1966 Superformance GT40 MKII p2116

I am not really following the ensuing dialog or maybe it's a debate, not sure....but as a future owner, I greatly appreciate Alan's posting the GT40 ads. Thanks Alan!

- Jeffrey
Randy, that is a beautiful car even if I am biased towards white! Hang tight on the asking price. The right buyer will come along sooner than later. Have you put an ad on CobraCountry?

No not yet, Cobra Country or Hemming's, Ebay gets everyone talking, it worked.

Good luck with the sale Randy, a great looking car worth every $ no doubt.

Kudos to you getting the car completed and sorted and into selling condition. Like most things in life the last 10% is the hardest...and where many people fall down because managing all the details is beyond their attention and intelligence. It took me about six months to get my CAV fully completed, and then I put 7,000 wonderful miles on it.

You're going to miss your SPF!

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
One that is still in pieces after 3 years... Maybe Al should sell to someone who would finish it?

Al, why don't you put yours on the market for say $100k? I don't know what condition it's in but it sounds like you have invested some money and work into it. My guess is it would sell fairly quickly even with it being a MkII. Maybe start at $120k and come down if you need to. My guess is you will say no... that you have much more in hard costs as well as labor into it and it is worth more. I think that could be said for most of us. Please stop taking one or two examples out of context and drawing broad and quite inaccurate conclusions. Since you clearly don't like the cars given the constant bashing and your inability to complete the one you have, please just sell, buy something you do like, and find another forum to complain on.


I have met a number of good friends here on this site and Alan is one of the best. He has a wealth of knowledge that comes in very handy. Perhap if he had not spent so much time helping me with my car he would be done with his, he is very close.

You should really try and limit your smarmy personal comments to the paddock. People come here for information, advice and encouragment, not to have their efforts belittled.

If it really is taking time to finish projects that bothers you, there is a long line of folks here who have taken considerably longer than Alan, many of them will never finish.

Mike, I guarantee you, none of them gives a s**t what you think!

Take it somewhere else!
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Lifetime Supporter
I am laughing at you Jim. Al starts a snarky thread to take shots at someone else's asking price for a car and you wish to lecture me about my tone on response? That is rich lol. Al is a complainer and quite possibly the most negative person on the site. I frankly wish he would follow through with his threats and just leave. Please be assured there are many who have shared with me similar thoughts. Let me explain something to you. You start a thread to take shots at someone else's sale of a car and I will call you out every time. Count on it.


Lifetime Supporter
Please start a different thread if you want to change the subject and focus of this gem of a thread. I will be happy to share with you my feelings on JimG.

Results positive. Experiment complete. Not that I really had any doubt about the outcome:

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
I am laughing at you Jim. Al starts a snarky thread to take shots at someone else's asking price for a car and you wish to lecture me about my tone on response? That is rich lol. Al is a complainer and quite possibly the most negative person on the site. I frankly wish he would follow through with his threats and just leave. Please be assured there are many who have shared with me similar thoughts. Let me explain something to you. You start a thread to take shots at someone else's sale of a car and I will call you out every time. Count on it.

Its apparent that you do understand that there is a big differance between a discussion about an ad, opinions of value and making personal attacks?

There is!

Differance of opinions are just fine.

Outside of the Paddock, what kind of person immediatly turns to personal attacks when they do not like the opinions of others?
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Mike, please stop sending me personal messages. If you cant say something here, perhaps you should not say it.


This is fantastic! :thumbsup:

Edit: But thought I'd better point out that GT40's Forum RULE 1 - still applies to the Paddock, so don't y'all think you can go on down there and be rude to y'all.

That is ALL.
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Re: 1966 Superformance GT40 MKII p2116e

Sorry, my mistake

No bad JuJu intended, just stating the facts. It was a Gulf wide tail car with some other options and was priced with a "don't want to wait?" price premium. Someone wanted it badly enough and saw enough value in the chassis at that price point.

Seymour Snerd

Lifetime Supporter
Re: 1966 Superformance GT40 MKII p2116e

Since my motives as the OP in this thread are being questioned, let me reiterate what I said in post 7:


I have been posting SPF ebay ads ever since noticing the bot was not picking them up as a favor to other forum members. When I read Randal's ad I did not know it was his, nor did I have any reasonable way to determine if it originated with a forum member. Even so, I was simply surprised to read that SPF roller prices were in 6 figures since I thought I would have remembered that announcement. So I asked for clarification, and quickly got a clear statement on current pricing. As far as I'm concerned that was a simple end to the issue. I'm sorry if Randal is upset that I inadvertently pointed out the discrepancy. It was not my intention to embarrass another forum member and I wish him luck in his sale, although I'm sorry to lose a comrade in the process.

On a note related to the morass that this thread subsequently sank into, I have about 7GB of high def video of the Goodwood GT40 race, but for obvious reasons am somewhat hesitant to post it any of it. Anyone have any suggestions for doing so without triggering an experience similar to the above?


What? And deprive all us decent forum members a viewing? C'mon Alan - we're your buddies - pretty please? (Well I am anyway) :)


Lifetime Supporter
Re: 1966 Superformance GT40 MKII p2116e

On a note related to the morass that this thread subsequently sank into, I have about 7GB of high def video of the Goodwood GT40 race, but for obvious reasons am somewhat hesitant to post it any of it. Anyone have any suggestions for doing so without triggering an experience similar to the above?

Stop being such a baby Al. To answer your question... easy! Don't start threads to take sarcastic shots at other's sales endeavors, forum member or not.