More bad news for guys who want a ZF?

Hi all !

Just thought I'd share this ....

Just got new issue of HOT ROD (JULY 07). It seems as though Custom Guru Chip Foose, is finally going to build the "Hemisfear". 50 cars @ 300K. See page 44, anyway long story short is the cars are reported to come equipped with a "ZF type transaxle similar to a Pantera". I'm no transaxle expert, but the one pictured on page 52 looks like a 930 box not a ZF.

I bet Chip goes to the front of the line....


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I bet Chip goes to the front of the line....



Well, I asked Lloyd about it when we had lunch last week, and Lloyd told me that he lived across the street from Chip for years, and they were (and are) still beer-drinking buddies. Chip ordered 50 gearboxes, but he doesn't need them right away of course, so he got two more or less immediately, and the rest will mesh in behind the existing orders.

The initial surge in orders from Superformance customers has apparently tapered off, and he is rapidly catching up with demand.