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  • Hey Randy, do you know why I might not have the feature to start a conversation eitiba member?
    I think I found the problem. Starting Conversations has been removed from the Registered Users group - more than likely because of the spammers getting through the registration process, then sending porno to our users via Conversations. If you are a supporting member, that restriction is lifted. I am sending Ron a note to see what we may be able to do.
    Ah ha! I wondered if it was something like that. Not a big deal. I should just pay the money right!?
    Well, if the forum carries a high degree of value to you, it would be nice of you to support it - but it’s certainly not required...
    Randy, I was looking at some old posts regarding rebuild instructions and documents for the SW 240A fuel pump. I need to rebuild a couple of them for a GT350 R tribute project. Any resource you can provide would be greatly appreciated along with any sources for parts that you might be aware of. Thanks.
    Mickey [email protected]
    Hi Mickey,

    Your best bet is to create a post in the Fueling section. I will be selling off my collection of SW pumps sometime in May when I get back have pumps and parts. Don’t have any prices in mind at this point. A few pumps seemed to work well when I tested them. None look like new however.
    Thanks. I suggest you list the stuff on the SAAC site as there are several Shelby cars that used the 240A.
    Another member of the forum found an old copy of your switch repair instructions with the photos and sent it to me. I don't want to post the document without your permission and would be glad to forward it on to you so that you could repost it but I can't figure out how to attach a document to this message. If you provide an email I'll send it to you.
    Randy, how do I send you private mail?
    PM’s in this software are called “Conversations”. You simply click on my avatar, then click “start a conversation”. That conversation is private and the only people that can read it are those that are invited into the conversation.
    Thank you. I've trusted you for years now and you always help me understand.
    Hi Randy I accidentally posted a Joke on the Global Warming thread are you able to delete it and my post after it posts 2218 & 2219. Thanks Nick
    Hello Randy, when you have a chance can you please mark the Alba GTP car as sold, Thank you have a good evening, Bryan.
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