The Pot Party!

I understand your views Nick. The first time I had to lay off staff my company had been shut out by a take-over of our main client by a Global Corp. It took Ten Years to Litigate that mess! Anyhow, my GF (& business partner) and I kept all people on with pay, for several months without income being generated for the company, alas the disupute continued and the inevitable happened. Finally we could hold them no longer. We were presented with a gift from our staff! We all cried that day.

However, since then, I have learnt through bitter experience that at least 50% of the people you employ do not give a sh1t. Weeding them out and getting rid, costs a fortune and the legislation is weighted in their favour. Yes there are unscrupulous employers out there. So what. Most aren't, yet most pay the true cost to protect a few, from the even fewer.

Come and work for me by all means, but if you are sh1t, steal, or mis-represent my company, expect to meet the pavement. Do well and care about the company and it's customers and you will earn seriously good money. Simple really.

Government should keep their nose out of my business or offer to run HR for me, because I don't have the money or the resources in people to run an HR department, soley to stay ahead of the un-ending legislation put in place to protect my employees and avoid unfair dismissal proceedings every time I have to sack someone for being a Prat. 100% of my staffing efforts must be focused on generating income to enable me to afford the staff and the taxes in the first place.

BTW both of my 'guys' have worked for me for more than 5 years. They seem happy. That makes me happy. However, our beloved, intrepid and oh so helpful Government, earns more from our combinned efforts than any one of us as individuals!
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I bought my first house in 1982 during Reagans trickle down exparement, I paid 17% interst!!!!

You have the nerve to say:


Domtoni, I can't believe you would say such a rediculous thing, your credibility has suffered greatly!

Here is a chart of the Fed Funds rate. Note in 1981 rates were at the highest and Regean hadn't yet taken office.
Federal funds rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Were people better off in the eighties? I remember most houses in the area in which I grew up had one car per family. Also not many people I knew of had foreign holidays either. If you did, you were considered 'wealthy'.

Are these examples a credible bench-mark of wealth?

Mark, the comparison was made comparing the economy at the start of the Regean era with its completion 8 years later. People were better off in 1989 than they were in 1981. Coming out of the 70s, you remember the coal miner strikers etc. which lead to Mrs. Thatcher's election.

I personally am doing very, very well under this president. Bush2 put a real damper on real estate everywere, but its been coming back around here, I have made back all I lost under the consevatives.

As far as national pride goes, I think it is way up for everyone but the ones who hate having a black President! There were lots of people saying they would leave the union, wanted to impeach or just "take back" our country BEFORE HE EVEN TOOK OFFICE!!!!!

I was continually embarased by Bush2 and his evil Vice President. I was imbarassed by the stupid things he said and the poor image he gave to the rest of the world, they must have though: why would Americans elect and then re-elect such a stupid person!

Jim, you obviously don't have a house or work in Chicago. According to Zillow, my house is worth 36% less than when I bought in in 1985.
Additionally, we have stopped tourturing folks, are getting out of Bush2's unnessisary wars (where 10s of thousands of people were killed) and Bin Ladin and several other terrorist leaders no longer breath my air!

The only other person who was embarrassed by being American under Bush 2 was a female friend in Chicago (who loved Obama). I have no problems being proud of US citizenship here. Now the BBC paints Obama in a better light than it did Bush2 for obvious reasons. And Bush was Governor of Texas, owned a baseball team, and flew jet planes and survived.

And regarding a Black president, give me Herman Cain any day !!
Funny thing is Jim, that over here too, the previous government grew the public sector to outrageous, unsustainable levels. Now that has been proven to be un-workable and they are no longer in power, they criticize the new lot for making cuts in government and the public sector.

Apparently (according to Cameron, so don't quote me) over half the jobs created in the last decade were associated with public spending. Government for governments' sake if you as me, which you didn't!

Mark, I was told last night that most of the public sector jobs created by Labour were in the Northeast where unemployment was high after the closure of steel and ship building. Now these are the areas which are suffering again with high unemployment, as is the West Midlands.
I still wish our American friends would stop blaming each other. I keep making the point, they keep insulting each-other and attempting to declare that they belong to the blameless side of the table.

THEY JUST DON'T GET IT! Who gives a flyng f**k who did what to whom and which dead President did more for the poor. Who's a Racisit and who isn't! Perhaps none of them have a f**king clue how to look at the whole problem, piece by piece, to arrive at solutions, they focus on shouting rhetoric and cr*p at one another. We can do better then you! You lot are sh1t! My Candidate is more honest than yours!

Seriously? Club together guys, (you all want the same end result anyway) and kick the lot out! While you're busy shouting at each other, your oh so honourable Politicians are burning your house down.

FWIW, I believe all of the above and also that it applies, probably, to every country in the Western World.

Rebellion is perhaps the only true voice of the people. I think we've seen it work in the past?

+1 Mark !!
Mark, I was told last night that most of the public sector jobs created by Labour were in the Northeast where unemployment was high after the closure of steel and ship building. Now these are the areas which are suffering again with high unemployment, as is the West Midlands.

You may be right, but I wouldn't bank on it. The entire public sector, local government up, expanded with wild abandon. Why does it take five departments to view, review, consult, re-evaluate and re-plan a solution to a pot-hole in the street or where travelers should be camped etc etc etc. One department can do that without the the need to constantly review and revize every damn decision on every damn subject.

It doesn't need that many people to diagnose and treat heart disease FFS. You can imagine the scenario if surgeons were local government:

I think we need to do an MRI on the patient. Book the room.
On the way to the imaging room, doctor two rocks up and suggests that the patient could better be treated if they re-schedule the scan to take place at another venue 500 miles away, because they charge 50p less per scan.
Doctor one agrees and immediately calls for the Air Ambulance to transport the patient.
Mid flight, the Chopper crew receive an urgent call to divert back to the original location as a third consultant has been drafted in who believes the whole plan needs to be re-thought, as all this travel could have an adverse effect on the patient.
Upon arrival at the original hospital, the patient is checked back into the ward, where a fourth doctor and a team of outsourced security and management specialists suggest that the patient really needs an x-ray. Simple, cheap.
Next day the Patient dies from stress, hungar and a gangrenous leg. There never was anything wrong with his heart, he had a morbid fear of flying and his food had been transported with police escort to the second scan venue. The Police were necessary to ensure that his Jelly arrived at the same time as the patient in the helicopter. Unfortunately, no-one thought to divert the food when they diverted the chopper.

That my friends is Local Government in the UK.
Don't forget, it is thanks to Local Government morons that we all have so many wheelie bins that we can no longer park opur cars on our driveways! F**king idiots. They deserve the sack.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Domtoni, you say that only me and a lady in Chicago were embarassed by Bush2?

Clark: Americans 'embarrassed' by Bush

<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>cnnSetShareLnks();</SCRIPT><STYLE type=text/css>.cnnFBRecBtn { MARGIN: 5px 0px; WIDTH: 295px; FLOAT: right; CLEAR: both}.cnnFBRecBtnBot { MARGIN: 30px 0px 15px 186px; WIDTH: 420px}.cnn_strycntntlft { CLEAR: both}.fb_edge_widget_with_comment { POSITION: relative}.fb_iframe_widget { POSITION: relative; DISPLAY: inline-block}.fb_iframe_widget SPAN { POSITION: relative}</STYLE>
<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = FB /><FB:LIKE class="fb_edge_widget_with_comment fb_iframe_widget" href="" layout="standard" show_faces="true" width="336" action="recommend"><IFRAME style="WIDTH: 300px; HEIGHT: 30px; OVERFLOW: hidden" id=f14cde60b310926 src="" frameBorder=0 name=f36c81f4d32273 scrolling=no></IFRAME></FB:LIKE>
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>if (/msie|MSIE 6/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { var element = document.getElementById("cnnStryRcmndBtn"); element.parentNode.removeChild(element);}</SCRIPT><!-- Module ends: sm-badge-top-->
<!-- Module starts: article-byline (ArticleByline) -->September 29, 2003<!-- Module ends: article-byline-->

<!-- Area starts: article-side-image -->
<!-- Area ends: article-side-image--><!-- Area starts: article-block-1 --><!-- Module starts: article-text-1 (ArticleText) -->Gen. Wesley Clark has attacked President Bush's economic plan as a failure, and said the war in Iraq was "unnecessary" and lacks a way to succeed or end.
Speaking after an event in Washington at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's annual conference, Clark, 58, told reporters that the American people are "really embarrassed" by the administration's leadership.
"We're in there without a strategy to win, and without a strategy to exit properly, and now the president's asked for $87 billion to prosecute it," said Clark.


Is the Tea Party merely a reinvented GOP, so embarrassed by Bush's presidency that they want no ties to him?


‘American Idol’ too ‘embarrassed’ to have Bush on the show.


Don't forget the Dixi Chicks


Domtoni, you can add Generals, the tea party, "chicks" from Texas and American idol to the list, of folks embarassed by Bush2, there are many, many more quotes, If you wish I can post them!

<!-- Module ends: article-text-1-->

<!-- Area ends: article-block-1--><!-- Area starts: main-center-road-block -->
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I still wish our American friends would stop blaming each other. I keep making the point, they keep insulting each-other and attempting to declare that they belong to the blameless side of the table.

THEY JUST DON'T GET IT! Who gives a flyng f**k who did what to whom and which dead President did more for the poor. Who's a Racisit and who isn't! Perhaps none of them have a f**king clue how to look at the whole problem, piece by piece, to arrive at solutions, they focus on shouting rhetoric and cr*p at one another. We can do better then you! You lot are sh1t! My Candidate is more honest than yours!

Seriously? Club together guys, (you all want the same end result anyway) and kick the lot out! While you're busy shouting at each other, your oh so honourable Politicians are burning your house down.

FWIW, I believe all of the above and also that it applies, probably, to every country in the Western World.

Rebellion is perhaps the only true voice of the people. I think we've seen it work in the past?

Mark, I wish it were that easy. What you have is one side wishing to adhere to our Constitution which limits the powers of the Federal Government. The other side says the Constitution is invalid because the Founding Fathers owned slaves.

The side who wish to rewrite/negate the Constitution wish to make Federal Government all consuming, having a say in everything from what light bulb we should buy to now forcing us to buy a product whether we want it or not (health insurance) from whom they tell us to buy it from. That would have been considered unconstitutional in the past.

A lot of posts on this thread bemoan the encroachment of government on our lives. That's what the Conservatives in this country are fighting. I don't call myself a Republican, but I vote Republican because the Democratic candidate represents ever larger government.

Unfortunately, there have been plenty of RINOs (republican in name only) who become the only alternative to the Liberal candidate.

As you may have noticed, there is no compromise between the two ideologies. When Obama said he wanted to "fundamentally change the United States," No one really listened to what he was saying. Even the folks who abhore politics are beginning to feel that "fundamental change" and the last election showed how people feel about their freedoms.
I know I over-slimplify things. That is a personal trait. Just lately (as you can attest) I seem to be in moan mode. Something must be stiring my pot to post this frequently! Normally my utter belief in 'you can't change anything so let it go', serves me well. Not so lately.

I think that for whatever reason, you guys over there have managed to pique my interest in the sh1t that surrounds me! An infectious bunch you Yanks!
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I know I over-slimplify things. That is a personal trait. Just lately (as you can attest) I seem to be in moan mode. Something must be stiring my pot to post this frequently! Normally my utter belief in 'you can't change anything so let it go', serves me well. Not so lately.

I think that for whatever reason, you guys over there have managed to pique my interest in the sh1t that surrounds me! An infectious bunch you Yanks!

'you can't change anything so let it go', serves me well." is what the controllers rely on IMHO, until one day we are incrementally turned into something we never bargained for.

I'm glad you are participating in this debate, Mark, this is what freedom is all about!

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Mark, I wish it were that easy. What you have is one side wishing to adhere to our Constitution which limits the powers of the Federal Government. The other side says the Constitution is invalid because the Founding Fathers owned slaves.

A lot of posts on this thread bemoan the encroachment of government on our lives. That's what the Conservatives in this country are fighting. I don't call myself a Republican, but I vote Republican because the Democratic candidate represents ever larger government.(QUOTE]Posted by Bobbie

To say that anyone thinks the Constitution in invalid because the founding father owned slaves is absolutly absurd, and you know it. Try and stick to the truth, it will make everyones life easier!

Bobbie, you must be aware that no modern President has grown the size of the Federal govenment and the Federal debt more than Ronald Reagan and George Bush1&2!!!!

Bobbie if the size of Govenment and the debt is important to you, you must not vote Republican!
Domtoni, you say that only me and a lady in Chicago were embarassed by Bush2?

Clark: Americans 'embarrassed' by Bush

<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>cnnSetShareLnks();</SCRIPT><STYLE type=text/css>.cnnFBRecBtn { MARGIN: 5px 0px; WIDTH: 295px; FLOAT: right; CLEAR: both}.cnnFBRecBtnBot { MARGIN: 30px 0px 15px 186px; WIDTH: 420px}.cnn_strycntntlft { CLEAR: both}.fb_edge_widget_with_comment { POSITION: relative}.fb_iframe_widget { POSITION: relative; DISPLAY: inline-block}.fb_iframe_widget SPAN { POSITION: relative}</STYLE>
<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = FB /><FB:LIKE class="fb_edge_widget_with_comment fb_iframe_widget" href="" layout="standard" show_faces="true" width="336" action="recommend"><IFRAME style="WIDTH: 300px; HEIGHT: 30px; OVERFLOW: hidden" id=f14cde60b310926 src="" frameBorder=0 name=f36c81f4d32273 scrolling=no></IFRAME></FB:LIKE>
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>if (/msie|MSIE 6/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { var element = document.getElementById("cnnStryRcmndBtn"); element.parentNode.removeChild(element);}</SCRIPT><!-- Module ends: sm-badge-top-->
<!-- Module starts: article-byline (ArticleByline) -->September 29, 2003<!-- Module ends: article-byline-->

<!-- Area starts: article-side-image -->
<!-- Area ends: article-side-image--><!-- Area starts: article-block-1 --><!-- Module starts: article-text-1 (ArticleText) -->Gen. Wesley Clark has attacked President Bush's economic plan as a failure, and said the war in Iraq was "unnecessary" and lacks a way to succeed or end.
Speaking after an event in Washington at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's annual conference, Clark, 58, told reporters that the American people are "really embarrassed" by the administration's leadership.
"We're in there without a strategy to win, and without a strategy to exit properly, and now the president's asked for $87 billion to prosecute it," said Clark.


Is the Tea Party merely a reinvented GOP, so embarrassed by Bush's presidency that they want no ties to him?


‘American Idol’ too ‘embarrassed’ to have Bush on the show.


Don't forget the Dixi Chicks


Domtoni, you can add Generals, the tea party, "chicks" from Texas and American idol to the list, of folks embarassed by Bush2, there are many, many more quotes, If you wish I can post them!

<!-- Module ends: article-text-1-->

<!-- Area ends: article-block-1--><!-- Area starts: main-center-road-block -->

Well, Jim, you got me there! By golly, the Dixie Chicks were embarrassed by George Bush!

As I've said, Bush, and I'll add both Bushes were disappointments.

The alternative, Al Gore, would have been intolerable.

I can just hear him now if he would have been president;

"Ah would once a-gai-an like to a-po-lo-gize to our friends, Al qui-e-a-duh, after all, heh, heh, we sha-are the sa-um first name! Heh, heh."

On the Tea Party, I believe you are mistaken. They formed to put a stop to both parties' ever larger encroachment on our country's Constitution/freedoms.
A lot of posts on this thread bemoan the encroachment of government on our lives. That's what the Conservatives in this country are fighting. I don't call myself a Republican, but I vote Republican because the Democratic candidate represents ever larger government.(QUOTE]Posted by Bobbie

To say that anyone thinks the Constitution in invalid because the founding father owned slaves is absolutly absurd, and you know it. Try and stick to the truth, it will make everyones life easier!

Bobbie, you must be aware that no modern President has grown the size of the Federal govenment and the Federal debt more than Ronald Reagan and George Bush1&2!!!!

Bobbie if the size of Govenment and the debt is important to you, you must not vote Republican!

Agreed, I vote Conservative. That means I will never vote for a Democrat, look how they treated Joe Lieberman when he differed with them on only one issue. As far as voting for RINOs because the alternative is unacceptable, RINOs are becoming an endangered species, for the good of us all.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

I'll agree with you, Al Gore would have been a bad President, worse than Bush? Probably not. We really could have used a continuation of Clinton's policies, but with Gore, who knows.

But Bobbie, if you never vote Democratic, you will only get larger Govenment and higher debt.

I'll agree with you, Al Gore would have been a bad President, worse than Bush? Probably not. We really could have used a continuation of Clinton's policies, but with Gore, who knows.

But Bobbie, if you never vote Democratic, you will only get larger Govenment and higher debt.

I am more than open to discovering a Democrat who isn't pushing BIG GOVERNMENT. show me the way, please.

Jim, speaking of Clinton, do you know who ordered Kenneth Starr to investigate the Monica Lewinsky affair?
Back to the original theme of this thread, here's a clever political cartoon.

I'm glad you are participating in this debate, Mark, this is what freedom is all about!


The trouble is you believe in democracy, freedom, peaceful protest etc as long as the people taking part echo your views, and beliefs.

You remind me of someone.

Dirty Dancing - Baby talk with his father. - YouTube