Aluminum chassis


Being a long time reader of this forum I have, as most people, tried to find a “kit” that fits my needs. After all this planning I have finally reached a stage where it seems feasible to place an order. Recently I have been more and more convinced that the RCR aluminum monocoque design is the best option. The build of one of these products will, unfortunately, not be as straight forward as I have hoped. A few days ago I spoke with a representative of the organization in Sweden that certificates amateur build vehicles. It became obvious that they are very restrictive with aluminum chassis and suspension parts. Their main arguments are related to fatigue, cracking and durability (many miles on the roads…). They are familiar with the fact that many big manufacturers are currently using aluminum in their chassis, but apparently they don’t automatically trust small series manufacturers.
With this background I would like to ask if someone could please provide any proof, data, argument, etc, that I can use to convince these people that such aluminum chassis is perfectly safe and durable? (The guy I spoke with asked about materials used and if the chassis was heat treated.)
Although the first answer was a NO, one should keep in mind that Sweden is one of few countries in Europe that actually permit amateur build vehicles to be used on public roads, so there might still be hope…

Thankful for any help.

email/pm me with a specific list and I will supply as much info as you need.

Detroit automotive engineers,International Structural engineers along with F1 fabricators have examined my chassis and data so we should be able to help you out
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Dear Fran,

Thank you for your quick reply. About 2-3 weeks ago I sent you two e-mails on this issue. I used the address on the RCR website. Maybe those mails got stuck in your spam filter? However, I will try to pm you instead.