Is the voter base educated?


However, in reference to #3, I would like to point out that when all our political threads started to become so prevalent in the Paddock I proposed we rename the two parties the "Republicrats" and the "Demopublicans"...and we could have just called their presidential candidates "Tweedle-Dum" and "Tweedle-Dee".

...but, then, I speak in jest....:laugh:

Cheers, folks, it's OVER!! YEE-HAW!!


I agree Doug, pick your poison. Can computers govern? Isn't there a Quickbooks for Congress or something? It would have to be better than the current bloods vs crips atmosphere.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
The title of this thread "Is the voter base educated"?

I saw an interesting article concerning just this topic. The ten states with the lowest total education all voted for Romney. But the ten states with the highest total education, with one exception (Nevada), all voted for President Obama. It apparent that what this country needs is a voter base with more education;)
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A little education might help. Here is the list Jim mentioned.


  • Education.jpg
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Rumor has it obama himself has a college education yet he's the one driving this country off the cliff..:laugh:
I think the term, "educated fools" fits in rather nicely here. The longer you stay in the system the heavier the brain washing from the likes of highly respected educators like William Ayres becomes.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
It should be noted that virtually all the under educated red states receive more from the Federal government than they pay in taxes.

Yet they are so foolish that they complain about the relatively small tax that they pay.

For every $ that a poor red state pay in taxes, they receive a $+, yet they complain. The "stupid party" proves once again the need for better education,


Jim, both parties caused the debt, they are both inept.

Tom, you are absolutely right!
Words have different meanings in Washington. Note that the president calls "cuts" reductions in the rates of future growth. Taxes are now called "revenues" and neither party is particularly interested in addressing the massive deficits or even the ridiculous government waste and redundancy. (Such as the 95 home-based employees at GSA who racked up $750,000 in travel expenses over a nine-month period in 2010 and 2011. Huh???? -travel pay from the living room to the fridge??? How about the more than 100 federal programs dealing with surface transportation issues, 82 monitoring teacher quality, 80 for economic development, 47 for job training, 20 offices or programs devoted to homelessness and 17 different grant programs for disaster preparedness? Another 15 agencies or offices handle food safety, and five are working to ensure the federal government uses less gasoline.) How many are being scrutinized for consolidation or reduction? (HINT: NONE!)
If Mr. Obama gets his wish to "tax the wealthy so they pay their fair share" it will bring in (most favorable estimate) $80 billion a year on a 2012 annual deficit $1.33 trillion (reducing that only 6%), never mind the current $16T of prior debit. Now imagine if interest rates even go up fractionally. The deficit numbers skyrocket. The entire GDP at some point will be consumed just on the interest on the debt. I also believe the President’s “tax the wealthy” plan hysteria about crushing the economy is a bit overstated on behalf of big Republican donors. However the reinstitution of the “death tax” will mean more small business will be forced to liquidate to pay the taxes creating serious small business problems in the long run-same thing with killing the favorable treatment capital gains. It will simply make market investment far less attractive and not worth even minimal risk making new business and expansion capital harder to get.
I’ve completely changed my view on tax cuts. I’m for eliminating all the Bush tax cuts and do the sequester reductions. Projections say the economy will drop 2% but it is more likely to actually rebound at some point versus the slow but certain death by debt we’re facing today.
We can’t keep living like this…
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The title of this thread "Is the voter base educated"?

I saw an interesting article concerning just this topic. The ten states with the lowest total education all voted for Romney. But the ten states with the highest total education, with one exception (Nevada), all voted for President Obama. It apparent that what this country needs is a voter base with more education;)

Interesting find Jim, I think its an interesting coincidence but not necessarily an accurate gauge of the red states overall intelligence. Haha, ok maybe it is but more interesting is the huge cultural differences between the red and blue states. If we changed the question to the percentage of state residents who go to church at least every Sunday would we get a similar list of states?

I think the right's connection to religion turns off many of us who believe in evolution. Its just another issue the GOP has to resolve if they want to stop the erosion of their base. It may not be worth it to pander to religious groups any longer if it costs you some of the independent vote. Then you put a guy like Santorum on stage and thats even worse. He is not pandering and is the real deal, doing his best to keep his wife pregnant and barefoot. He is a nut job. We can't take you seriously if this is how you run your party.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

You are right, its not just education and Religion, the for the most part, the red states also have lower incomes, higher crime rates, higher divorce rates and oh yes, they watch Fox entertainment.
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You are right, its not just education and Religion, the for the most part, the red states also have lower incomes, higher crime rates, higher divorce rates and oh yes, they watch Fox entertainment.

Jim you left one out their states aren't bankrupt like yours so who is more intelligent ????

Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
I think the right's connection to religion turns off many of us who believe in evolution. Its just another issue the GOP has to resolve if they want to stop the erosion of their base. It may not be worth it to pander to religious groups any longer if it costs you some of the independent vote.

I partially agree, but more pointedly, my perception was of their desire to ram the practices associated with those beliefs, down my throat. I have no problem with their beliefs until they fell everybody else should live by them as well.

This is an interesting read, but the writer is definitely a liberal or has bought into the depiction that the majority of media has painted of the Right. Which I think is why Republicans will have a hard time winning in the future.

I personally believe that her reasons for voting for Obama are so completely ignorant that it is proof of the voter base being completely unaware of anything relevant. Where else would she have gotten her information other than Jon Stewart and other left sources?

I'm sorry, but the main stream Republican view does not believe that Obama is a Muslim. I don't think even the blow-hards she talks about share that view nor was it in Romney's campaign.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
This is an interesting read, but the writer is definitely a liberal or has bought into the depiction that the majority of media has painted of the Right. Which I think is why Republicans will have a hard time winning in the future.

I personally believe that her reasons for voting for Obama are so completely ignorant that it is proof of the voter base being completely unaware of anything relevant. Where else would she have gotten her information other than Jon Stewart and other left sources?

I'm sorry, but the main stream Republican view does not believe that Obama is a Muslim. I don't think even the blow-hards she talks about share that view nor was it in Romney's campaign.

She says up front she is a white, suburban, educated, pro-life, pro-gay marriage Democrat in Colorado. Basically exactly the type of person Governor Romney needed to have vote for him to win.

The entire article is well written and thoughtful. Her five points on why she voted for the President rather than Governor Romney were:

1) I don’t believe Obama is a closet Muslim with a radical socialist agenda to undermine America. I don’t believe he has a false birth certificate and a fake Social Security card. I think he is a deeply sincere, smart, principled man who is far from perfect but deserves a chance to continue what he has tried to begin.

2) I’m more comfortable taking a risk on Obama’s economic agenda than Romney’s. The numbers are starting to look up. I’d rather hedge my bets with Keynes than Adam Smith. Mitt wants to cut spending and slash taxes, and give most of those tax breaks to the richest Americans. That doesn’t square with my sense of what’s rational or what’s just. We’ve tried that before, and that Kool-Aid does not trickle down for me.

3) I’m willing to take a chance on Obamacare. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than a system that excludes millions and is dedicated to lining the pockets of insurance companies whose primary mission is not to cover care but to deny it. The Affordable Care Act is not “socialized medicine” in which the government dictates my health care. It’s a hybrid system that worked in Massachusetts; I’m ready to see how it goes in the rest of the U.S.

4) I care deeply about protecting this planet, our home. How could we elect a president who is so cavalier about God’s creation that he wants to dismantle the EPA? Really? The clean air and clean water acts established under Richard Nixon aren’t important to keep for our kids? I can’t imagine a world leader not grappling with the problem of global climate change. Solyndra was a debacle, but to suggest that we ought not to pursue green energy isn’t just short-sighted, it’s grave foolishness.

5) I believe a graduated tax system is the most moral means of structuring an economy. I think that rich folks who benefited so disproportionately from a wildly deregulated Wall Street need to return to shouldering more of our shared burden. Luke 12:48 says, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

I'm at a loss as to why someone would call that explanation ignorant.
Ok. I'll spell it out for you.

1. Obama being a closet Muslim is a fringe viewpoint. Just like Communism is fringe viewpoint of the Left.

2. She wants to take the risk of Obama's economic agenda when no one knows what it is. She also must not know that Adam Smith was for a graduated tax system...

3. She wants to take the risk of Obama care when no one really knows whats in it.

4. She thinks republicans want to stop all pursuits of green energy. Show me one republican that says this.

5. Fine, she supports a graduated tax system. But she gives a religious reason for her viewpoint. What happened to her pro-life view? Is she serious?

She gives 5 viewpoints, but I don't she could explain those view if you really asked her about them. I bet, like most Americans, she is really not too concerned about politics and is only interested in them come election time.
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
John M,

As to point (1). I just looked at a CBS poll that showed 1 in 4 Americans believe that Obama was born outside the US. That same poll showed that 45% of republicans believe Obama is not a US citizen. That does not sond like a fringe viewpoint.

As to point (4) We have several Republicans here on our site who say that!
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