Newbe Introduction

Hello All-

This is my first hour surfing through the website. I'm here because I plan to own a GT40 within 2-3 years. I expect to spend the 1st year learning, reading about these cars as well as the replicas, lurking, and then asking specifics when I feel educated.

My high school years were my Ford years, all mustangs, all modified. I then bought a '69 corvette coupe, progressed through a number of these to my present ride, a modified '95 ZR-1, my showcar garage queen. I plan to sell the ZR-1 in 2 years and then seriously look to buy a GT40. I basically did the same when looking for the ZR-1, spent much time on the forums reading, questioning, then a year to find what I wanted.

I enjoy working on my cars, it's very difficult for me to not do something to them, hense, my attraction to the replicas. Actually, I should have left my ZR-1 pure stock for resale value but I have every original part & could return it. I don't chop-up nice cars or do stupid mods, I do whats been done before with the best products, info, and advise. Please see my "home page"(not up to date but close, Baer brake upgrade not shown) listed in my user CP by clicking my name.

I am a perfectionist as far as maintenance/records/and presentation of my cars. I drive them enough to keep them in good order, although I don't race them in any way. Yes, any GT40 I own will never get rained on.

With my ZR-1 I bought all the factory service manuals, necessary tools, as well as diagnostic scanners to service it myself. I would expect to do the same for the GT40.

Living in Montana has it's advantages. There are no emission tests what-so-ever. Really, no strict laws on any car modifications. I could run without cats but I went with a high flow brand that just makes it less noisy with good flow, and just good sense- for example.

Well, thats about it for my reason for being. Also, I'm probably willing to spend (+/-) 100K, in that ballpark, so keep that in mind when answering any questions below. I need a head start now. So, if anyone feels inclined, please reply to any part of any question below, and I thank you. I would appreciate any information on getting started here such as:

1) What are/is the best history book, looking for something short concise for a good entry level overall introduction covering a span of years, and pics of the different models etc. Any buyers guide type publications which list years/models and specifics would be great info. Any recommendations here.

2) Books/info/links on more current models/replicas. Cars I would want to own and drive within my stated price range.

3) Info on the downside of owning, eg. parts availability & prices, service locations if needed, maintenance/upkeep intervals, weak systems, user friendliness, many well known tuners out there?

4) General outright tips in models/years to stay away from. Things to look out for/check when examining a car?

5) Are there specialized tools that need to be bought for maintenance, diagnostic scanners? Do the cars usually come with the factory service manuals? Do the replicas have service manuals?

6) Tips on abrieviations, jargon, slang etc. used when talking about these cars?

If anyone answers part of these questions I'll be well off to a good start. I'm sure everyone has a good read to recommend for starters.

Thanks everyone for you suggestions, you probably won't see much of me from now on but I'll be lurking in your shadows and reading all your posts:D

Chris Kouba


If you're going to build a replica, then you've already found your best source of info for just about anything you'll need. Someone here has done, seen, tried, etc just about anything you're thinking and will usually freely chat about it.

If you're looking for info on real ones, the books by Ronnie Spain and Trevor Legate are excellent references. You can look them up and find them easily.

All of the manufacturers seem to have carved out their niche of GT40-ness. It seems like you have the appropriate attitude (not that it's up to me to judge) in that you're starting your research early. The best advice I can give you is to figure out your budget (seems like that's taken care of), figure out what drivetrain you want (start with the gearbox) and then see what mfrs support that configuration. Start pouring over build threads and studying pictures (web surfing is usually best) and see which of those mfrs appeal to you. GO VISIT THEM! Best $'s you'll spend in your quest and my opinion is that you're crazy not to. Place your order, wait patiently (good luck with that!) and then dive right in.

It won't be the same as Mustangs and Vettes as each individual car is different from the next. Each build is done by an individual (pro or am) and will be limited by budget and/or talent. It's up to your talent, budget and vision as to exactly where you want to take your car.

Best of luck and keep us posted,

Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen

I would like to commend you on an excellent introduction of yourself, your motivations and your thought process re: GT40s.

The many, many new members who have registered lately can take a good lesson from your example here!

Thanks and welcome aboard! The answers to all of your questions and more are here, so make good use of the search function in addition to the responses you'll receive from a great bunch of very helpful people here.
