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  • Hi Gary, Any news on your kit? Has it arrived yet?
    Cheers adrian
    Gary K
    Hi Adrian, no still waiting. Andy emailed me on Christmas Eve to say it would be ready early next year (2023), alas still nothing. Frustrating. Cheers
    Hi Gary, Have you been given a date for delivery from Andy yet? Would be keen to hear how you get on, getting it over here, as looking at the TSC kit also. Just trying to work out how much it will cost to get it to my garage, from the UK.
    Cheers Adrian
    Last time I emailed him (about 5 weeks ago) it was over a year late time
    Gary K
    Hi Adrian, just a quick update, I have been chasing up Andy, who now informs me my kit should be ready in early 2023. Still not an exact date but I feel it’s getting closer. Would you still like to be kept up to speed on the delivery process once things start to move?
    Cool, that would be great, I'm looking at some ready built ones now as Tornado prices are going up
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