Ron Earp
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  • Hi Ron,
    I´m 30 kilometers from Offenburg. Since 5 Years owning the superformance P2164, when you stay next time in Offenburg would be nice to give me an ring:
    07831 7474 or e-mail [email protected], perhaps we can meet and talk about the GT40.
    Regards Ulrich
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    Reactions: Ron Earp
    Ron Earp
    Ron Earp
    That would be fantastic! I know Offenburg and some of the surrounding towns pretty well. Last time I was over, end of August and September 2019, I was at the motorcycle races in Gengenbach. One of the races team I know some crew, and, our companies' machinist builds some of the 500cc engines used in the race series. Good fun but it was a very hot day!
    Hi Ron Sorry to bother you but my reply area (normal and Quick and this message as well) is restricted to about a 2 inch strip on the screen. Is this normal??
    Regards Allan
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