A Big Hello from Poland!

Hi all,

My name is Tom, i'm otherwise known as rev2xs on the two Factory Five forums and i'm also the proud owner of the first, fully functioning and road legal GTM in Poland. Although, i also plan to eventually be the first owner of a fully functioning and road legal SL-C in Poland ;) Although, it'll probably be 2 years before i'll take the plunge and buy a kit. But i'm already researching the kit and finished car extensively, looking forward to the day when i have the SL-C kit in my garage.

What a wicked car though..

A little more background on me. I was born and raised in Australia to Polish immigrants. My background was in IT, specifically web testing and the misses and i decided to move to Poland in 2009. The first car i ever worked on was the GTM in fact. Prior to that, i had never touched a wrench let alone worked on a car. But man, what a learning curve the GTM was to build for a complete, total, mechanically impaired, moron rookie like me. I nearly lost my mind with that body. There where quite a few situations where i nearly threw in the towel and was about ready to scrap the GTM and have done with it. But i persevered and it got there in the end and the car is an absolute blast to drive. The crew at FFR where great too. I cant say a bad word about em. So at least those body work woes where relieved a little with great support from them.

Here are couple of pics of my GTM.

Hopefully, i'll eventually get the opportunity to upload a few pics of my SL-C kit in the future ;)

Thanks for the opportunity to rant about myself!

Welcome, Tom. That is a really nice GTM! Lots of attention to detail.

If you build an SLC, I think you'll be happily surprised with how much easier the body fitment and related work really is.