ct registration

Ct now allows you to register your car as the year and model it most resembles. This is quite a wind fall. Because if you are allowed to register your car as a 1966 automobile you can put antique plates on the car thus limiting your tax evaluation to $500.00. I am currently paying $800 a year in taxes with an antique plate it would be $16.00.
this works fine for someone registering a new kit car. My problem is i registered my car before the public act 09-187 was introduced in 10/1/2009. So i have a designation of
being a 2006 composite. Apparently this number has been carved in stone and not changeable base on several phone calls to DMV. Does anyone know of anyone who has been successful in this endeavor and how they did it.
I'm about to go there in person armed with the law in writing and see what i can do to get this changed so i can change over to antique plats
Lloyd - I think you'll find the car still has to be designated "composite" in the make section. It will allow you to label it Ford GT40 in the model section. If you would PM me with the CT statute ifo you have, I'd would be very interested as I have already had this conversation with the DMV. It' s also supposed to allow you to get it inspected at any DMV with an inspection station but different offices will tell you no. go to Wethersfield. PS, would love to see the car. A.J.

here is the link to public act 09-187 look on page 32

I think i might just go to dmv armed with printout of the law, the car, title and registration and say how do we do this guys. I don't want to give them a way out and send me packing because i'm missing something.
I really don't care about the composite wording i'm looking to have the year changed to 1966 so i can put antique plates on it. I'm sure living in Cheshire with a reg blue license plate you feel the pain of town taxes

Aj what color is your car i'm surprised our paths haven't crossed at car shows.
mine is black with met black ghost stripes

here's a pic of my car. since that pic i've added 8 stack fuel injection


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