No Richard, unfortunately it is not mine. I have a RCR Lola T70 MK3B coming. I have ordered a all aluminum Brodix BBC with Kinsler 8 stack EFI from PRESTIGE for it also . I have a new Ricardo 6 speed transaxle as well . I kinda feel like Johnny Cash “1 piece at a time”. I had Baer Brakes make up some custom calipers and a complete brake setup. I need to get a bunch of stuff to Fran so he can move forward, but work is being a pain in the butt. Between people being off for sick leave and coming back only to quit it’s really taking me away from things I want to do. Hopefully one day I will be posting pictures of my build and ultimately my completed car. Right now I’m living vicariously through Jim Albrights Lola build.
Thanks for asking.
Regards Brian