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  • I wasn't aware prior to tonight, your qualifications and experience, to be able to pontificate on original parts..
    Always Au Jus mon ami... Favorite being a Rossini with a rich dark Madeira and peppercorn sauce. Mind you, I do like a Ribeye led naked on the plate too :)

    I'd try to second guess you but you'd just cheat :) :)
    How are you Keith? I'm so busy with every weekend and only getting a few days in the week at home. Have to have a small running repair done on 30th July which will stop me from driving for a week or so but it's got to be done. DTM is not a lot of fun - they are all so 'bayerische' if you follow my drift - totally lacking any sense of humour and reality. Oh well, I 'll start looking for work for 2009 very soon as I think another DTM season will send me up the wall. I actually fancy a change away from motor racing and want to get into film production but it may be an uphill struggle.
    Keep smiling - maybe we'll down a beer one day.
    Dave M
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