What I did on my summer vacation...

so relaxing that place Chris.

I have to cure my illness so will go to sweden to my girlfriend and probably will visit Goran factory (not so fare from Gothenburg)

buone vacanze a tutti


Chris Kouba

Yeah it was awesome and truly helped with the stress relief. One of the great things about the trip was how little my "real world" intruded on my vacation- barely a thought about the heat in Phoenix, what bills are due, the house that still needs to sell a second time (new realtor), or whatever life issue was rearing its ugly head... Just thinking about where I was, what the next destination was and how to get there- and totally soaking in the scenery.

It was an strenuous trip physically and most of our travel was back-country or off-trail (read: bushwacking) but the payoff was phenominal:
