US Army Sgt Bergdhal, thoughts?

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
But think of the almost endless conspiracy theories Jim. More than enough to keep GT40s powered up for years to come!

By the way, I agree your hike in Pete's fine.

Pete, you are now fined 2 Paddock Points for the speling transgresion.

What! Jim offered to pay my fine not up it! :furious::furious:

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
"My claims of being a homosexual, bedwetting, necrophiliac with bad knees, back problems and frequent panic attacks in the draft physical fell on deaf ears. My efforts to alter my blood sugar by only eating bananas for a week before the physical also failed to affect the urine and blood samples. I was assured it would indicate I was diabetic or something." - Pat

As Pat's shrink, I can personally confirm he still has 'issues' in ALL those areas today!


As Pat's shrink, I can personally confirm he still has 'issues' in ALL those areas today!

Thanks for the support Larry, but as for my "issues" ... it depends. ;)


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"My claims of being a homosexual, bedwetting, necrophiliac with bad knees, back problems and frequent panic attacks in the draft physical fell on deaf ears. My efforts to alter my blood sugar by only eating bananas for a week before the physical also failed to affect the urine and blood samples. I was assured it would indicate I was diabetic or something." - Pat

that sort of reminds me of my physical before I got uniformed , I walked in sat when told and with out lifting his eyes from whatever he was reading said "how are you feeling" I said fine , and next I was dismissed.
a bit bewildered I asked the sergeant out side what's the story with the medical and he just laughed and said "simple son, you walked in without crutches, so you aint a cripple with bad feet, you didn't bump into anything so you aint blind, and you sat down when ordered so you aint deaf, welcome to the army boy".
I suppose there some logic in there somewhere.

cheers John

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
We had dick-heads like him (if what they are saying is true) in Vietnam too.. Put down their pieces and walked off into the woods.. Usually they were never heard from again. Some taken as POWs, some recovered as body-count, some never recovered and are part of the 1,600+ MIAs...
We had Dick (literally) for POTUS back then as well, but at least they were at least somewhat in tune with reality...
Now all the guys in Bergdhal's platoon are being painted by the administration as being the bad guys. Par for the course, screw up and call everyone else the bad guy.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
This is one Australian bloggers viewpoint on it.

If you watch the video of the exchange of five Taliban terrorists for one Sgt Bowe Bergdahl, you will notice Bergdahl blinking wildly. He wanted the Americans to believe he had been kept in the dark for long periods. He hadn’t been. How can you tell? Well, when he was spoken to, and needed to concentrate, he forgot to blink. Bergdahl was no captive of the Taliban, he was a collaborator.
Most captives are decapitated on video because the Americans have always refused to trade, but not this time.
And Obama has just told the Taliban: “In future, if you can capture a US soldier you can now trade that soldier for five terrorist prisoners”.
From now on that bodes well for the terrorist business and bodes poorly for any US soldier. Just how much more damage can Obama do before his second term is up?
Details will emerge next week that show not only did Bergdahl desert from his post but he actively instructed the Taliban in a new technique of IED construction.
Five years ago when Bergdahl “wandered” off into a Taliban encampment, six soldiers set out to find him. All six were gunned down and killed. Why wasn’t Bergdahl?
Soon after Bergdahl’s “capture” there was an increase in US military deaths due to an increase in IEDs of the new construction.
After three years the Taliban had no further use for him except as a bargaining tool for the release of their Guantanamo fellow terrorists.
Why has Bergdahl not been returned to his family? Because the military is about to water-board the truth out of the treacherous little bastard and when they do it will be another item to add to Barack Obama’s long list of shameful disasters.
Up until now his claims to fame were the Benghazi killings and his invasion of Libya (again without Congressional approval) his trouncing by Putin in Ukraine and elsewhere, his unabashed support of Syria’s Al Queda rebels, his support of the overthrown Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, alienating the US’s only ally left in the Middle East, Israel, leaving a debt of $17 trillion for the next Administration, describing the United States as “arrogant” and “dismissive”, to the French... where do you want to stop?
But Bergdahl scandal is set to eclipse all those!
Serious negotiations began for the “release” of Bergdahl 18 months ago. Congressional leaders wanted no part of it, so Obama bypassed Congress and used his executive power to seal a deal with the Taliban releasing five high-profile terrorist captives in return for Bergdahl.
Either Obama has an IQ of four or he is consciously imperilling the interests of the United States and endangering the lives of US soldiers.
With only a half term left in his tenure he now meets Tony Abbott, the first international leader to hear first-hand how he intends to green energise America.
Again bypassing Congress, he intends to harness the wind, the tides, the sun, the moon and the stars all by himself!
Ignoring the fact he has already wasted billions of taxpayer dollars gambling on “green” companies like Solyndra, NextEra, Ener1, Solar Trust and many others... all of which went bankrupt, is this sounding a little like Gillard’s $10 billion Clean Energy Finance Corporation? Hmmmm.
But this time there are at least 28 of 50 State Governors who will want Obama’s little black balls for breakfast.
There will be one thing missing at the next Presidential elections, that familiar chant of, “four more years”.
Larry Pickering.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Larry L. writes under the pseudonym Larry Pickering?

Wednesday 16 August 2006

All 306 British first world war soldiers executed for desertion or cowardice are to be pardoned, Des Browne, the defence secretary, will announce today.

For 90 years, families, friends and campaigners for the young soldiers have argued that their deaths were a stain on the reputation of Britain and the army.

24th Feb 1953

An amnesty for war-time deserters from the forces as part of the Coronation celebrations was announced by Mr Churchill in the House of Commons to-day. Those affected include 10,393 soldiers and 1,784 airmen. The Admiralty gives its total as 863.

It would apply to those who deserted between September 3, 1939 and August 15, 1945. The announcement was received with cheers.