Specific part needed for 01X transmission (help)

Hello all,

I need some sourcing a part for a CAV GT40. The part I am looking for goes by a few names but from what I can tell from my research there most commonly referred to as a(n) stub axle, drive flange, or axle flange. It seats right into the transmission. I will post of a photo of this, any help y'all con provide as to what this is exactly and where I can source it will be greatly appreciated.




William, First off has there been a failure of the part? Details please. Regarding your question, a member on this forum was producing replacement stub axles that would fit CAV's if not mistaken. A search will probably reveal the thread. Dave Briggs maybe?
Hmmm, that's not sounding good. What serial number car is your CAV?

BTW, See David Briggs thread on CAV Stub Axles 9/4/2013.
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Sorry for double post.

The parts that I see in Audi's system all say something about 88mm and the dealer rep mentioned the 88mm aspect. I dont know what measurement that is for but I measured the largest point on my stub axle and I have 113mm on the outside, as in the area where it bolts to the axle.


I may be confused here but are you talking about the same part? I thought Dave's axle flanges were on the outer end of the axle through the upright/wheel bearing. It looks like William needs the inner flange that goes into the transmission which would be an Audi part.

If that's the case maybe Scott at Advanced Automation could help.

Dave's axle is pictured.


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That doesn't look like a Factory 01X cv stub, which would explain why it broke. I'd be willing to bet it's a custom piece. 01X stubs have provisions for a 88mm tripod style cv joint.