TS40 in Derbyshire

thanks Sid ,I often need one off ,parts machining for the various odd cars
that I restore/build, will meet up sometime and discuss.
the thread you posted re work in this current climate, well this is an example, I fix Bryns motor mower, Bryn fixes my Jag D rep header tank, its good like that in the north!
sometimes its good to get money though!
the thread you posted re work in this current climate, well this is an example, I fix Bryns motor mower, Bryn fixes my Jag D rep header tank, its good like that in the north!
sometimes its good to get money though!

I got in trouble for that once. I live in a small rural town and there's lots of oportunity for this kind of trade especially where food is concerned and we have many many farms around here. We used to engage in this practice until the Inland Revenue descended on us and started to value the goods and services that were being exchanged on a frequent basis, the purpose of which was of course to tax the benefit in kind at face value.

He called it "Bartering" and I got the impression they didn't like it at all. Nothing much came of it but he suceeded in shutting down a very sucessful and enjoyable local pastime - did I say greedy miserable bastard?

Just to say thanks for letting us visit you whilst up in your neck of the woods.

I am having serios computor trouble which may be terminal so unable to e-mail or anything

Have not forgotten patterns to make & will get onto next week


cheers karl , nice to meet you, looking forward to YOU posting pictures off your build, will get the templates off to you when you pm me your address,

all the best Bryn