Monterey Historics Accomodations


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Anyone recommend some resonable accomodations in the area? I know, it's a bit late!
When you say reasonable, do you mean price-wise, luxury-wise, or what? I'm assuming we can rule out the Lodge at Pebble Beach, but other than that, what do you have in mind?

Check out the Colton Inn and see if it meets your needs. We can go up or down from there...

If you want to spend less money, book a room in Salinas. It'll be considerably less expensive that anything in the immediate Monterey area. It will be a just bit inland, though not an unreasonable and quite pleasant drive even in a rental.

Some other places to check out if the Monterey Peninsula is fully booked or too pricey:

<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Gilroy<LI>Morgan Hill<LI>Watsonville<LI>Aptos[/list]

These are a little farther away (up to maybe an hour's drive), but the room rates will be cheaper. I doubt you can find anything on the Monterey Peninsula for under $150/night or so at this point.
Oh yeah, and wwatch out if you're doing a web search for a place to stay. There's a place down in Southern California called Monterey Park, so you sometimes get invalid results when searching on Monterey.
Econologe/Salinas: $69/night Monday through Thurs, $99 Fri and Sat. Call direct. basic but clean. Not a bad drive, go right past Leguna Seca goin into Monteray/Carmel /2 hr. cb