Wall Street/America" movement is all about. Business owners have turned their increased income into greater personal wealth, but have not created new jobs at the same rate that personal wealth has inceased.

Now, on the other hand, if the government takes more of your money in taxes, it is a fair certainty that they will turn around and spend that money on something that will possibly create more jobs, or will actually offer jobs with the money.

I think the majority of the American population is well aware of this conundrum and therefore the Conservative agenda, one of fewer taxes/restrictions on enterprise, has become suspect to most Americans (and particularly to those who are newly unemployed and searching for non-existent jobs!!).

Just my mental musings on the issue......

Cheers, Doug!!
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Doug to add to your point; why would a business hire more workers with THIS mentality when they have already pr oven that they can do the same if not more with less. I'm sorry but the American dream is to work hard and become a success NOT GIVE IT AWAY!!!!! This is completely the workers fault for THINKING they deserve more than reality dictates and you can not blame a person who is in business to MAKE $ for NOT WANTING TO WASTE IT! In other words hiring for the sake of hiring at your own companies peril (no increase in demand so all those workers essentially sit there stocking shelves with product of which there is no demand). I promise that was my last post in here.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
So Damian,

You say that is your "last post here", I asked you a question, I take it that your lack of answer means that you have no answer, that does not make my point........................thought so!
Doug to add to your point; why would a business hire more workers with THIS mentality when they have already pr oven that they can do the same if not more with less. I'm sorry but the American dream is to work hard and become a success NOT GIVE IT AWAY!!!!! This is completely the workers fault for THINKING they deserve more than reality dictates and you can not blame a person who is in business to MAKE $ for NOT WANTING TO WASTE IT! In other words hiring for the sake of hiring at your own companies peril (no increase in demand so all those workers essentially sit there stocking shelves with product of which there is no demand). I promise that was my last post in here.


Employers caring for there employees above profit has been done before :-

In 1893, George Cadbury bought 120 acres (49 ha) of land close to the works and planned, at his own expense, a model village which would 'alleviate the evils of modern more cramped living conditions'. By 1900 the estate included 313 cottages and houses set on 330 acres (130 ha) of land.

Of course then it all went wrong.

Kraft Foods takeover

Kraft launched a formal, hostile bid for Cadbury valuing the firm at £9.8 billion on 9 November 2009.

The acquisition of Cadbury faced widespread disapproval from the British public, as well as groups and organisations including trade union Unite, who fought against the acquisition of the company which, according to Prime Minister Gordon Brown, was very important to the British economy.

Unite estimated that a takeover by Kraft could put 30,000 jobs "at risk", and UK shareholders protested over the Mergers and Acquisitions advisory fees charged by banks.

On 9 February 2010, Kraft announced that they were planning to close the Somerdale Factory, Keynsham, with the loss of 400 jobs.

Funny how we need to motivate and keep those at the top of the tree Bankers entrepreneurs etc with large bonuses, big pay packets and low taxes.

However, the greedy workers are the problem "for THINKING they deserve more than reality dictates".
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OK guys. I run a small business. I started it 11 years ago. at its peak, we employed 25 staff and roughly 30 third parties (self employed agents). Now I employ 2 people. My turnover has decreased, (not proportionaly) but my profit has grown exponentially. I could employ ten new people tomorrow.

However, the sheer level of red tape that applies to employing people and the amount of legislation in place to 'protect' employees from employers, makes it very hard for me to fing the motivation to grow my workforce. In a nutshell, for the cost of every employee, I need to gross more than they can earn to justify that cost after all the taxes and risks have been considered.

My experience tells me that females are the best employees in my market sector. However, the fear of pregnancy rules them out. How can a small business afford to continue to pay a person who is not available for work because they have a child? New legislation is afoot, to force employers to provide longer ful paid materiniy leave fo male staff too! Seriously?!! These folk that govern us all have no f**king idea what it takes to run a business. Why do we think they can run a country???

What is the answer? I don't know. But I do know that I am fed up with paying more out than I get in.

If someone knows the answer, so that I can gainfully employ more people, please let me know.

Like you I don't know what the answer is but small business's do need to be helped, they are the backbone of the country.

Unfortunately successive governments concentrate on big business that get the headlines.

Last week I took my car for it's MOT to my friends garage. The garage I go to is a small business as usual I asked the owners wife how business was going.

Turns out not so good and they could probably lay off one of their 4 employees but just could not do it as they felt responsible for them.

They will get no thanks for it and will make less money for themselves but I think they are bloody awe inspiring.

I did say she would get her reward in heaven but apparently like me she is heading for the other place.

I can't see it myself as unlike me she has to much on the good side of her balance sheet.
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So by your thinking, if Reagan and Bush had nothing to do with their incredible rise the the debt, then of course you will then say that Obama has nothing to do with the current debt. You can't have it both ways!

Bobby, why do you think that certain ethic groups statistically speaking, continually under perform in both education and economically?

Of course Al is in titled to earned benefits, but to then attack others for the same thing is hypocrisy, but we already knew that didn't we.

Since saying "Congress spends the money" doesn't seem to register with you, how about no modern Republican president has been able to get their budget proposals passed.


Now, as far a B.O. goes, for two years, he has had a Congress run in both branches by Democrats. Therefore, they own the four and a half trillion dollar debt, just as Democrats own all the other budgets that went over because the alternative for a Republican would have been to shut the government down.

Got it now??????
And, as for this ridiculous accusation, still after all this time, that Conservatives are racist, how do you explain the success of Herman Cain? How do you explain the tens of thousands of people who wish Allen West would run for President?


Obama is 1/2 black, 1/2 white, when you yell racism which half are you talking about? I believe all the garbage that's being said about Cain is racism, and he is black.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
OK guys. I run a small business. I started it 11 years ago. at its peak, we employed 25 staff and roughly 30 third parties (self employed agents). Now I employ 2 people. My turnover has decreased, (not proportionaly) but my profit has grown exponentially. I could employ ten new people tomorrow.

However, the sheer level of red tape that applies to employing people and the amount of legislation in place to 'protect' employees from employers, makes it very hard for me to fing the motivation to grow my workforce. In a nutshell, for the cost of every employee, I need to gross more than they can earn to justify that cost after all the taxes and risks have been considered.

My experience tells me that females are the best employees in my market sector. However, the fear of pregnancy rules them out. How can a small business afford to continue to pay a person who is not available for work because they have a child? New legislation is afoot, to force employers to provide longer ful paid materiniy leave fo male staff too! Seriously?!! These folk that govern us all have no f**king idea what it takes to run a business. Why do we think they can run a country???

What is the answer? I don't know. But I do know that I am fed up with paying more out than I get in.

If someone knows the answer, so that I can gainfully employ more people, please let me know.

Mark well said,
I think the same idiots are running the asylum in OZ. Maternity leave, Paternity leave, holiday pay loading, employer funded superannuation, payroll tax(a tax on employing people),unfair dismissal laws and red tape are the reasons I retired early and sold my business. Which now is in the process of downsizing. A shame really.
Mark well said,
I think the same idiots are running the asylum in OZ. Maternity leave, Paternity leave, holiday pay loading, employer funded superannuation, payroll tax(a tax on employing people),unfair dismissal laws and red tape are the reasons I retired early and sold my business. Which now is in the process of downsizing. A shame really.

I had to liquidate my family business of forty years after the SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District, a four county super EPA in So. California) scared my landlord out of giving me another lease after all those years. they claimed the solvent we used was a carcinogen even though there was over sixty years of exposure to workers and they had no higher incidence of cancer than the general public. Even the US EPA rated it as probably not a carcinogen.

I can't blame my landlord. He previously owned a property that was a plating shop and he lost a million in the clean up.

In my new line of work I met hundreds of business owners who are on the edge or are now out of business due to unreasonable regulations, codes, taxes, in the state of California, one of the most liberal states and with the second highest unemployment rate in the USA.
Pete and Mark,

I do understand were you are coming from as I ran a small business (franchise) for 5 years, never again. As someone said to me in business trust no one but your wife / partner and be very suspicious of them.

However, I have also seen the other side of the coin having recently worked in a call center in an effort to get back into the employment market. Maybe you guys are too nice because call centers seem to have no problem getting rid of people, and treating them badly if they want to. It was a real eye opener.

There was also a Panorama program All work and low Pay. on the BBC which revealed how some employers use loopholes to pay below the national minimum wage. Many of the youngsters doing a full time job for nothing in the desperate hope of getting a paid job.

BBC - BBC One Programmes - Panorama, All Work and Low Pay
I still wish our American friends would stop blaming each other. I keep making the point, they keep insulting each-other and attempting to declare that they belong to the blameless side of the table.

THEY JUST DON'T GET IT! Who gives a flyng f**k who did what to whom and which dead President did more for the poor. Who's a Racisit and who isn't! Perhaps none of them have a f**king clue how to look at the whole problem, piece by piece, to arrive at solutions, they focus on shouting rhetoric and cr*p at one another. We can do better then you! You lot are sh1t! My Candidate is more honest than yours!

Seriously? Club together guys, (you all want the same end result anyway) and kick the lot out! While you're busy shouting at each other, your oh so honourable Politicians are burning your house down.

FWIW, I believe all of the above and also that it applies, probably, to every country in the Western World.

Rebellion is perhaps the only true voice of the people. I think we've seen it work in the past?