

Tom, with all due respect, you are full of it. You say "smoke and mirrors" WTF?

You posted a long list of everyone killed by Muslims since 1972!

These were your numbers! You were trying to show how murderous these Muslims in our country are.

All lined up like you posted, make it look like a large number. I'm sure that was your intent!

Well I added up YOUR numbers. Including 9-11 the total USA deaths 1972 to 2010 by your number was 3,079.

I then took the total number of murders in the USA for that same period. That number is 719,367.

If you do the math, that works out to Muslims being responsible for 4/1000 of one per cent of the Murders from 1972 to 2010. The same period!

Four One Thousands Of One Per Cent.

Tom I used your numbers, tell us where there is smoke and mirrors cause I do not see it!

These were Americans killed by terrorists. They obviously don't make any difference to you as you can come up with more people that died by other means. The families of the victims will be happy to know that they only represent 4/1000 of 1%. Good for you Jim. Goodbye.
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
I'm afraid fairly simple concepts elude poor Tom.

I guess he is a perfect Republican, just the demographic for Fox news. Don't think to much about what we say, just believe it! Oh and be sure to tell all your friends.

Teachers and for your life!

Yellow Journalism alive and well here in the USA.
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Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
C'mon Pete, you're much cleverer than that statement. You can't plant a topic "bomb" and then just dip in and out with soundbites.

Give me your whole considered opinion on the subject. Hell, make it 10 pages long, but don't just put in fatuous one liners and expect respect from your statement.
Not fatuous at all but fact. (sorry another one liner)
I'm afraid fairly simple concepts elude poor Tom.

I guess he is a perfect Republican, just the demographic for Fox news. Don't think to much about what we say, just believe it! Oh and be sure to tell all your friends.

Teachers and for your life!

Yellow Journalism alive and well here in the USA.

Jim, The murders were committed one at a time by different people in different places for varying reasons, probably very few if any for religious reasons. The terrorist acts were committed for the same reason by people of the same belief. Do you understand? This feels like explaining something to a slow child. Now try to think of a witty retort!

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Rather than witty retorts, try calling it a day - this thread is becoming a trifle acrimonious and in fact quite boring. I think we all know where we stand and no amount of crap like this changes anything. Carry on with private messages if you wish and I bet it lasts about five minutes.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
You are right David, but my original post said "this report is scary" I was wondering if it was factual or not.
Do you know if there are no go zones in Paris I.E. Places where it is not safe for non Muslims to go? Just trying to get the facts without the BS.
You are right David, but my original post said "this report is scary" I was wondering if it was factual or not.
Do you know if there are no go zones in Paris I.E. Places where it is not safe for non Muslims to go? Just trying to get the facts without the BS.

Just trying to get the facts without the BS?

Nah... I re-read your original post at least ten times looking for your intent within it, and getting facts about no go zones in Paris certainly wasn't part of it.

Sorry Pete, I'm just trying to get the facts without the BS.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter

There certainly are, much the same as in London and even here in leafy Buckinghamshire. A black youngster was kneecapped (shot in both knees) last week in High Wycombe - four miles away. Apparently black on black so probably of little interest. Even in the mid 70's there were areas I would not go in London and if I was passing though, I never stopped at any red lights. Similar to Buffalo, NY.
Every city has an area so no surprises there. I imagine even Brisbane has an area such as this.

Graham, I think Pete's question is in addition to rather than in the original but I can't be arsed searching back. Multi what? It's bollocks. Just thinking I drove through a shady area in High Wycombe yesterday and my daughter asked why I'd locked the doors and subsequently ran a red light. I felt an increase in the perceived threat level with approximately five mixed race and black hoodies, and if stopped by them, my plan was drive through them. This is almost a frequent occurence if you are stupid (Like me yesterday) to even go anywhere near.
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Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
I think the fallacy in Pete's original post that caused some of the consternation on the "other" side was why some seem to think that these "no go" zones are caused by virulent Muslim multiculturalism, rather than the same causes that have created "no go" zones in large cities since, well, we have had large cities: poverty, crime, joblessness, etc.

This symptom is being used to create more anti-Muslim hysteria rather than looking at the true causes of the "problem."
This is a piece I found to be very educational and help me gain a better understanding of Islam. Indeed my western logic and understanding did lead me to a misunderstanding of Islam and other world religions, especially with the term 'Taqiyya'. Take the time to listen and evaluate these three elements that cause confusion. Shari'a Law is in practice in the UK and ongoing injection into Germany and Sweden laws.

A group calling themselves "White Roses" created this video to inform non-Muslims about Islam. The name of this video is "Three Things About Islam."
White Roses is headquartered in Sweden . The name "White Roses" is based on a student resistance group "Die weiße Rose" in Nazi Germany . The group became known for an anonymous leaflet campaign, from June 1942 until February 1943, which called for active opposition to Adolf Hitler's regime.

I urge all of you to view this video and forward it to your email list. You may be familiar with the points made in this video but many Americans are not, either out of a desire to avoid confronting the problem or just simple ignorance of the crisis we face. It may not be possible to get the entire Dramatis Personae to acknowledge this Islamic road to perdition but those Americans, who just do not know out of ignorance, might find the learning experience worthwhile.

As a person who has spent lengthy time studying Islam I can tell you this video is one of the best I have seen. It’s
short and to the point and all those points are dead on!

Just thinking I drove through a shady area in High Wycombe yesterday and my daughter asked why I'd locked the doors and subsequently ran a red light. I felt an increase in the perceived threat level with approximately five mixed race and black hoodies, and if stopped by them, my plan was drive through them. This is almost a frequent occurence if you are stupid (Like me yesterday) to even go anywhere near.

In 1993 I moved to Warrington (between Liverpool and Manchester) from rural Devon were there was virtually no crime.

Two months later:-

The murder of James Patrick Bulger (16 March 1990[1] – 12 February 1993), a two-year-old boy from Kirkby, Merseyside, England, took place on 12 February 1993. Bulger was abducted, tortured and murdered by two 10-year-old boys, Robert Thompson (born 23 August 1982) and Jon Venables (born 13 August 1982).[2] Bulger disappeared on 12 February 1993 from the New Strand Shopping Centre, Bootle, while accompanying his mother. His mutilated body was found on a railway line in nearby Walton on 14 February. Thompson and Venables were charged on 20 February 1993 with the abduction and murder.

Thompson and Venables were found guilty of the murder of Bulger on 24 November 1993, making them the youngest convicted murderers in modern English history.

Three months later:-

At 11:58am on 20 March 1993, the telephone help charity The Samaritans received a coded message that an IRA bomb was going to be detonated outside the Boots shop in Liverpool, fifteen miles away from Warrington. Merseyside Police investigated, and also warned the Cheshire Constabulary (who patrolled Warrington) of the threat, but it was too late to evacuate. At 12:12pm two bombs exploded, one outside Boots on Bridge Street and one outside the Argos catalogue store. Eyewitnesses said that "the first explosion drove panicking shoppers into the path of the next blast just seconds later." Buses were organised to ferry people away from the scene and 20 paramedics and crews from 17 ambulances were sent to deal with the aftermath. It was later determined that the bombs had been placed inside cast-iron litter bins, causing large amounts of shrapnel.

Three-year-old Johnathan Ball died at the scene, while his babysitter survived. The second victim, 12-year-old Tim Parry, survived the impact with multiple injuries, but died on 25 March 1993 when doctors switched his life support machine off, having asked permission to do so from his family after a series of tests had found minimal brain activity. 54 other people were injured, four of them seriously.

Thirteen years later :-

Shafilea Ahmed , 17, went missing from home in Warrington in September 2003.

Her body was found in the River Kent in Cumbria in January 2004. No-one has ever been charged with her murder, but police did initially arrest her parents on suspicion of kidnap.

They believed it had been a so-called "honour killing" but the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) later concluded there was insufficient evidence.

Seventeen years later :-

Garry Newlove (5 November 1959 - 12 August 2007) was an English man beaten to death in August 2007 in the UK

Mr Newlove was attacked outside his house in Warrington, Cheshire, on 10 August 2007, having gone outside to confront a gang of youths who were vandalising his Renault Scenic car. He died in hospital two days later.

Three teenagers were arrested and charged with his murder on 14 August 2007 and remanded in custody. A fourth teenager was charged and remanded the next day and the fifth and final suspect was charged and remanded on 13 September.

This year :-

POLICE believe a man who was stabbed and strangled to death in his own home was murdered for his life savings.

Carl Chadwick, 40, known as “Dancing Carl”, who was found dead at his flat in Grasmere Avenue, Orford, Warrington, on Saturday, January 29, was widely known to keep cash at his home rather than in a bank account.

Detectives investigating his murder believe several thousand pounds may have been taken from the flat following his death.

A 39-year-old man, arrested last week, has been bailed until April.

So is really Muslims, mixed race and black hoodies I should fear ?
This is a piece I found to be very educational and help me gain a better understanding of Islam. Indeed my western logic and understanding did lead me to a misunderstanding of Islam and other world religions, especially with the term 'Taqiyya'. Take the time to listen and evaluate these three elements that cause confusion. Shari'a Law is in practice in the UK and ongoing injection into Germany and Sweden laws.

As a person who has spent lengthy time studying Islam I can tell you this video is one of the best I have seen. It’s
short and to the point and all those points are dead on!

"For every opinion or belief someone may hold there will be another party who just as stongly oppose that idea."

Although their opposition may be somewhat intense and not as slick as yours.:)

YouTube - My Response To "Three Things About Islam (A Mirror)"
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"For every opinion or belief someone may hold there will be another party who just as stongly oppose that idea."

Although their opposition may be somewhat intense and not as slick as yours.

YouTube - My Response To "Three Things About Islam (A Mirror)"

I did not say it was correct. I am not sick. Read and form your opinion is what I ask. Why start with the insults.
You referenced the you tube link you posted. While a rambling incoherent string of words from Ujames1978, it leaves me with a incomplete misunderstanding why the UK (your fair country) allows the insertion of Shari'a Law into one of the worlds greatest systems of laws?
I never stopped at any red lights. Similar to Buffalo, NY.


So YOU'RE the bastard that ran the light and cut me off! I didn't recognize you at the time.

Actually Buffalo has a fair amount of street crime, most gang/drug related. Not a lot of carjackings and random muggings, most shootings are "paybacks" or turf disputes with the scattered "girlfriend" drive-by. There are several areas of downtown I would not wander into day or night but most are safe to drive in.

There is a murder trial going on right now that involved a gunman shooting 8 people outside a city restaurant after a wedding party, 4 killed, 4 shot but recovered. The local paper got a lot of flak as they printed the criminal history of all 8 of the dead and injured. one had been shot twice previously. Either a questionable person of morals or VERY unlucky!

The procescuting attorney was trashed for calling the shooter "a human cockroach" howverer his street name is "Murder Mac" so you decide.........McCray Jury Will Deliberate on Thursday |
I did not say it was correct. I am not sick. Read and form your opinion is what I ask. Why start with the insults.
You referenced the you tube link you posted. While a rambling incoherent string of words from Ujames1978, it leaves me with a incomplete misunderstanding why the UK (your fair country) allows the insertion of Shari'a Law into one of the worlds greatest systems of laws?

Grady, he said slick, not sick dude...and besides, Nick isn't like that.
I did not say it was correct. I am not sick. Read and form your opinion is what I ask. Why start with the insults.
You referenced the you tube link you posted. While a rambling incoherent string of words from Ujames1978, it leaves me with a incomplete misunderstanding why the UK (your fair country) allows the insertion of Shari'a Law into one of the worlds greatest systems of laws?

Grady, I agree with you on the Sharia law part of your post completely. Ours is a nation that has long been proud of its systems of law and governance and as far as I am concerned there is NO place for sharia law, or Jewish law or ANY law other than the laws laid down by our judiciary. They do not hold to any religion and nor should they. The separation of church and state is weak enough as it is....
Can someone PLEASE tell me what JEWISH LAWS are in question or what the heck any of you are talking about in relation to JEWISH LAWS. Outside of the super orthodox (who do not affiliate with any other peoples unless you are giving them $ for one reason or another) I think that some one here are just spewing trash again. This coming from a convert from Christianity to Judaism over 25yrs ago I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!! Can one someone please educate me about my religion because this is the first time that I am hearing about JEWISH LAW and a problem with people of JEWISH FAITH asking for special laws to govern them? Actually I have NEVER heard of this and would be interested in the supporting facts behind this.
Can someone PLEASE tell me what JEWISH LAWS are in question or what the heck any of you are talking about in relation to JEWISH LAWS. Outside of the super orthodox (who do not affiliate with any other peoples unless you are giving them $ for one reason or another) I think that some one here are just spewing trash again. This coming from a convert from Christianity to Judaism over 25yrs ago I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!! Can one someone please educate me about my religion because this is the first time that I am hearing about JEWISH LAW and a problem with people of JEWISH FAITH asking for special laws to govern them? Actually I have NEVER heard of this and would be interested in the supporting facts behind this.

Gravy, Another can of worms you've opened!:laugh:

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

This thread was started by Pete, he posted this:

"I Don't know which side of the political fence CBN leans but this report is scary"

With it was a video that was made by Pat Robertsons Christian Broadcast Network.
The question, was is it believable.

For those of you who have been defending this tape, let me ask this question.

If Pete had posted a video about how scarry/murderous Christions are, and we found that the video was produced by the Muslim Brotherhood, would you believe it?

Would you be defending it?
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David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
I perceived a threat at that time yesterday. In 1976 I also perceived a threat in Brixton going into Camberwell - two of us in two seperate cars and the other guy was stopped by a group and I drove away. They didn't wear hoods in 1976 but Alan 'Jacks' Jackson never worked again as a result and is now wheelchair bound. I didn't realise he had been stopped until it was too late but I'm also unsure if I could have made a difference.