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  • Hi Lynn, I'm looking for a GTD40 VIN plate to be made up. Do you still do these? Based in the UK by the way.
    Hello Lynn, interested in FAV, JWA and FoMoCo plates, still available and how to handle? Best George
    Hello Lynn
    We are rebuilding an old KVA Mk III and would like to have som VIN badges made for the car.
    Do you stilll make these ?
    Claus A
    Thanks for your memories!
    Lynn, your posts have been the best info for a self-installer. I am just starting 2319 and your photos and recommendations have been a great help.
    Thanks for the efforts,
    hi lynn,
    do you still sell the gt40 vin plates? if so, interested in purchasing. please let me know, thanks in advance. :)
    Hi Lynn, I'd like to get the ford badges if your still making them?
    If not sorry to bother I see the dates on the posts and this may be far to late.
    I have a MK1 from the Fast Five movie that Fran from RCR built.
    Thanks, John Armstrong
    Hello Lynn
    If you still have these VIN plates available I would like to order two for my car please just as Ford Motor Company.
    My regards
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